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sunday morning

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    sunday morning

    hello everyone - went out last night to se a band wh were amazing and drank diet coke all night -hurrah!Didn't even missi t to be honest,feel so much better.
    xcept think i had too much caffeine, trying to lose wight so don't want tdrink fruit jjuiceor lemonade.
    May hve to stick to lime and soda I think for a bit.
    anyway good to be up, putting some music on my i pod and then off for a run adn outto olunch with friends,maybecinema later - fab.
    hope all have a gdo day
    accountable - I think you are being so strong, selfless and showing real character. xx
    one day at a time

    sunday morning

    Good Morning!
    Good for you Bear! Glad your night went well - and enjoy your run.
    I'm going to church early today and then I'm running errands and cleaning my house.
    I've dug out my ipod in the hopes of actually using it. I got these new earphones that are wireless and I'm hoping they work for me. Thoes things you put in your ears just kill me!

    Going to the gym today too. I think my new goal will be to first walk a 10K and then work up to a half marathon. I think I kind of need a goal to work towards.

    Happy Sunday - hope everyone is waking up feeling good this morning.


      sunday morning

      Good morning lisa and bear. You both sound so good I am so proud of you. I say Hi to all to come later today. It is Sunday so I thought of my MWO gang and I wish everyone here who has taken from the smallest steps to giant leaps all the best. I am saying a little something for each and everyone who comes to this site today.

      All my love,


        sunday morning

        Hello there, bear, glad you had a good night - SEE! Can be done! Onwards and upwards... Afternoon Lisa and Sammys.

        Accountable, I was really moved by your post yesterday. I'm a mum of 3. Your situation is really hard and I admire your grit and determination.

        Well, I hosted a dinner thing here last night - 8 of us, 8 bottles of wine drunk and none by me! Yes, yes, yes!!! Watched people getting more slurry and opinionated and thought it was rather interesting. Didn't enjoy the evening any less, and in fact it made the whole cooking and hostessing thing a lot less stressful. Fantastic to wake up feeling human on a Sunday morning.

        Husband getting a bit worried - said, nervously, "you ARE going to drink again aren't you?". Actually, I'm finding being AF so enjoyable (for now, let's not get too smug here katykins) that I'm wondering what the point of mods is?

        Anyway, happ Sunday to you all, Kate (day 6 and counting)


          sunday morning

          what an inspiration you are Kate.. i have a family do next friday and usually i would have at least 3 large wines. i really want to not have any BUT to enjoy myself being Af...bought a new top,got some new make up at the ready..hope to arrive and LEAVE looking classy...not an alcohol flush in sight and no unexpected mood changes either.

          i,m on day 14 AF and its ok but there are moments when i think oh yes i would love a couple of wines...i would like to moderate .

          my worst drinking times are when i go out with certain drinking friends,,,old habits die hard and i sink a bottle of wine.the rst of my pattern would be nearly a bottle of wine some nights and maybe 2 AF nights in a week.

          certainly the alcohol free days were less than the drinking days.

          i drink after 9pm and can start any time prior to bed time around 11pm.

          i actually enjoy a couple of wines and the buzz ..but the danger is if i get to three i can become argumentative...not aggressive, or melancholy and emotional.

          Its funny how emotions are more controllable without a drink. anything simmering under the surface comes to light in ugly ways when we drink dont you think.

          i once knew an old guy who told me the ugliest sight is to see a lady drunk!!thankfully i was sober and working when he shared this comment. HOWEVER i have looked in the mirror after a few drinks and boy was he right!!

          Good luck and i hope to moderate one day but for now no alcohol today and lets see how tomorrow goes...i will never get smug and in church i prayed hard for all fellow addicts.

          i do think if i didnt have this cross to bear i would be a non compassionate judgemental person so maybe ithe adiction keeps me grounded.

          Bye for now CASSY


            sunday morning

            HI there absville,

            I am cross posting today. Hope you do not mind.

            Lisa, I would love feedback on your new headphones after you use them. The ones I have kill me ears too and I really need something more comfortable at night when listening to the hypno CDs.

            And Cassy, what you said is so true about how this addiction has made you a more compassionate person. I was just saying this to a friend last week; that because of my struggles I have much more compassion and empathy for anyone who has addiction issues, who is morbidly obese, or just for people in general. Who would have thought this addiction that causes us such emotional turmoil could actually have a silver lining to it?

            Awesome job to all of you and your AF days!! Have a great hangover-free Sunday!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              sunday morning

              Afternoon all,

              I am back on day 2 ... wanted to start out March nice and strong, but at least I am starting!! Lots of stress this week - afraid I am losing my job and anxiety abounds. Time to start getting out the resume - and really I should be spending this whole night getting work done for tomorrow. Well, at least I am determined to be sober throught this whole ordeal, if it happens.

              Congrats to all who have been maintaing AF and those who are starting off. I will join you in a walking goal Lisa, but my knees are shot! Hope you had a great run!

              Hugs to all,


                sunday morning

                Just popping in to say "Hello" to all....
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  sunday morning

                  good evening to all in absville!!

                  Hi there, hope all is well w/ everyone........Kate and Bear, you are both such inspirations....................Cassy, Sammys, Lush, Pansy( I hpoe you don't lose your job:upset: that is something that almost could have happened to me) and seabreeze you are too, and I am very glad to be part of such a determined and successful crowd!!:good:

                  I have 14 days too, and I don't know if I could handle having a dinner party as of yet....thank GOD I don't have any planned yet :wd:

                  Well , going to have dinner w/ family and then journal, watch some TV, then turn in for bed................SOBER :yay:


                  Mary Anne


                    sunday morning

                    Good evening Abs!

                    Well the weekend is coming to a close. :upset: Have to start work tomorrow and will have some SERIOUS posting withdrawals. Do they prescribe a pill for this??? :H

                    My weekend was fantastic. Visit from ex was amazing to say the least. I think it was the first time ever we actually had a bunch of conversations that did not result in heated arguements. He played with our daughter and made her feel like his kid for once. I was shocked. I am so happy it went well. I breath a sigh of relief. He said he would like to visit more often - and I see no problem with it as long as the visits remain pleasant.

                    Other than that I really have nothing else to say. I should go and start cooking some dinner.

                    Have a great Sunday!! :h


                      sunday morning

                      Accountable - happy for you. That is all good news. Sleep well.



                        sunday morning

                        Bear, that is great to hear! What band did you see if I may ask? I can't wait to go see a band sober. I wonder what it will be like. Last few times, I was both drunk and stoned. What a waste. I can't remember half of it later on. What's the point of doing that? I don't know. I'm with you on the fruity drinks too. Way too much sugar.
                        where does this go?


                          sunday morning

                          Great job Accountable on how you navigated that whole visit.
                          Enlightened by MWO

