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af day Sunday 14 Oct

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    af day Sunday 14 Oct

    Morning all...well here we are again...daft o clock on a Sunday morning..Just looked outside and there is a heavy frost this morning too.Wrap up warm day today.S ohow are we all today? ok I hope .
    Tea and coffee available for anyone that is interested..but methinks anyone this side of the pond should be snuggled up still!!

    Morning or afternoon as it is with you ok?phoned Greenpeace theyre ok with the bikini shot for Chrimbo ..just need time and place notification for fleet alert!!!:H:H
    Relatives from Salford?not much of an excuse for being a red really is it?

    Morning Satz..hows yuo this fine..ish day?You not going to take Mrs McGinty to Oz with you too? She could flog home made cakes out there!!

    Oh hello Molls ..was just talking about you..ahem..How are you today?Still full of food are ye?Go out you go for a good run thatll sort you out!!!

    Morning Lav quick coffee for you? Well does peace reign once more or are you still in demand for all those various jobs and skills? You need some you time!! sounds better than Lav time!! Got to take my hat off to you..youve certsainly got my respect

    Papmom..lovely to see you are you doing? thank you for those words.Sorry there hasnt been much on the job front for you,but fingers crossed something will come up for you.You sound really positive so well done you star:happy:

    good morning YAH..and how are you?Noticed mood said what are you up to then?
    Cmon spill the beans !!

    turnagain hiya and how are you today?apart from sending us all the cold weather!!!Hope you really enjoy your time with your daughter

    Det...morning to nice collection..would certainly be nice to are you today?Seem to have picked up well so good on you.

    Cantoo...........yaaay welcome back!!!glad you enjoyed yourself but on a selfish note we missed you..nope missed nothing with the mushroom gig..its just the guessing gang working overtime!!As far as carb reduction goes...I have got a serious amount of that to do!!but I will! Grand Canyon would be my choice!!

    Right gotta go .. see you all later be good

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Sunday 14 Oct

    good Morning, Mick!!
    i was so surprised to see you here this a.m. so nice of you to start us out before heading off on your adventures. i had such a nice sleep in today-- very much needed.
    my mouth was watering reading about the curry. yummy!! i will also be starting a lower carb, generally healthier diet tomorrow. i'm leaving out all simple carbs and not eating any sorts-of after 4p.m. let's all get super fit before the christmas season so that we look fab in the photos!!

    i loved reading all the posts from yesterday and friday.
    all the daughter talk. i, too, feel so happy when i'm with my girls and they are definately the main reason for my wanting to stay on this af track.

    i don't have so much to say, i guess.
    just so nice to see you all.

    big hugs to everyone:l,


      af day Sunday 14 Oct

      Mornin Mick,
      You are probably gone orf by now to XXXXXX
      Is there travel involved ???
      Is it a train??
      Hot or Cold
      Hi life - yes I too am going to lose these 14 lbs I'm lugging about by December 16th when I go see my son who is in Oz 2 years without seeing his Mammy


        af day Sunday 14 Oct

        Afternoon Affers,

        Mick MMMMM when oh when will you put us out of this misery..... You are a tease, less I've missed summink and only I don't know.
        Yeah Salford ......should be Man City really but ........

        All good in NZ, usual spring day, shine rain wind shine wind rain. This a slow spring this year. Two years ago we were in the pool by now. Last summer was shite so hoping for a better one this year cos the only exercise I really enjoy is swimming (GREENPEACE permitting!)

        Satz....... You must be so excited bout your trip, when you leaving and for how long? Your son must be made meeting up with any of the undies while you are there?

        Molly... You sound like me with the calorie counting. I eat healthy food just toooooo much. Not sweet toothed though which is good re the alcohol thing.

        LC. How many daughters do you have. I have one and had her late in life but we are really close. She was on holiday the last two weeks and we stayed up late listening to music on her phone and watching music vids on the iPad. She keeps me young.
        Funny thing bout daughters is my incentive to quit is greater cos I feel more of the role model for her. Also feels more like a friend I am letting down than it did with my sons. They always seemed more annoyed than sad when I drank.she would be devastated if I were to start drinking again which gives me added impetus. And we do girly things together. I love my sons very much but it was/is just different. Even typing this makes me want to cry.

        Hey CANTOO, missed you girl. You coming to NZ? When? Have you been before? It has everything you love .... You will have a ball.

        Hula has not checked in since Thursday, hope she is OK. SUN -- hope you had a restful day again, remember human being not human doing :l

        Hey Shue, now you are quieter we must do chat with Turn again, last time was manic and a hoot.
        DET hope you are going from strength to strength and LAV I hope you have a less dramatic week with YB. Men eh, can't live with em, can't bitch and moan without em :H

        Anyhoos must away now



          af day Sunday 14 Oct

          Hi KY
          Heading December 16th - January 5th
          Yeah very exciting stuff - but I hope I don't get too overwhelmed

          On the calorie counting & Molls - SHE DOESN'T EVER COUNT CALORIES..... that's the annoying point .... she is as thin as a rake ......... and wouldn't know a carb if it bit her.
          Can that be explained by all these diet gurus - NO !!
          Whereas I have not had a cake or biscuit in 6 months and still lugging 14 lbs :argh:


            af day Sunday 14 Oct

            Tis a strange and unfair thing, but I always reckoned they got that saying wrong, cos OBVIOUSLY it should be.......... 'the survival of the fattest!'


              af day Sunday 14 Oct

              Good morning Abbers!

