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af day Saturday 27

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    af day Saturday 27

    Good morning all....and how are we this morning? Really cold over here this morn, frost on the ground and the promise of more to come..yipee Tea, coffee and toast available this morning.
    So far in the losing weight stakes. total is 5lb this morning, so slowly getting there.
    Well one thing I have seen as I am sure everyone else has is the current spat that has raised its head between two people on this forum...I was under the impression that we were about helping each other with drink issues, and obviously other points, but not to be a spectator in a personal battle between two people.In this day and age also , I feel sure that it would be pretty easy to ignore someone ,both physically and technically /electronically wise ..if that makes sense
    Life isnt a rehearsal...maybe your focus should be chanelled into enjoying what you have got/doing as opposed to fighting the battle of the past.

    Hiya Lilly..and how are you today my mate down under?Probably a good decision not to go to that party...youre getting there.Ive got a wedding to go to soon..the whole day and nightime job...lot of people that I used to work with will be there, and a lot of managers that used to work for me too.
    Large government institution,worked there for a long time, so you know how it goes..few beers and the"when I "cupboard gets opened!!Iwas dreading it couple of months ago, but strangely enough I am not bothered in the slightest now (maybe I should be)
    Anyway Lills keep going..youre on the road

    Morning are you this afternoon? ok I hope..any plans for the weekend?Not sure what plans for Christmas..were thinking of going away..but looking at the prices,I am loathe to pay an extra ?1000 just because its that week!!
    Whatever it is we do ..dont forget the piccies!!

    Morning nurdl how are you today..?Can I make a we suggestion to you?You already know what will happen at drinking and the pattern it will follow..why not plan a strategy now?For instance plan something that involves driving at some point, or going somewhere..why not enjoy your Chrimbo too but just dont drink?

    Morning ok? glad things are on the move on the job front

    Pourquoi...oops pologies for the non return yest with a big cup of coffee, but here is one today....what are you up to today? Still feeling tired?

    Good morning Lav..hows your weather? This Sandy sounds a bit of a it going to hit you at all?get those hatches battened down!!Coffee for you?any buttered toast?have a great day

    Morning you have got a long weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekend (is that long enough?)3 days off ..thats Irelands economy shot :H
    Well done on your af weekend

    morning Kas...thank you for the kind words ma'am.What are you up to then ?Personally I would be sitting looking at that view...doing something really important like watching pine cones fall!Whatever you choose enjoy it

    Afternoon? Cantoo you ok?what are you up to his weekend? I bet it doesn't involve doing nothing or lazy days!!Well what was the new gym like ? any different things/equuipment there?

    YAH..hiya , how are you ..Frankenstorm ...take it thats the hurricane...thoughts are with you all Lav nurdl and everyone else thats going to get a slice of it..hope you are all ok...theres me moaning cos its cold!!!Your Chrimble day sound really I want to do the other way round and travel.

    Hi Sausage ...hope youre feeling a wee bit better today

    Morn Det..nice pic mate not a cloud in that sky!how are you?Are you at home now in the chez garlic or still on the road?

    morning SF..glad I am not the only one with a computer that ditches messages!! :bin:Well done on the work front and ..........your post

    I love being there at night with my kids, I love being a good wife, I love that all my family connections have been repaired....I love having a job that I love. Even though ALL of these things happened little by little....each small part gave me mindset to "keep going"...small steps=huge changes.

    Morning Gina are you?Nearly 12 months for you now? well done and keep it up..and...

    Sorry to kill the pace of this usual peaceful thread. Carry on....

    no problem ..the thread will carry on.

    Right folks offski..dont forget for us over here the clocks change tonight 1 hour thats an extra hour in bed if you aint getting up early doors..its Sunday so reckon I will be up early.....Molls thinking of you :l

    One for the Canadians

    The first 3 Canadians are debating over what to name their country.

    The first one says, "Let's start out with a C, eh?"

    The second one replies, "Then let's continue on with an N, eh?"

    The third one says, "And let's end with a D, eh?"

    And just to get housewives on side

    One day a man spotted a lamp by the roadside. He picked it up, rubbed it vigorously, and a genie appeared.

    "I'll grant you your fondest wish," the genie said.
    The man thought for a moment, then said, "I want a spectacular job -- a job that no man has ever succeeded at or has ever even dared try."

