Id like to take credit for remembering it by rote, but I had to look it up. Yes, it gets us all misty eyed here as well. Well me anyway. My heathen children are canucks like me i fear. Being female I have no right to wear the tartan or so they say. That was WWII for you. All those Canadian pilots hanging around the north of England sweeping Scots girls on their feet, they being at first teaching jobs away from home. My mom was a war bride. And on to the boat with a sniveling halfbreed (my brother). She was an alcoholic to boot. So yeah I had all the ancient rhymes and the crappit haeds for supper. And every night she drank too much rye whiskey after my dad left her when I was ten (Blech!).
No announcement yet.
af day Sat 20 Oct
af day Sat 20 Oct
Id like to take credit for remembering it by rote, but I had to look it up. Yes, it gets us all misty eyed here as well. Well me anyway. My heathen children are canucks like me i fear. Being female I have no right to wear the tartan or so they say. That was WWII for you. All those Canadian pilots hanging around the north of England sweeping Scots girls on their feet, they being at first teaching jobs away from home. My mom was a war bride. And on to the boat with a sniveling halfbreed (my brother). She was an alcoholic to boot. So yeah I had all the ancient rhymes and the crappit haeds for supper. And every night she drank too much rye whiskey after my dad left her when I was ten (Blech!).Kaslo
Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
Status: Happy:h
af day Sat 20 Oct
Happy AF Saturday EVERYONE.
Yes northern Alberta has welcomed in winter 2012 ever so gently. The flurries this morning made hiking 16km a little wet but just cool enough that we didn't have to de-layer. Hopefully I'll have a picture of a moose to upload on Monday (can't seem to do it from my iPad).
Have been told that tomoorow's hike could also take 4 hours, but we will have the beautiful Alberta blue sky. No big wildlife on this one, it's a trail within the city. Maybe a coyote or fox.
You are so right PPQ, the sun and the sky are wonderful here. Hey, you might have a good idea there. I have 'that' whole week off.... Red Deer is about 1/2 way.... Something to think about.
KY - good work on the :disco: (and the flirting) last night, especially with all the BS.
Life - if your going to go low carb make sure you get enough fats like coconut oil or keep a sweet potato around in case you crash.
Mick - nice job on the 4lbs! Same for you on the carb thing. L-glutamine and this inositol powder have been life savers on the carb craving and mood stabilizing for me. Hmmm do you volenteer at a Veteran's centre hundreds of miles away on Sunday's?
Kas - yes lovin the no hangover weekends!
Well I must be off. Time to feed the kid ( who is also lovin these AF days as I cook again)
Stay close and stay safe everyone.
CTAF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:
"Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."
af day Sat 20 Oct
Pooped out from my trip.
LC....I do think having kids makes such a difference. How many times was I going trick or treating with a drink in my hand (which is the norm here....but, they have 1....I have 10),
drinking setting up the tree.....and the hangover on Christmas morning....when I should be fully enjoying my kids excitement. For me the holidays actually inspire me to continue being sober.
Mick....about the holiday parties or any party....I never pre-drank until I went to AA. The idea never even crossed my mind.....until I learned about it there...and thought what a great ideaRetard that I was!
Kuya I am so glad to hear that things are calming down for you. Honestly, a year from now will any of that drama really matter...nope. We always have a choice to engage in it or not. I know that for me...when I am attacked....I tend to react with a vengeance. Its not healthy for I try my best to avoid it.
The next week I will be working 12 hour I'll check in if I can.
af day Sat 20 Oct
Hide ho cats and kitties!
Just returned from a HUGE day of hiking. Boy am I going to sleep good tonight.
Computer is in the shop so doing the iPad thing here.
A frightening experience at the local pizzaria last night. One of the employees there had his wife off to the emergency department with a 10 percent chance of survival due to liver failure. She's a heavy drinker but only 30 years old! Holy freaking crap! Now dead at age 30 due to the booze beast. I must say I'm a bit shaken up as I've met her and know the hubby pretty well. Yikes!
Be well my friendsnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
af day Sat 20 Oct
KAS ...... You are right on the diet thing, tis no accident that my meltdown followed a day of poor eating. Also woke today with sore throat and sneezing so that was a contributor.
I will say though that allowing the lid to blow occassionally is no bad thing. Internalizing hurt is bad for the body. I was holding my tongue for the past two weeks and it got too much. Feelings have to go somewhere, better out than in, as the saying goes.
I hate the stats on alcoholism. It pays to ignore them. In any case the people posting here are way more likely to already be the 4% by the fact that they are out of the closet, so to speak.
Actually just typing that has cheered me no end
af day Sat 20 Oct
:upset: here we gooooo
Kas - I guess winter is not being as gental in Calgary tonight. Hope PPQ is not on the roads tonight.AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:
"Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."
af day Sat 20 Oct
Det - 30?
AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:
"Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."