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af day Monday 22 Oct

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    af day Monday 22 Oct

    Morning all.. from a wet and windy North West....looking at the forecast, they reckon it will be snowing here by the end of the week, so here we go ....panic buying of snow shovels coming up!!!
    So how did we all get over the weekend?no major problems?

    Tea and coffee on the go today, so help yourselves

    Firstly , morning AK and welcome to the madhoose..if you werent to start with ,you will be by the time you leave here!Good place to post so please join in.

    Morning Satz...WHAT????Time off you cant have the country will collapse youve got a holiday to pay for!! you ok? Whats the weather like over there in the Sons of Erins back garden?

    Morning ok?still trying to work out the correlation between rain mini gale and your sore throat!!Hope the weather is a bit better for you today....Who says your not polite, charming witty intelligent and jolly good all round type of person? Hmmm Man United? ok ok case proved!!!HAND

    morning Lav you ok? coffee? yours or mine?Yep leaves over here are a pretty colour too..only trouble is they are flying down the road at 100 miles an hour!!So daughter and grandsons...go on which are you looking after?

    Morning ppq..hows you today? glad the crappy mood is gone Not so clever when they land are they?anyway glad your back to normal..whatever that is Whats on the cards for you this week? any news or hurry up and wait time still?

    Morning sausage..yep you know whats going through my head now!! how are you today?Well, housework done is it?

    Morning ok? take it you are on your travels teaching this week?if so ,best of luck mate

    Turn again ..aka smiler good morning to you..have you got over your downers?Thats an interesting one..mind you when I smile people treat me with either suspicion or give me a wide berth as a contributor to the criminally insane!!

    Good morning Cantoo, how are things over in the land of McKays ice cream?any plans this week or has the weather stopped that?

    Morning Nurdl..sounds like you enjoyed your weekend..need to make it more regular

    Ronnie ..gday..ok we let you off with the too busy...this once glad things are doing well for you
    .Yah. morning to you..yes you are right..there but for the grace go we all!!Are you ok?

    Lilly good morning to sound a bit down...cmon girl chin need to move on..
    read your post about saving the booze money ..good idea tho not too convinced about buying a dress..guess Id look a real beaut!!:H:H Use Turns strategy and just grin all the time..oh and if you get locked up dont blame me!!!

    Right done now so you take care and have a good one.....anyone heard from Shue recently?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Monday 22 Oct

    good morning Abbers! hiya Mick and thank you so much for the delicious coffee! i'm only having one cup today as i'm finally beginning my health kick.! much needed and i hope the extra energy i've been promised kicks in soon. did you have a nice visit with your mother in law? where does she live normally? we are also having a rainy day after a gorgeous sunny weekend. a perfect day to stay inside and be cozy which is exactly what i plan to do.

    Kas, thanks for posting that link the other day re nutrition and alcoholism. i found it super interesting and have researched a bit more. i'm trying some of the suggestions out to see if it helps with cravings-- it makes a lot of sense.
    has anyone ever read "seven weeks to sobriety"? or know anything about it?

    Turn, great smiley info. i will try it out. i find it sooo difficult to smile when i'm not feeling like it, so it will be a huge challenge. hows your weather holding out? have you been out and about walking/hiking lately?
    Cantoo, i can't believe how active you are! i am so envious of the nature you're surrounded by. i love hiking and don't get much of a chance to do it around here. it's a huge effort and quite a lot of travelling to get to a place where it's possible to hike 16km.
    keep posting please about what you're up to and i'll live vicariously through your stories.


      af day Monday 22 Oct

      PPQ, i've also had the blahs on and off for the past i don't even know how long! good for you for getting to that meeting and leaving it all there. sometimes the meetings really help me, too. especially if i don't want to go but force myself to. just getting out and about and having a change of scenery helps, it seems. wishing you a good one today!

      Yah, big fat hugs to you:l i'm really sorry to hear that news. it does seem as if we're losing far too many young people. at 18 and 19 a "next" stage of life should just be starting, shouldn't it. i will definately be giving all my loved ones extra hugs today, too.

      hello Molly, Satz, welcome Allan!, Det, Lilly, Kuya, Lav!! , Hula, Sausage and Nurdl (i also love the time i now spend af with my kids. i appreciate it so much-- ) wishing you all a wonderful day.
      xo, life


        af day Monday 22 Oct

        Mick, no offense, as I know you always mean well, but telling me I need to move on is not what I need to hear today. Dealing with some crappy stuff, feel very shit as a result, and reckon I'm doing well tonight just to be not drinking, dealing with a busy work scheduling and meeting volunteer commitments too when I mostly just feel like crying. That said - I am going to eat a good dinner, get an early night, get myself to the gym early (before more meetings and etc) and hope tomorrow will be a better day and I will feel more positive again! Hope everyone is well.


          af day Monday 22 Oct

          Good Morning Mick and thanks for the coffee and the kick off....
          What a difference a good nights sleep makes. I feel more energetic than I have for a long time.
          We're in hurry up and wait mode still and it's very frustrating but it's not dragging me down.
          Taking a bus load of seniors to Banff on Thursday. The heavy snowfall is coming tonight into Tuesday so the roads should be ok by then.

          Morning LC I agree sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery and I always feel better after going to a meeting. I saw Kas's link to nutrition and alcoholism and need to go find it again. I think my poor eating habits need a good tweak.

          Morning Lilly
          .....doing well, hell I'd say you're doing GREAT. I have been there in that "all I want to do is cry" space before and it's awful. That's when I had my slip 68 days ago so good job on not bending that elbow. Hope you had a decent sleep as I know it can help. And here's some :l :l for you to start your day.