    "Poof!" said the genie.............. "You're a housewife."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Saturday 27

    Morning Michael and all AF'ers to come.
    LOVE :h the joke Mick - must brush off my jokes portfolio.
    Can't have a scot funnier than an Orishman :H:H


      af day Saturday 27

      MICK, thanks for another luverly start.

      Once my little brain worked out the Canada joke I laughed! Gawd I can be thick sometimes.

      I am kkkkknackered, very tiring day and another tomorrow. Busy on here, busy in life, this fecking abstainance thing is feeling a little overrated ATM. (kidding )

      But joking apart I may have to enter a witness protection program next week ...... More on this later mebbe.

      Satz ...... Get your joke on, this scot is waaaaayyyyy ahead.

      Anyhoos have a great day.

      KY , the foot in gobber


        af day Saturday 27

        hallo all abbers!
        Mick, thanks for starting us out, the coffee and the reminder about the time change!! yayyyy.
        i love getting an extra weekend hour.
        my days of freedom have almost come to an end. i did nothing for 2 days and now have to scramble a bit to clean (do any of you have inside cats? and a huge wohnk?che-- living room and kitchen combined-- yuckk with the fur sticking to oil on the walls!), shopping, etc.

        gorgeous picture, Det. i'm really hoping for snow this year. usually we just have the cold and grey skies which brings one down come march!

        what's up with the hurricane? have any of you been affected. Lav?
        Cantoo, you are my idol at this moment with all of your sporty activity.-- i seem to have fallen into a huge rut regarding exercise and can't seem to make the first step toward movement and good nutrition. i keep talking about it and each monday is my "new" beginning.!
        i only have 6 weeks until my birthday and i wanted to get good into it before then.
        no pressure, mind you!
        good on you, too, Mick with your 5lbs.

        hi KY and Satz and all to drop in today.
        xoxox, life


          af day Saturday 27

          Molls...vanity aside..would take some weight loss to turn me into swan :H:H:H:H:H:H:
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af day Saturday 27

            Morning Satz, KY, LC, Molly and Mick thanks for the coffee in my extra big mug.

            :shocked: A MOUSE JUST RAN ACROSS THE FLOOR :shocked:

            Seriously, guess I know what I'll be doing today :upset: (Any suggestions for the capture?)

            Was just going to say to Mick that I'm not as tired today and after seeing "mickey" I'm raring to get out and get me traps/poison.
            Why aren't the stores open when you want them to be. (Like the liquor store when I was drinking :H)

            I especially loved "our" Canadian joke, I'll be passing that on.

            Satz I'm sure your joke portfolio isn't too dusty! Didn't you and Mick get into a little while ago on a different thread.

            KY, seriously about the wit program or are you hiding from "threads"? :H

            LC our time change happens next weekend. Just figured out what time it is for everyone and now it's going to change again. I know it's only an hour but now I have to do math.

            Molly sorry to hear about the famly prob's and you're right it is consuming. Here you go "PP"
            "Would call on my vanity to acknowledge that I couldn't drink" I love that.

            Everyone in "Sandy's" path be safe. The news broadcasts mean so much more as I now know MWO people who could be affected. Be safe and I'll be thinking of you.

            Time for my 2nd cuppa and some research into how to get rid of my unannouced visitor.
            Have a great AF Saturday all and all to come.....PPQ


            Bob, a 70-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtakingly beautiful and very sexy 25-year-old blonde-haired woman who knocks everyone's socks off with her youthful sex appeal and charm and who hangs over Bob's arm and listens intently to his every word. His buddies at the club are all aghast.
            At the very first chance, they corner him and ask, 'Bob, how'd you get the trophy girlfriend?'
            Bob replies, 'Girlfriend? She's my wife!'
            They are knocked over, but continue to ask. 'So, how'd you persuade her to marry you?'

            'I lied about my age', Bob replies.
            'What, did you tell her you were only 50?'
            Bob smiles and says, 'No, I told her I was 90.


              af day Saturday 27

              Molly just let it slip on another thread that today she's......10 MONTHS AF



                af day Saturday 27

                I just got the Canadian joke. More coffee please Mick. I'm a bit dense. Congratulations Molly!!!!!!! I will follow in your brave strong courageous way! You rock my face off.
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  af day Saturday 27

                  Mick, why do y'all call it Chrimbo? Just wondering. Anyway, thanks for the advice. The relatives live nearby so we don't have to stay over the holidays but drive over for dinners and gifts etc. I'll just have to get through those few hours. Otherwise I can really enjoy AF time with my own brood. That's going to be fantastic!
                  Thanks for looking out for me.
                  we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                    af day Saturday 27

                    Good late morning Abbers!

