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af day Sat 13 Oct

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    af day Sat 13 Oct

    Saturday morning...wakey wakey time!!! how are you all today?
    Tea and coffee on the go ..some hot buttered toast too..I am nt partaking though..going to lose some weight..last night was blowout night ..curry and all the al..had Irn Bru instead!!so time to lose it.

    Spent quite a bit of time in the General forum yesterday run by JC..for those that havent been , its well worth a visit..certainly a good craic...there you go JC can I have my hat now :H:H

    Morning the Dublin duo are we today?Hows the other half today Molls?Joe not Satz!whats on the cards for today then?Satz wouldnt be nicking the rations Sunday mornig..theres nowt there!!

    good afternoon I reckon...Kuya..are you?didnt realise you were a Man United supporter with the red devil!:H
    what you up to today??

    Good morning pppq are you today? cuppa? there you go?ANy plans for over the weekend?Im out tomorrow...yes its Sunday!!but not till about 7/7.30.And would be stick with us

    Morning Lav..toast as well for you? boy talk about hands full..youve got the whole shebang there!!Part time spouse..what a great phrase!!

    Morning sounds like you had a nice relaxing day yesterday..sometimes its needed...get paper plates..thatll cut down on the mess making!So whats on the cards for the weekend??Take it you are back on the project on Monday?

    Morning are you?Pickled garlic? never tried it.Growing my own so Iwill give it a bash next year when its ready..whats the history behind the sword?Is that what you are into or just collect anything?

    Lills well who won?my money is on the ice cream!!! you ok?

    Turn...lovely to see you again....hows the freezing north?get some pics up so we can see it.As I said ..been watching gold divers in Alaska on telly and it shows winter coming in.

    Tel you what..why dont we..take a picture on Chrimble day of where we are and post it so that we can all see?doesnt have to be posted on Chrimble day..just taken anyone up for that??If so we can start a new thread nearer the time..Family dodgy pics

    Right thats me orf now..have a great one ,,and se you in the morning before I go out ??????
    Mick..the mad magic mushroom munching muppet...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Sat 13 Oct

    Howdy Mick MMMMM

    Great idea for the run in to Xmas, but you are not gonna like me in a bikini! GREENPEACE could get a call out and if I swim tides may be disrupted. LOL. But it would be nice to see what YOU all
    Was a man u supporter back in the UK, but then I grew up! Family from Salford was my excuse. It's all rugby here and whilst the ALL BLACKS are fecking awesome ( one of them is a client) it is a game I can only watch at the highest level.

    Looks like I have beaten Molly tonight. Hi Molly, good to hear you feeling better. Let it all hang out, girl.

    Satz are hard to pin down you little gadabout!

    PPQ, what's this I hear about leaving? Don't be yanking my chain, then you would have another addiction to quit

    CANTOO ...... We never seem to cross paths but I think it is because I am getting to bed a little earlier.

    Dinners ready, gotta go, these hips aren't gonna feed themselves.



      af day Sat 13 Oct

      Mornin Mick. Great idea on Crimbo Pics . Specially as I can show orf I'm in AUSTRALIA:goodjob:
      Yep the Satz gang on tour :yay:


        af day Sat 13 Oct

        Good morning Abbers!

        Happy Christening day Molly

        Good morning Mick, I'm counting on gallons of your coffee to get my rear in gear this morning
        I've had an incredibly busy few days but I think things are under control at this point. I had to take YB back to the hospital last evening after he suddenly developed a fever & an increase in pain. I left there at 12:30 this morning, finally got to bed at 2:15 this morning & was up by 6:30. He has been discharged from the hospital again after receiving IV antibiotics & pain relief overnight.
        So he's been fed & medicated & I've told him to go sit down somewhere while I go look for my life :H

        Greetings Satz, Kuya & everyone!
        I am grateful to be able to handle all this BS with no desire to drink or smoke my way through. I don't know how I would have handled these past few days hungover or worse

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af day Sat 13 Oct

          Quick check in for me. Read back to monday so somewhat caught up.

          HAPPY 100+ DAYS MICK!! You rock you know that? I love your daily opening posts!

