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af day Monday 22 Oct

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    af day Monday 22 Oct


    I am ready for the next stage of my journey. And as much as I want to help the newcomers. I find it difficult to talk about the same thing and alcohol over and over again. I go through my days without a single thought and then I come here and I am constantly reminded of it. So Kuya suggested coming here as you discuss the life in general.

    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit


      af day Monday 22 Oct

      Hi everyone

      I know what you mean Allan, I posted for 5 months or so on Newbies Nest but gradually stopped posting. I too found it difficult to say the same thing over and over and lots of newbies were failing or having debates over whether moderation was ok and so I decided to fade away. I felt guilty though because I know having someone with a few months , or even years sobriety on there is a huge help / inspiration to others and I really respect Lav and Byrdie for all they put in, but right now I think it is not helping me and I have to put myself first, selfish though it may sound.

      Speaking of moving on in sobriety, Molly has started an excellent thread on General Discussion I think, on Moving along in sober living - have you all seen it? I intend to comment on it later.

      Hope everyone is having a good day today.


        af day Monday 22 Oct


        Hi all...just to let you know..wont be able to start the thread in the morning......out at 5.15 am..and yep it aint Sunday!!!!! normal service will resume Wednesday

        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Monday 22 Oct

          Thanks for the forewarning Mick ~ I'll set up my own coffee pot before I go to bed

          CanToo, that is quite a moose closeup - nice

          About the Newbies Nest......
          It does indeed get frustrating at times & I have been known to take a vacation from it especially when there's a few people tipping the boat at the same time. I do believe however that the Nest provides a useful & relatively safe place for terrified newbies to settle for a while.

          I just had a thought -
          Does Mick go moose hunting when he goes out at 5:15 am??? :H
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af day Monday 22 Oct


            that is exactly how I feel right now. Byrdie and other long timers must have god like patience. I do feel like I have a lot to contribute having made it two months where as many struggle to make it 1 week. I guess it just takes time and many many falls to realise that moderation doesn’t work. If they could moderate successfully they wouldn’t be here in the first place. And to be honest even if I could I wouldn’t want to.

            BTW Molly's thread is spot on. I have not reached the final stage yet but I have noticed that alcohol has become a non issue to me. I can go to a bar order a soda lime and socialise just fine. I used to have an issue with people asking questions. Now I am very relaxed about saying I don’t drink, "Why" just because.

            AF since 1st Sep 2012
            NF since 1st Sep 2012

            If you want to feel better visit


              af day Monday 22 Oct

     that mouse or moose? :H:H
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af day Monday 22 Oct

                Oooo Mick! You are hunting mice for your owls aren't you?
                AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                  af day Monday 22 Oct

                  Howdy, :happy:

                  Turned into a beautiful sunny day here, it's currently 0 Celsius - perfect running weather . Weather can't stop me when I'm on a roll Mick. :muahaha: I have a walk planned for Wednesday after work, Spin on Thursday and the meeting with a personal trainer on Friday. I am meant to be at bootcamp in an hour, but I think I'm going for a run instead. It's just too nice to be inside.

                  Life - I know exactly what you mean about the cats! It was the cat (not the dog) who always got into trouble. She would help herself to the garbage and even got into the fridge a couple of times. After some blood work I found out she had a hyper active thyroid and has now been on medication for 2 years. Mind you, there are days she just can't seem to help herself to a bit of garbage.

                  Lav, I really do think it's mice.

                  Allan - my diet's not perfect but the energy and mood are good. I found once I made the effort to get outside and 'move' my mood picked up which in turn made me want to improve my diet. The two really do seem to be working.

                  - :l
                  - oke:
                  - Drive Safe!
                  - I hope you enjoyed your night off.
                  Sausage & Staz - :hello:

                  Well, I guess I should go home now still at work.

                  Cantooing out of here.
                  AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                  "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                    af day Monday 22 Oct

                    Good morning to you all
                    I have a busy day ahead of me especially after work, it looks like my eldest boy has an ingrowing toe nail so im at the doctors with him then its down to teeball training then hopefully i might get my dinner at about 8:00pm tonight, i must admit though i like being busy as it keeps me out of trouble.
                    Thanks for your quote cantoo, you always seem to post the right quote that i am needing to here xx
                    Wow your pics are great xx
                    Right im off to finish my cup of tea
                    Hope you all have a great day/night, i would love to mention you all by name but without 2 cups of coffee in me my brain does not work :H
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      af day Monday 22 Oct

                      CANTOO re the cat, there is a new food available which rectifies the hyperthyroid problem. No good if you have more than one cat. There is also surgery and a radio-iodine treatment which will mean no more oral medication. Check with your vet, or you could fly her over here!

                      And STOP poking me! :H

                      MICE eh Mick? Come clean, it's doing my head in! LOL

                      LC did you get my reply on the book??

                      Allan.... I reckon you join, get sober, stay in newbies till you feel safe, join another thread then pop back to newbies as and when you have the time and energy.

                      It is more intensive care rather than physio.


                        af day Monday 22 Oct

                        I had a lot of ICU experience during my nursing career Kuya so I guess I developed some real staying power :H :H

                        I can't imagine Mick wasting his time chasing a mouse. he seems more like a moose man to me

                        OK, I have to turn my attention back to the presidential debate on TV - yeah I do.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          af day Monday 22 Oct

                          Lavande;1397854 wrote: I had a lot of ICU experience during my nursing career Kuya so I guess I developed some real staying power :H :H

                          OK, I have to turn my attention back to the presidential debate on TV - yeah I do.
                          You and me both LAV. The carer in me keeps me going back, but it can be tiring especially when I have been doing it all day at work. But the habit is a hard one to break.

                          Like Allan I sometimes feel frustrated because we havent had the experience of years to get perspective so I think it is UNhealthy to stay there too long when sober.

                          It is not the same here cos any slips by the longer sober are learning and warning, in Newbies it is hard NOT to be impatient, and impatience is the last thing they need. Nor do they need patronizing or condescension as they are very fragile........shoot I am still pretty fragile myself!


                            af day Monday 22 Oct


                            A little TLC is needed in the Newbies Nest along with a gentle nudge in the right direction
                            People spend years bullshitting themselves about their drinking problem - I sure did! I needed that nudge, I needed someone to tell me to stop the bullshit & do what I had to do to fix the problem.
                            I am eternally grateful to those who kicked my butt & now I just want to pay it forward, if I can.

                            You will find yourself getting stronger & less fragile with every sober day & week, I promise!
                            And if you find you need a little extra help I'll be glad to share some of my special Lavan-ittude with you :H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              af day Monday 22 Oct

                              Morning all...just dropped in quick as I go out the door...nope it certainly isnt chasing mice...and its dark raining and blowing a gale...oh well at least its.............................

                              ps wow Cantoo ..go for it :goodjob:
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                af day Monday 22 Oct

                                Mick;1397887 wrote: Morning all...just dropped in quick as I go out the door...nope it certainly isnt chasing mice...and its dark raining and blowing a gale...oh well at least its.............................

                                ps wow Cantoo ..go for it :goodjob:
                                It's a good thing you are the other side of the world, Slippery Mick! :H

                                And thanks for that LAV, I may yet avail myself of your kind offer

