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    Hi guys. seems I'm starting the thread again...

    well, another dry night under my belt. went to the theatre with a bunch of girlfriends to see a comedy show about the trials and tribulations of motherhood. close to the bone and excruciatingly funny. thank god for waterproof mascara.

    hope you're all doing ok today.

    Kate x

    BTW, have lost 4lbs in a week. Result! Gives some indication of just how many calories I was drinking!


    GDay Kate,

    Are we surfing again while working, tss, tsss. Ha, ha, I'm doing that all the time. But that's the great thing when there's only two at work, grin. Too right temperate Tuesday ... While we had 26 Celsius yesterday, it dropped to 17 today! It's like the stock market or politics! Well, I reached 200 mgs Topa Dopa. Also shed some weight.

    Congrats to your weight loss. May many kilos, stones, or whatever you use in the UK follow.
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



      Hi kate, good on ya for another dry one under your belt! That show sounds good, wouldn't mind going. Yes another dry day for me too. Waiting for bk to arrive soon. Feeling very thoughtful today as had strange dreams about flying last night.
      Happy tuesday to you. B xx



        Hi, Kate,Paddy and Bella you all sound so positive I am loving it. Off to work today for a while should be an easy day. Still snowing here, sick of the cold so today I think I am going to book a trip for my neice and I to florida or the carribean, got to get out of this frozen tundra.




          Kate... good morning and way to go on the weight loss....I'm looking forward to that. Just started back to the gym this morning...up at 5am..but feel good now.

          Bella, I have those dreams when I'm flying too...I love those!
          Control the Mind



            I am thinking the weight loss should begin for me soon. Still waiting on my vitamins, etc., but downloaded the book and began to read. Congrats to you on another sucessful day..

            PS...I am surfing at work too!



              Hi All:

              Just wanting to pop in & say Hi!

              Kate~sounded like fun!
              To dream that you are flying, signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited.

              At least you didn't dream of clowns! LOL.

              HAVE A GREAT ONE EVERYBODY!:armsaround:
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                hello everyone - another dry day for me too.
                off for a run in a bit feeling bit coldy - I've put on a pound this week. thinks it's cos i drank lots on Friday and had 2 takeaways - undoing all my good running/healthy food work.
                I can lose it again though and at least i am recognising the pattern - I have about 35 pounds to lose so am going to break it down into 5 pound mini goals as someone here suggested.
                11 stone 9 here I come! I'm off for a run in a bit and then a healthy dinner at a friend's house.
                By summer I should be well on my way to being at my ultimate goal.
                I've decided to buy some personal training sessions- that was the last time that I lost a decent amount of weight and kept it off for a while.
                one day at a time



                  Hi everyone. On day 10 of AF . Feeling pretty good. Hope every one has a great day! Aquamarine
                  AF SINCE 3/16/2016



                    Hello all, Bella - flying - your dream reminded me of my dream last night - a paper mache castle I made for my son when he was very small was lifesize in my dream. It had become a guest cottage at my house - I was quite surprised that the paper mache stairs held weight so well and that the paper mache fireplace did not burn up when a fire was lit in it. 66 Af days for me today and

                    Blessings to all,



                      You guys are inspiring! 23 days AF for me -- went to the healthclub seven days in a row for that too! I hurt all over!!! But I am losing weight -- as well as some hair on the topa.....BUT I've lost about 9 pounds in three weeks! About 12 to go! People are starting to notice the weight loss which feels good! Eyes are brighter too! Face is starting to clear up again.....back to work as well. Break is OVER!



                        Good evening everyone!!

                        Bella, flying sounds like fun!! Better than chasing chickens, like I did in my dreams the other night! I woke up SOOOOO tired!! (wonder why??)

                        Good job on weight loss everyone! I hope to firm up and lose a few too! I always do when I lay off the "sauce" though, so I know it is on it's way(yeah!!).......

                        Congrats on all your AF Days everyone, I am on day 16 now, and loving it!! It is so cool to not wake up hung-over, to live in the moment and not have to worry about tomorrow! I have been "acting as if" I know that everything will work out the way the universe plans it to....I do't have to worry about it, cuz I don't have enough power to control it anyway!! COOL!!!!

                        Everyon have a great night, hope your day was SUPER!!:giggle:

                        Love ya!!

                        Mary Anne



                          Hi all

                          And congrats to you all...everyone sounds so positive. I love this place...just coming in to day 59 for me...OMG how weird...cant quite believe it I'm almost on day 60, plus my birthday is looming closer...the big 30... i have complete!!! Where is Kathy (young at heart)? have i just been dippy and missed her???

                          Much love

                          Lou-Lou x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky



                            Well iit's wednesday here but i'll stay on this thread - 3 weeks and 3 days af - yay!

                            back at work day 3 and fit as a fiddle - yay!

                            It's a yay Wednesday for me


                            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon



                              Well done Kate!:goodjob: You sound as though you have it all under control! Take care! :-)
                              :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                              Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...

