But here's another reminder of why this shit is hard. A friend just texted me saying 'Hey let's go get a drink tonight. I'm in your neighbourhood' - this friend has no idea I've quit drinking.
It's bloody relentless and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dreading the festive (read: drunken) season. This is something it'd be great to discuss in coming weeks - strategies for dealing with all the holiday parties Al free. I have made plans to go away for Chrissy with a friend who does drink but who is very supportive when I'm not drinking and that was part of the reason I made the plan to begin with. I'd love to hide out and avoid NYE altogether (which I hate anyway) but I can't as I have a cousin visiting from overseas. I haven't told him about the drinking thing yet but I anticipate him being supportive even though he also drinks - so shouldn't be too bad. He wants to see the fireworks. Other friends asked already about a whole lot of us going out and I was just like "no - can't do it". New Year's is my least favourite holiday of the entire year - I just think the whole thing is a bit stupid and stressful and it's the worst night to be out with all the drunken fuckwits - so out in bars sober on NYE? Hell no.
What are other people's plans/strategies for the hols?