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windy wednesday

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    windy wednesday

    Well I am anyway due to eating copious amounts of fruit and veg.
    I'm still not feeling so good no exercise yet this week, feel sore throat, exhausted and bit sick/dizzy on occasion.
    I'm meant to be going away this weekend but not sure will make it now, may stay here and chill.
    I just feel a bit miserable too to be honest.
    I am so bored by work, but I am incredibly busy - not a good combination!
    Anyway I'm AF now for 5 days now, no more booze for me until 17/03 when I go way to Europe for a weekend.
    Then no more until my birthday, then no more until who knows when.
    Lovely summery day here (bizarrely) I feel miserable about it cos I feel too fat to wear short sleeves and summery clothes - I know how rubbish that sounds!
    I think I need to re-read the Paul Mckenna book it's all about changing your mindset to lose weight.
    anyway bleeeargh...hope you all feeling more perky than me.
    I am MAKING myself go for a short run today as I know that will help me feel at least a bit better.
    one day at a time

    windy wednesday

    Oh bear you silly sausage, I bet you are lovely. You are right though, it is about mindset. I am about 25lbs heavier than I was 2 years ago but just going to the gym makes you feel better. And I feel so good for being AF, like I am running my own life instead of experiencing it passively.

    This is day 9 for me. woo! really reaping the benefits of being a sober parent too - enjoying the kids, reading with them , bedtimes much more relaxed (not rushed so I can get downstairs to that bottle...) and I get all their stuff ready for the morning instead of shouting my head off and scrabbling about with 2 mintues to go.

    Husband not really coping with this tho. we're going through one of our many bad patches. I am very glad to be sober - it really helps. Last night he accused me of being jealous (!) as he opened his 2nd bottle of wine (SO was not in fact) and said I'd be straight back on it after my 30 days... just as well I'm not relying on his support eh? Thank god for this site.

    Happy Wednesday everyone. Kate

    PS: Lou-Lou, I'm 40 in May, so you'd better not post anymore stuff about dreading being 30, my lovely... You are a mere babe. And, from what I can see of you from your photo, and actual babe. x


      windy wednesday

      Enjoy your run bear, It will make you feel a little less fed up. It is a beautiful day, spring is here today. I have just taken my dog out for a long walk with my dad and his alsation and i feel good today. 22days AF. I'm less tired, better complexion and my cold is even bearable.
      Kate your husband should be supporting you! It sounds like he is jealous of you for being in control of your life.
      Happy wednesday.B xx


        windy wednesday

        My husband is an arse.

        there. just wanted to get that off my chest.


          windy wednesday

          Mine too! chin chin to arsey husbands!


            windy wednesday

            HI ALL~

            Cold snowy day here.....

            Yup like you Bear....feel something coming head is feeling heavy. My daughter has a cold & telling the kids to dissenfect their hands and cover their mouths is like talking to a wall!

            Kate~it's lovely being able to be a "total" parent to our kids. I remember closing one eye when reading a bedtime story b/c the words on the page of her story book were doubled! Ugh!

            Hi Bella & those that follow.....Congrats on all those AF days!

            Have a GREAT SOBER WEDNESDAY everyone!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              windy wednesday

              Ha, ha, ha, here's Bear cracking me up going all the way to Europe (where were you again, in the UK?). Just kidding. Incidentally I sat in some European meeting with my UK colleagues today. No one was talking about the UK and the rest of Europe, grin (just teasing you again!!!).

              Anyhoo, just called in to say yellooo
              Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                windy wednesday

                See Kate, told you. Hubby just jealous for you hanging in there so bravely. You show him dear. You'll hang in there. We're proud of you!
                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                  windy wednesday

                  Good morning Glories!
                  I posted this over in mods and thought I would share my "positive" list with you also.
                  HAve a great day!
                  Kate I totally understand the husband thing! Chin up!

                  Oh yeah..... I like positive talk!

                  !. I always eat a meal BEFORE touching a drop of wine.
                  2. No box!
                  3. Come here and read and post
                  4. them
                  5. Sleep away from the snoring hubby! Sleep apena but will not use cpap.
                  6. Read truckloads of books..newest addiction!
                  7. Do something to help someone every day.
                  8. Do not feel like I have to drink with hubby...
                  9. Take supplements
                  10. Exercise....walking every day.
                  11. Read a devotional first thing in the morning.

                  :h Nancy
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    windy wednesday

                    "sleep away from snoring hubby......." LMAO!!!! Nice to know am not the only one.

                    bless you Nancy


                      windy wednesday

                      Oh yeah...Kate..
                      It has taken me years to put myself first in that!
                      I have to sleep...we all do.. It is very important!
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        windy wednesday

                        Hello again,
                        I had a good day at work and I'm going to have a nice night in.
                        Partners can be a bit of an arse (which bit, I wouldn't like to speculate). They sometimes come out with the stupidest things. I don't think they understand the genuine desire to change after so many false starts. Still, we know the score. Bless 'em.

