Anyway on with the show...yep before I forget, I am out early tomorrow..tis Sunday my day of whatever

tea and coffee on the go just sideline carbs though, so far I have dropped 4lbs this week, so got to keep at it
Morning KY .its me..the thread starter..the same one as yesterday, but not the same one as the day before, but bearing in mind the time diff this morning thread that you are reading this aft is written by the same person as 3 and a half days ago, but not the same one as 2 and a half days :H As far s the personal attacks go..appreciate it is quite easy for someone to sit and type crap and then ping it off into the big blue yonder as opposed to saying it to your face-there is no physical way you can get back at them,so I know it is difficult but the bottom line is to assess their impact on your they affect you and they have a physical bearing on your well being..can they help you in achieving your goal ?No... then why bother with them tell them to go away in short sharp jerky movements!!
morning PPQ...and how is your weekend of change?tell me ..what does that involve?is it a physical change or mental approach or strategy?ok here is a cuppa before you answer that one!Well did the snow come?are you snowbound or just wee flakes?Even though you are working have a good time ..oh and dont work too hard!!
Top o the mornin Molls..hows things over there in the green valleys of Erin?More to the point hows you...calm serene and peaceful as per norm I presume :H what you up to today?As for being bolsie..dont belive that for one minute..Mrs Stalin
morning BAFA, how are you today? that sounds absolutely by the of my dreams, hope it goes well for you!! Huh ,at least the rain you get is warm!!So your ancestors came from Jockland?tell you we can get where water cant !!
Yes it is a lovely place..though last time I was there I wasnt so keen got nicked for speeding!!
Morning are you today ma'am? cuppa coming up for you..Well is it a lazy weekend for you or worktime?..whatever it is enjoy.
good morning Kas..nice to see talk about siloed working!! thats some set up Appreciate sometimes we like to be on our own..though not so sure I would want to that extent!!What are yo up to this weekend? Kas stuff or work?
Morning are you? glad you are feeling better and more positive,and thanks for the thoughts..speaking of which..every time I see your name takes me back to when I was a wean back home? remember the sausage song?...
I had a sausage ,
a bonny heelan sausage and a put in the oven for me tea
Ah went oot intae the lobby,
Tae meet ma Uncle Bobby
And the sausage ran after me..
My ma used to sing that to me when I was but a mere kid...........ok,ok i was 27 :H:H
No Im not on drugs!!!..mad ?perhaps!!
Hiya are you ?Did you enjoy your Friday"off"..Best of luck on the trail of the lonesome pine..dont drop yourself in the s...!!
morning are you?Yep pretty sure we have all done the drunk parties..and indeed the getting ready for them..the quick swigs from the bottle as you were getting ready..then a few more!!
D o you know its sometimes the simple things about not drinking that give you the most instance..I was at the airport early doors this morning..Fri night Sat morning..Ididnt have to sit and think..shit cant have a drink tonight and get all moody about it, didnt have to worry that because I had a drink would it show on a breathalyser, didnt have to count back and work out..would I be under,,was I fit to was almost as if "ok its early Sat morning,I am driving down he motorway on my own..go on stop me!!!"
right boozebusters, time to go..big shout to all not here..Shue Lills et al take care have a great weekend