Good morning friends!
I'm still here & still have power

Heavy rain but not too much problem with wind yet.
Goodness - my son, DIL & 2 grandsons showed up last night around 8 pm. They've decided to ride out the storm here with me. I just hope the food holds out :H They did bring som eof their favorites along with them including several gallons of milk (which I don't touoch)!
Getting these dogs outside is a major pain in the butt!!!! The Insanity Twins have been housed across the driveway in YB's garage - they are safe there & out of my hair :H
Papmom, I have been thinking about Jolie too. She's located closer much closer to the water than I am

All schools, colleges & most everything are closed today & tomorrow - oh joy!
I'll check back later when I can. The kids are still asleep at 8 am - nice

Cross post - Hi cyn! Stay safe!!!