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Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

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    Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

    G'day Absville,

    Or should I say - Good Morning Vietnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam,

    Hanoi's cloudy this morning. But at least it's 26 Celsius. That's one bonus. Ooops, no, the sun is coming out now. So there! I'm in a great mood. Had a great Saturday and Sunday. Did my usually volunteer work with the Deaf community, so it takes my mind off my own worries. It's great to give, and not sit at home and feel sorry for oneself. But really, life has been so great over the past 6 weeks being on Topa, and having experienced the effect of not having had the cravings that I had nothing to complain about (apart from the odd side-effects, which have all but disappeared now - I'm on 175 mgs, by the way).

    Anyway, hope life is treating you well. Hope the weekend wasn't too hard on you and hasn't deal you too many setbacks. Remember, it's a new week, it's a new start.

    Your mate from this side of the globe who's up while most of you guys are still sleeping soundly zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

    Hello, and have a good day Paddy, just going to bed here. What the hell time is it here anyways. Geez, you got up early I hope. I have not stayed up all nite partying people. Paddy will check in later.



      Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

      Hey....did I hear Robin Willams over here?

      Ohhhhhh its just Paddy!
      Hi Paddy!

      MONEY is the root of all evil......or rather the love of money! Not Monday!Silly !
      Its still Sunday night here. Just wanted to say hello before I trot off to beddy bye!
      Have a great day and I'll see you in the morning!

      :h Nancy
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

        Happy Monday everyone.
        I've not been looking forward to today for a while.
        My boss is off for a week. He's going to Italy to watch Celtic play AC Milan.
        While he's off, I'll be in charge.
        I hate it. It's not the responsibility, it's just the extra pressure that I put myself under. Silly, I know, but there you go.
        Anyway, I hope that you all have a great week.


          Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

          I fully understand that! I'm number two here two. When I'm in charge, I feel how things are slacking. Local staff come in late. I have to raise my voice, which I don't usually do, but I have to. It's like, come on people. Do I have to remind you that work has be be done? I want to go home too!

          Anyway, Popeye, come one! Pop some extra spinach. Leave Olive alone for a week and save your strength for the working week ahead, ha, ha.

          Catch ya - by the way, next week will be my turn again - I'll be the captain of the ship. But the reward will be that I'm on homeleave to Europe for two weeks!
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

            happy Monday everyone

            my challenge for today is to get some bloody work done and not spend my day surfing this site...

            off to the gym for a quick Bodypump and then the paperwork begins.. groan. Still this is day 7 AF for me so am happy as can be, the sun is shining and the daffodils are out in my garden.

            gday all, Kate x


              Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

              Good Morning...........

              Hi Paddy, Popeye, Kate, Southernbelle and Sammys!! Good job everyone!!:thumbs: I am off to a very busy and stressful week like most of you, but, like Paddy, can appreciate my awesome weekend too!! Wouldn't have happened if I was wasted and drinking!!

              Everyone hang in there, Popeye and Paddy, know your greif of managing an office! Did it for 3 years and SWORE I will never add that stress to my life again (I guess for only 1 week, I could handle it??!!) But for now (and the past 3 years)I am just a little "nobody, worker bee" and I like it that is very humbling after being the "head hauncho" for years!!:H

              Lots of love, have an AWESOME day everyone!!!!!!!

              Mary Anne


                Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                Happy Monday to everyone too!

                'Fraid it's back to work for me after a week's break - but what a week! Joined this site, been AF for 6 days, have worked out a training program, enjoyed time with the kids, even socialised quite happily with no alcohol involved! GREAT feeling, so I'm with you, Paddy! - Just need to keep it up now and break the old routine - work, home, drink...

                Have a great week everyone!
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                  Hi Everyone, This is day 9 for me. Feel pretty good. Having some definite moments of cravings that are pretty strong but riding them out. Have a great day everyone! Aquamarine
                  AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                    Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                    Its a new day and a new beginning we can do this I plan on having a good day but if not i will take a deep breath and start the moment all over again as often as i need to .gotta go to work hope to hear from ya all later.


                      Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                      Hello All!

                      just wanted to say:
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                        Greeting to all

                        Wish you all a great week!!
                        Control the Mind


                          Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                          Hi everyone - god I've been grumpy today - mind you so has every single peron who called work today.
                          anyway I am free now, after nice walk home with i pod - just missed a tonne of rain which looks like it's going to fall any second.
                          Had af day yesterday went to puib for food, cinema and then bakc to bar to listen to some DJs slept badly yesterday.
                          cut down on caffeine today though just 3 coffees whcih is really my limit and a couple of teas - tonnes of water as usual.
                          lazy night in with book , long bath and hair dying and maybe some rubbish tv. trying to cut dow non t - well meaningless stuff that si just on - not things i actually want to watch.
                          anyway have a good monday all
                          one day at a time


                            Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                            Hi y'all! I have been reading some of the other boards and had to stop reading posts on MODS. I just can't think that way right now - not even a little bit. I get a lot of inspiration from AF posts. That is what I have to concentrate on right now.

                            It's day 2 for me, and my goal is to be completely AF - there is not correct number of drinks for this body except ZERO! Believe me I have tried..

                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Mondays are the root of all evil - 5 March 07

                              Good afternoon Abs!

                              My first real day of work - totally exhausted. Slept like crap last night. Probably nerves. Feel really edgy and kind of depressed today too - dunno, just par for the course I guess. I am not one for change (not like I havent had enough of it lately LOL!) and I guess having to dump my child off at daycare today saddened me a tad. I wish I were rich! :H

                              Glad to see a bunch of new people on the ABS board. Good stuff!

                              Have a wonderful Monday!

