KY - I need more info on the food!
None of the Drs. have ever given me a diet option for the thyroid. She's already on a hyper sensitive prescription food....
Friday I spent $250.00 on blood work because the Dr. didn't like my theory as to why she has lost weight this year. My German Shepard died in June and I think the cat was eating her food and is now underfed - Canna's picture is in my movement thread. She was the best rescue dog EVER. Last week I had a dream she was trying to wake me up - just like she did when the cat would get into the garbage. AND guess what I saw when I went downstairs in the morning? Yah, garbage can out of cupboard and contents scattered all over the kitchen.
I'm still not over her death

K. The blood work, kidney and liver numbers are all good. She's 12 or 13 and I'm not prepared to do the surgery or the Iodine treatment.... Does that make me a horrible Mom?
I jumped on here just to say nite to all and to say I smile when I think of you all. You all give me strength with your posts.
I'm glad I found this place.