          Glad to see all is well in daily AF world.

          I've been crazy busy with the 2 jobs, taking care of 5 elderly pets and doing my quilting and crocheting projects. Now that it gets dark by the time I get home, I feel like I've lost 2 or 3 hours to the day!!
          Still no new job, still looking. Still fighting financial problems but have no doubt I will win.

          It's cold but sunny here in Central New England. There was supposed to be a killing frost last nite but I think my little micro climate got missed. It is cold enough tho that the frog and fishies in my pond have gone down to the muck. I miss them!!

          Off to work I go. Take care everyone and fight the good fight. It's soooooo worth it to be AF no matter what life throws at you!!

          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            af day Sat 13 Oct

            Lavande;1391830 wrote: Good morning Abbers!

            Happy Christening day Molly

            Good morning Mick, I'm counting on gallons of your coffee to get my rear in gear this morning
            I've had an incredibly busy few days but I think things are under control at this point. I had to take YB back to the hospital last evening after he suddenly developed a fever & an increase in pain. I left there at 12:30 this morning, finally got to bed at 2:15 this morning & was up by 6:30. He has been discharged from the hospital again after receiving IV antibiotics & pain relief overnight.
            So he's been fed & medicated & I've told him to go sit down somewhere while I go look for my life :H

            Greetings Satz, Kuya & everyone!
            I am grateful to be able to handle all this BS with no desire to drink or smoke my way through. I don't know how I would have handled these past few days hungover or worse

            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
            God Lav you are a 'saint'.
            Hope you are appreciated for all you do
            My life is so simple & quite easy compared to lots of folks on here and it makes me count my blessings every day ..........
            Now sit down & have that coffee - and we'll have some of Molly's cake that she's been making ALL morning !!! :H:H


              af day Sat 13 Oct

              I am enjoying some pumpkin pie flavored coffee right now Satz
              I love all the holiday inspired flavored coffees.

              Next on my list is a granny nap :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day Sat 13 Oct

                Hello, Fabbies! I hope you are all having a good AF day.

                I think it would be fun to put up a few pics for Xmas! I am staying home and hosting this year, but that is fine with me. I usually travel to New York, and I'm looking forward to NOT driving anywhere but the grocery store!

                Lav, is your ex like mine? Doesn't pay you any mind unless something is needed and then forgets about you until the next time. Fortunately, my ex has remarried, so he is HER PROBLEM now. :H I did, however, clean out his apartment when he moved back overseas. I did get a TV and a small wall stereo out of it, however. That was a LONG time ago, fortunately, before the new wife.

                Glad that you're feeling better, Molly.

                Yeah, PPQ, I don't want to hear anything about your leaving either. Stay in here and stay safe. :h

                Hi to Kuya, Papmom, and Satz!

                Mighty Mike, thanks again for starting the day off for us with coffee and greetings.

                I will try to clean my house today, I will, I will, I will try to clean my house today. Don't know if I've convinced myself yet, but I'll keep trying....

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  af day Sat 13 Oct

                  mollyka;1391744 wrote: Was in good humour till I got to your wan with the Australia bit:H Mornin Mick Ky and ---- her
                  Great idea for the crimbo thingy - 'twould be good fun alright. Busy as a bee here getting cakes made for grandson's christening today so just a quick hi and bye for the mo. Feeling WAY better today so that's good yeah!!! Hopefully can jump in here later but the oven beckons!!
                  Shocking how jealousy can eat you up ??? :H:H


                    af day Sat 13 Oct

                    I love the Chrimbo photo idea, Mickster! Count me in, bah chrimbo bimbo!

                    Good to see you here, PapMom. I've been keeping up with you on the other thread - not stalking, of course! Just always interested in what you're up to. I draw a lot of strength from your resilient approach to dealing with life. You are inspirational.

                    Lav...what can I say? You are just special. I don't think I would treat YB with as much kindness as you. If I had a bad husband, I might just be tempted to let 'em stew in a dirty diaper for a bit....just because. YB is damn lucky he didn't marry me.

