So how did we all get over the weekend?no major problems?
Tea and coffee on the go today, so help yourselves
Firstly , morning AK and welcome to the madhoose..if you werent to start with ,you will be by the time you leave here!Good place to post so please join in.
Morning Satz...WHAT????Time off you cant have the country will collapse youve got a holiday to pay for!! you ok? Whats the weather like over there in the Sons of Erins back garden?
Morning ok?still trying to work out the correlation between rain mini gale and your sore throat!!Hope the weather is a bit better for you today....Who says your not polite, charming witty intelligent and jolly good all round type of person? Hmmm Man United? ok ok case proved!!!HAND
morning Lav you ok? coffee? yours or mine?Yep leaves over here are a pretty colour too..only trouble is they are flying down the road at 100 miles an hour!!So daughter and grandsons...go on which are you looking after?
Morning ppq..hows you today? glad the crappy mood is gone Not so clever when they land are they?anyway glad your back to normal..whatever that is

Morning sausage..yep you know whats going through my head now!! how are you today?Well, housework done is it?
Morning ok? take it you are on your travels teaching this week?if so ,best of luck mate
Turn again ..aka smiler good morning to you..have you got over your downers?Thats an interesting one..mind you when I smile people treat me with either suspicion or give me a wide berth as a contributor to the criminally insane!!
Good morning Cantoo, how are things over in the land of McKays ice cream?any plans this week or has the weather stopped that?
Morning Nurdl..sounds like you enjoyed your weekend..need to make it more regular
Ronnie ..gday..ok we let you off with the too busy...this once

.Yah. morning to you..yes you are right..there but for the grace go we all!!Are you ok?
Lilly good morning to sound a bit down...cmon girl chin need to move on..
read your post about saving the booze money ..good idea tho not too convinced about buying a dress..guess Id look a real beaut!!:H:H Use Turns strategy and just grin all the time..oh and if you get locked up dont blame me!!!
Right done now so you take care and have a good one.....anyone heard from Shue recently?