Anyway how is the rest of the world today? Coffee and tea on the go ...lost 3lbs in the last 2 days..yep chopped my hand off!! :H
And a very good morning to you Molls..I trust this day finds you in the best of health?see I can be posh too!So what you up to today then ? lates is it?Whats this about building bridges?thought yous were good at laying tar and roads and things not bridge building!!:H
Hope it goes well for you

Morning /aft Kuya..yep still bucketing down here ..deep its blowing a hooley too so that makes it worse! What are you doing with your self today? anything exciting?
Morning ppq...glad you are ready to crack on with the week you'll be fine you see.speshully with a pocket full of p s!!
Good morning are you this morning?Calm serene day is it?Im running about like a mad un at the moment..12 million jobs to do and minutes to do it in..womans work is never done!!!:H Brew time..there you go..what are you up to today ?
Mornig Nurdl and the scary dog farter are you both today?
Morn Satzy..and how are things in the land of the criminally insane today???Full day in the workhouse is it?Got to get that holiday money somehow!!!Just remind us where and when you are going..we may forget....not!!!
Morning Det ..take it you'll be on the road by the time you read this hope all is ok and it aint too stressful teaching a new group
Good morning are you today?Even after such a long time the drink issue is still there ..just shows cant ever let your guard down...Kepp your head up :l
Morning blonde. BAFA .nope we havent met ..but nice to meet you definitely more than welcome here...Yes it is great to feel in charge and not be hung over so many never thought I could get to that stage!!Anyway cmon in and grab a brew
Kas..welcome..out of the dungeon are you? nice to see you..what have you been up to?
Lills...morning my mate down under..sad to hear it went a bit pear can do did it before so cmon..get your arse in gear and lets steps first..we aint letting you go anywhere.. so sorry but you need to join in too!!! We want to see your Chrissy pic on this thread too so thats that

Right off to the garage to give the man lots of you know how much that hurts a Jock???
Take care all