              Sitting here with my coffee cup watching the sun rise

              Mick, I am no saint (obviously) but I do have a great deal of compassion for people, animals, plants, etc :H
              I can not kick someone when they are down, just can't do that so here I am in a totally weird & unexpected place in my life but it's not all that bad, could be a lot worse Happy mushroom picking!

              Greetings kuya, life, satz, Molly & everyone!
              I am planning on doing as little as possible today but we all know how that usually works out!
              Wishing a wonderful AF Sunday to one & all.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day Sunday 14 Oct

                Hi all just stopped for quick break......nope doent involve trains satz...see you all later
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af day Sunday 14 Oct

                  Good Morning everyone and Mick thanks for the coffee.

                  Had a dose of reality thrown in my face yesterday and it got me thinking about the future and how insecure I still really am. Course the insecurity feelings led to the fear of the future and man I felt like I was right back to the day I decided AL had to go. Don't know if that make sense, suffice it to say I wasn't a very happy camper yesterday.

                  Today's a new day and I'm going to work on being positive and coming up with a plan to deal with my insecurities. At least today I can feel proud because it's day 60 AF for me. It only took me 107 days to make it but I did it.

                  Will check in later but for now have a great AF Sunday all and all to come.....PPQ


                    af day Sunday 14 Oct

                    porqoui - congratulations on your magical 60 days! Enjoy the hard work you've done. I hope things sort out for you.
                    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                      af day Sunday 14 Oct

                      porqoui;1392232 wrote: Good Morning everyone and Mick thanks for the coffee.

                      Had a dose of reality thrown in my face yesterday and it got me thinking about the future and how insecure I still really am. Course the insecurity feelings led to the fear of the future and man I felt like I was right back to the day I decided AL had to go. Don't know if that make sense, suffice it to say I wasn't a very happy camper yesterday.

                      Today's a new day and I'm going to work on being positive and coming up with a plan to deal with my insecurities. At least today I can feel proud because it's day 60 AF for me. It only took me 107 days to make it but I did it.

                      Will check in later but for now have a great AF Sunday all and all to come.....PPQ
                      :goodjob: :wave:
                      Fabulous job on those 60 days my friend. I hope you can find some much deserved peace and security in the knowledge you did that. YOU all YOU. Regardless of what the future holds, you had the strength to get there and you can go even further if you just keep going ... Well done you! L xx


                        af day Sunday 14 Oct

                        I will second what Lilly said.

                        Congratulations PPPQ!
                        AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                        "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                          af day Sunday 14 Oct

                          Way to go Porquoi! If I was wearing a button-down shirt today....all the buttons would've popped right off when I heard this great news.

                          Look how much you've grown and healed. And, AF life just gets better, so you've got more great things to look forward to!
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            af day Sunday 14 Oct

                            hey PPPQ!! way to go on 60 days. wonderful, it is. you're such a strong person and are doing such a great job-- i think you'll find ways to deal with the insecurities. it's difficult to keep them in perspective, i know, but, damn, that always seems to help me. to find a way to look at them realistically and honestly-- and usually they're either weaker than i'd imagined or they're things i have absolutely no control over anyway -- big hugs:l
                            Kuya, i feel the same as you as far as trying to be the best role model i can--my girls are almost 8 and almost 11. and i hear you about the friendship thing. i don't have boys so i can't compare, but we are all so close. they haven't yet been able to really put into words what's different about me when i drink-- and i don't think they knew it was because of al-- but it was definately coming on fast. i hate the guilt -- i'm so glad to have it gone.
                            Molly, my mom is also across the atlantic and i'd say we're closer than ever, too. how old is your daughter? do you get to see her sometimes?
                            Lav, i'm really amazed at your compassion for your YB. he is one lucky person to have you. i hope your day ends up being quiet as planned. that is necessary every now and again, isn't it?
                            hi Satz!! i'm with you on losing the pounds-- or at least firming up the flab. i'd like to fit into an old pair of jeans i have--

                            a big Hello and hugs to Lilly, Nurdl, Cantoo, Shoe, Turn, Det, Yah, Sunflower, Pap!( i've also been not-stalking you on the other thread. i'm happy to see you here and to hear you're staying strong) and everyone else to come!!


                              af day Sunday 14 Oct

                              PPPQ........Congratulations on 60...well done matters not a jot how long it took to get there got for insecurities..we all get them..the point is whether you were drinking or not, you would still get them..there is not one person on ths thread can say they do not get insecure over something...its the dealing with them that counts..and you can do that So well done..if you need me you know where get into that p store and grab a weeks supply :happy::wd::banana:
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