                    Taking a break from hurricane prep, daughter & grandaughter left, grandsons will be here in 2 hours - I'm tired at 11:30 am :H

                    Mick, keep the coffee coming buddy!
                    Yes, hurricane Sandy is supposed to hit us here in the mid-Atlantic area. The Governor of our state declared a state of emergency yesterday. The storm is not supposed to reach here until Sunday night into Monday morning
                    I'm thinking about tying a rope to Stella & the girls out there so they don't blow away in the high winds & up to 10" of rain predicted!!!!

                    Molly, CONGRATS on your 10 AF months!!!!! :yay:

                    Greetings Satz, kuya, lifechange, PQ, nurdl & everyone!

                    A good old fashioned mouetrap with a piece of cheese works great PQ!
                    I had a million of them in my garage when we first built this house. I refused to empty & reuse a trap so just bought the traps by the bagful :H

                    Have a terrific AF Saturday everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af day Saturday 27

                      Wize Lav, re mousetraps. Not that expensive. And Hanta virus kills. Re traps, we trap small mammals for studies on microtenes, and some of the bios used to use destructive trapping, i.e. traps that killed for reasons of determining body burdens of toxins. Gruesome, but thats biology for you. Plus needed a large sample size over a big area.... Anyway, the wildlife vet I know used to go into the drug store every couple days and buy 10 to 20 traps each time, and one day the counter man couldnt just say nothing any more and he leans across the counter and said to her... Lady, you might want to think about getting a CAT.


                      PS hoping your hurricane is downgraded. And thanks Mick no worries.

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        af day Saturday 27


                        1. You're good. Very good. Thank you for starting us off today.
                        2. The upcoming wedding and co-worker experience IS going to be different this time around. But I think you're going to rock the 'remember when' if only because IT will remind you when.
                        3. The gym I checked out is more of a training centre (they call themselves a private studio). They give you the tools by setting you up on a program and working with you for how ever long you want (to pay for), a nutritional plan, weigh ins, etc etc. I've decided to sign up for 12 sessions . Very excited now that I think about it.
                        3. :H

                        Satz - Morning

                        KY - WHAT DID YOU DO?

                        Now for you Life - YOU CAN DO IT! Start by moving. Go outside and walk around the block. Walk a kid, dog what ever you can grab, steal or borrow . Just ten minutes, but do it every day. After a while the food starts changing on it's own. You start feeling better which leads to eating better and then you feel like challenging yourself to move more because you have more energy. It's a never ending story. Sound familiar? But this time you will spiral up.

                        - way to go calling Molly out! You'll have no porblem hunting those mouses down. Oh you know there's more than one right?? :l

                        - nicely done my Lady.

                        - have a good day as well. I hope some of these kids can help you batten down the hatches so to speak. We'll be thinking of you and your girls.

                        Well I must get moving. Bought some new pants last night and need to get them to the seamstress for some alterations. Then a quick visit and more condo work. Sunday is a 12km hike with the new friend from the hiking group.

                        I would like to end with...

                        A man goes to the doctor and says: 'Doctor, there's a piece of lettuce sticking out of my bottom.' The doctor asks him to drop his trousers and examines him.

                        The man asks: 'Is it serious, doctor?' and the doctor replies: 'I'm sorry to tell you, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.'

                        The tip of more good things to come.

                        AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                        "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                          af day Saturday 27

                          Nope only one CanToo....Only One....Do you hear me!!!!

                          Got my traps set, they'll probably go off just after I get to sleep. :wow:

                          Now.......about that joke


                            af day Saturday 27

                            :H oh my. K the joke WAS funny when I read it, but now I see that it will mean different things to different people. I'll find another one. I found it after googling British Jokes.

                            Oh..... And.... OK PPQ, you only have 1....
                            AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                            "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                              af day Saturday 27

                              Oh I am so sorry...

                              The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