          Off to get cup #2 and cruise around the site for a bit.
          Have a great AF Monday all and all to come......PPQ


            af day Monday 22 Oct

            Thanks so much Porquoi :l :l back at you.

            I'm off to bed folks. Have a good day all


              af day Monday 22 Oct

              Hi ABBERS,

              First order of business for me was to PM Molly, I felt so ill Friday I didn't read through everything and only just got that Molly said she weren't posting here cos I vented. Not my intention and I told her i hope she comes back.

              Next MICK, the Man U thing was a short lived affair, in my defense my step son was apprenticed there for a short while so I had no choice now, did I ?!
              Anyhoos, sore throat now gone, weather today was Okish, had BBQ with the whanau and now am stuffed like a little pinkin.
              I don't wanna seem thick, but do we know what MICK does on a Sunday morning yet or not. I pride myself on my investigative skills but I think I may have been sleeping through this one.

              Lifechange, 'seven weeks to sobriety' was the first book I read explaining the nutritional side of alcoholism and depression. I honestly can say it saved my life. I started taking the supplements 12 years ago and whilst I was not psychologically ready to quit the supps kept me healthy and functioning. Her book allows you to assess what type of drinker you are and to choose supps accordingly. It was spot on for me.

              Yah yah .... Sorry for the sadness you must be feeling. It is so shocking when they are so young. The girlfriend of my sons BF hung herself at 18, the boyfriend popped out to the shop, was gone longer than expected and the death was probably only a cry for help that went wrong. Her two year old found her in the wardrobe and thought she was sleeping

              On a more positive note though.........I gave my son and his GF a lift home tonight and he was saying how much impact the ads here have had on him and his friends. There has been a BIG campaign aimed at young people to curb drink driving and he says it is working. This is so good to hear as I was shocked when I first came to NZ how accepted it was at all levels of the society.

              Lilly sorry the shite keeps hitting the fan, but hey.... You are staying sober. I know you have said before that you have enough support, but anytime OK.

              PPQ..... Just saw you, Hi to you too. Hope the snow is not too deep. I can't handle cold so I do not envy you the winters. Like most Canadians I encounter though!

              Hi to DET,CANTOO, Ronnie, LAV, Satz,Kaslo, Nurdl, AllanK.........and hopefully Molly .......and where the feck is Shue and Hula for goodness sake!?



                af day Monday 22 Oct

                Good morning Abbers,

                Sunny & relatively mild here in these parts

                Time for one more cip of coffee then off I go to the dentist - lucky me....

                Greetings Mick, lifechange, PQ, Lilley & Kuya.
                I hope you are feeling better Lilley, depression is a bitch. It's what got me started drinking & kept me drinking for way too long. I lost my desire to drink when I finally kicked the depression

                Have a great AF Monday everyone!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af day Monday 22 Oct

                  Evening all
                  Wow it feels great to be relaxing on my sofa & posting hear, mind you at the moment the only night i am not doing anything is Mondays so i am making the most of it as its all go again after tonight xx
                  Lilly hope you are feeling a bit better, i know the feeling also about just curling up in a ball & crying your eyes out :l:l:h:l:l
                  Mick thanks for the welcome honey xx
                  Cantoo lets have one of your wonderful quotes xxxx they always seem to lift my spirits xx
                  Well i hope you are all having a great night/day xxx
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    af day Monday 22 Oct

                    Late check -in folks !
                    Lilly hope you feel better soon !
                    Have a :l


                      af day Monday 22 Oct

                      Sorry for the quick fly by just wanted to post some photos from Saturday's hike (at work)



                      AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                      "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                        af day Monday 22 Oct

                        Ronnie, I hope this one makes sense today. It resonated with me this morning.
                        Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.
                        ~ Denis Waitley


                        Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

                        ~ Dalai Lama
                        AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                        "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                          af day Monday 22 Oct

                          hello agein lovelies!!
                          Cantoo, you lucky doggie! i remember when we lived in alaska, seeing all the beautiful, albeit sometimes very dangerous! moose. i love them. actually i love all animals with their sweet, individual characters. i have to remind myself of that sometimes when i wake up in the morning and the cats have dragged everything out of the cupboards and garbage!!

                          nice to see you all here and i hope everyone continues to have a great day.
                          i am so looking forward to having thurs and fri this week completely free. come hell or high water, i won't do anything i don't want to do.! we'll see!!

                          big hugs,:l life


                            af day Monday 22 Oct

                            Hello everyone!

                            CanToo, I like the pic of a Mouse. I don’t see any animals on my hikes that are bigger than a pigeon.

                            I also like that you are trying to incorporate Paleo into your plan. I am trying it out ATM. However, I add Greek yogurt and oats with milk for breakfast. It helps me to stay strong and focused, and reduce my BF at the same time.

                            Kuya, if you need to vent and talk to someone, you can always PM me. I like that you speak your mind.

                            AF since 1st Sep 2012
                            NF since 1st Sep 2012

                            If you want to feel better visit


                              af day Monday 22 Oct

                              Afternoon all !!

                              Just thought I'd drop by, see how you're all diddling.

                              Allan - how come you've flown the nest ? You were a major contributor there !! But nice to see you :-)

                              Drop by the Army thread - we have a great larffffff :-)

                              Hope you're all well - day 3 for me but can't wait to get home, put pj's on and have me tea - roll on day 4. (Haven't made day 4 since last pregnancy 7 years ago, so bring it on !!!)
                              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