                    My darling daughter is swinging back by home for a few days before heading to the Lower 48 for a few months. I just love spending time with her - she makes my heart feel like it's going to burst with happiness.

                    Hugs to all the rest of you Fabulicious FABbanistas - go kick some AF butt this weekend.
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      af day Sat 13 Oct

                      Hi Turn!
                      Daughter time is the best
                      I hope you have a great visit!

                      Hi YahYah!
                      About YB - he's not my ex - he's my current.......
                      Just chooses to not live at home anymore :H
                      He has been on the serious, chronic depressive roller coaster for the past 18 years & has not been easy to deal with but I still hope he can/will pull his head out of his a$$ at some point. I am just keeping myself in the moment, not holding my breath or anything that dangerous
                      I can't help but feel a bit sorry for him but he needs to work himself out of his funk, I can't do that for him. Never expected to be in a situation like this but it is what it is......
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af day Sat 13 Oct

                        Lavande;1392040 wrote: Hi Turn!
                        Daughter time is the best
                        I hope you have a great visit!

                        Hi YahYah!
                        About YB - he's not my ex - he's my current.......
                        Just chooses to not live at home anymore :H
                        He has been on the serious, chronic depressive roller coaster for the past 18 years & has not been easy to deal with but I still hope he can/will pull his head out of his a$$ at some point. I am just keeping myself in the moment, not holding my breath or anything that dangerous
                        I can't help but feel a bit sorry for him but he needs to work himself out of his funk, I can't do that for him. Never expected to be in a situation like this but it is what it is......
                        I think I am like you in this respect LAV, I have had three 'fixer-uppers' in a row over the last 32 years. It is the mum/vet in me. I see a little bird with a broken wing and think aww I can make him all better. A friend said to me a few years back " you need to stop falling for potential, if they were gonna make it , they would have done so". But it is so hard when you see the inner person in pain.
                        In the end I was left with the 3 kids ( my gain) and a huge mortgage and my own drinking problem to deal with.

                        On a positive note is your man on all the supplements recommended for depression? They work wonders if people will take them long enough.


                          af day Sat 13 Oct

                          Kuya, YB is currently on medication but that's been a tricky thing with him over the past 10 years.
                          He had a psychiatrist diagnose & treat him after a spate of bad behavior in 2003 but he didn't stick with it long enough. His 2 brothers & sister all have their own behavior problems ~ it's seriously genetic
                          We've been together since ages 16 & 17, married young & raised two kids, both of us had great careers but then he jost lost self-control...let his skewed thinking take control. I'm not blaming him for my choice to self-medicate with wine but that's exactly what I did.
                          When he ran out of here quite unexpectedly 2 1/2 years ago I didn't even think about drinking or smoking. I just don't do that stuff anymore

                          I hope you are able to stay true to your new & improved self - it's totally worth the effort
                          I wouldn't be enjoying complete access to my three wonderful grandkids if I was still attached to a wine bottle!!!!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af day Sat 13 Oct

                            I know what you mean LAV, I am so enjoying my daughter's company nowadays. No irritability and not disappearing into the bottle. She is only 13 so we have time to build a good relationship before she goes into the world.

                            Also we have meaningful talks about drugs and alcohol. Her brother is a weed smoker and she has seen my struggle with alcohol. Hers will be an enlightened choice. Also smoking is now out of fashion in NZ so she has the best of chances, I think and deeply hope


                              af day Sat 13 Oct

                              heya Aberoooos from sea to shining sea.....

                              I'm a tad late for the coffee, so reckon I'll make a cup of green tea.

                              Depression is a biatch and it's so hard when you're in the hole as resistance does really appear futile. I'm very fortunate that mine goes away (at least 98%) just by being AF. yay!

                              Mick, I collect bladed weapons from throughout southeast Asia but mostly Moro pieces from southern Philippines, Indonesia, Sumatra and a couple from China, Burma and Thailand.
                              you're welcome to my little museum anytime! (I have lots of bandaids)

                              Turn, keep any eye on chat! I've been popping in and out looking to stir up some excitement.

                              ok now, off to that tea

                              be well everyone!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

