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af day Monday 22 Oct

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    af day Monday 22 Oct

    KY - I need more info on the food!

    None of the Drs. have ever given me a diet option for the thyroid. She's already on a hyper sensitive prescription food....

    Friday I spent $250.00 on blood work because the Dr. didn't like my theory as to why she has lost weight this year. My German Shepard died in June and I think the cat was eating her food and is now underfed - Canna's picture is in my movement thread. She was the best rescue dog EVER. Last week I had a dream she was trying to wake me up - just like she did when the cat would get into the garbage. AND guess what I saw when I went downstairs in the morning? Yah, garbage can out of cupboard and contents scattered all over the kitchen.

    I'm still not over her death

    K. The blood work, kidney and liver numbers are all good. She's 12 or 13 and I'm not prepared to do the surgery or the Iodine treatment.... Does that make me a horrible Mom?

    I jumped on here just to say nite to all and to say I smile when I think of you all. You all give me strength with your posts.

    I'm glad I found this place.

    AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

    "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


      af day Monday 22 Oct

      Has he not checked her thyroid function? Tis a cheap test and totally diagnostic. The food is Hills Y/D only just available in NZ but you must be able to get it there. With one cat that is your easiest option and it is loaded toward older cats cos obviously they are the ones that become hyperthyroid!


        af day Monday 22 Oct

        CanToo;1397896 wrote: KY - I need more info on the food!
        I jumped on here just to say nite to all and to say I smile when I think of you all. You all give me strength with your posts.

        I'm glad I found this place.


        Oh CanToo you are so sweet And I loved seeing your pics.

        Hi all!

        Just popping in and out 'cause it's been a long day and I need to make dinner and collapse.

        Thanks for all the kind, supportive words. I am feeling a lot better after a good night's sleep and a good workout at the gym this morning despite a long day. I have had some crappy stuff going on but the worst of the depression was no doubt mainly due to the recent drinking and subsequent detoxing again. I mean, that's why I'm here to begin with really - because of the depression/anxiety that began to follow a binge and finally twigging how much the two were related (duh). Yet it's still so easy to want to turn to it to cope with those feelings. Madness. Anyway, things are looking up a bit, so that's good, and I'm trying to find silver linings in other things where I can.

        Can we talk a bit more about 7 Weeks to Sobriety? Has anyone else read it? I was curious but a bit put off by reviews talking about buying hundreds of dollars of supplements. While it makes sense to me to learn as much as we can about body chemistry and addiction and reversing some of the damage done by alcohol absuse I'm naturally cynical about anything that smacks of a 'miracle cure', especially one that involves popping a bazillion pills. (I am supplementing a little but I don't want to take 40 pills a day.)

        I read some of Patrick Holford's stuff, which I gather is in a similar vein, and was left with that feeling - plus I think it's potentially a little irresponsible to encourage people to take vast amounts of supplements, which can have interactions and side effects. Sure he says consult a medical professional but most people won't really.

        (sorry, never wanna stop calling you that - it makes me giggle), you say that book saved your life but… just to be the devil's advocate (to our resident devil) here, how can you be so sure? I mean, maybe you just have a really robust constitution? What did the supplements actually do for you that makes you say that? If the program worked as it claims, and you were following it, shouldn't it then theoretically have 'cured' you of the urge to drink? I'm not saying you're wrong; I just need more information

        Right. Healthy dinner. Bit of food porn (Nigella), book and bed for me. Tomorrow's gonna be another long day. The upside is I'm making good $$$ which is important as it's approaching my dead zone of the year that is Dec/Jan so I'm making hay in the sunshine and all that…

        Lilly x

        p.s. I apologised to Mick
        via PM but I apologise again to Mick and all for my slightly cranky comments yesterday. I was in a pretty bad way. Thanks for bearing with me friends.


          af day Monday 22 Oct

          LillyE;1397940 wrote: Oh CanToo While it makes sense to me to learn as much as we can about body chemistry and addiction and reversing some of the damage done by alcohol absuse I'm naturally cynical about anything that smacks of a 'miracle cure', especially one that involves popping a bazillion pills. (I am supplementing a little but I don't want to take 40 pills a day.)

          (sorry, never wanna stop calling you that - it makes me giggle), you say that book saved your life but? just to be the devil's advocate (to our resident devil) here, how can you be so sure? I mean, maybe you just have a really robust constitution? What did the supplements actually do for you that makes you say that? If the program worked as it claims, and you were following it, shouldn't it then theoretically have 'cured' you of the urge to drink? I'm not saying you're wrong; I just need more information
          The truth is that supplements don't make you want to quit, they help you quit IF you want to!

          I did NOT want to at the time that I started taking them but I knew they made me feel a hundred times better. IMO the damage done by stripping the body of these nutrients is what causes quitting to be soooo hard for some. I took the nutrients because I knew I was limiting damage AND because I kept trying to quit. If I had just kept drinking I really believe I would now be dead or so damaged that I would have no career, home or health to speak of left.

          Is it because I am more robust? I don't know. Did they make quitting easier? When I was ready, yes. I had no withdrawals going from half bottle of vodka daily and sometimes more to zero. Unless the symptoms people describe are in their minds then I must assume the supplements had something to do with it. I am just furious with myself that it took me 23 years to make it to one week.

          As to cost they are nothing compared to the cost of alcohol. I spent $180 a week on booze, minimum. Supplements for a week are about $50 max. No contest.


            af day Monday 22 Oct

            Thanks K re the supplement response - that is interesting and helpful. I may get the book. I do think, as I thought with Holford's stuff, that it certainly is a good idea to learn how to repair some of the damage and balance chemistry better. I also know I need to work on managing my depression/anxiety as they are traps that can lead me back to drinking - and ironically make the drinking worse- and it all helps.

            I also got an anxiety ACT workbook, recommended by therapist, and meditation app - ditto. (Mindfulness by Mind Apps case anyone is interested - has guided meditations.) Now I just need to start actually, er, using them.

            Still taking the GABA too BTW, KY

            Also, Kuya, isn't it two hours LATER there? Get to bed girl! wow, maybe those supps really do give you super stamina.

            I miss SHUE!!!

            Night all x


              af day Monday 22 Oct

              I miss Shue too.

              BTW the book covers supps for depression as well. Visit the biorecovery site, there is lots to read before buying anything.

