Tea and coffee on the go at the moment...hot buttered toast for those that want it
Mornin Mrs Molls...tis Saturday no work..you dont even have to think up any dodges for not turning in :Hows you today?Been reliably informed that we are going to Puerto de la Santiago ...or something like that..its suddenly turned into a mad rush..quick I need the passports to register etc...next itll be the cases down and all that....08.45 am Saturday 3rd...we dont fly till the 19th!!oh well nod and smile!!Hows Jilly?
Shue...good morning to you..how are you today?boy didnt you play it cool with shorty..bet he was bullied at school......I couldnt have been that chilled...I would have been grinning with mind in overtime like when he is bumping his gums big time....how do you manage to climb up to the toilet and mad things like that......
So you like haggis..............mmm me too, though some say it is an aquired taste..well Ive aquired it!!Any plans for today?
Good morning PPQ........how is you today?still carrying the just in case p or are you over that now?That hunt sounds like a good idea..even though pricey..save money ..instead of a limo, have everyone zooming about on their own method of transport..that would make it even more interesting!
Sunday tomorrow ...so wont be here to start the show

Morning Lav...real thread, real coffee real toast..how are you today?What is in store for you today or is it a nice quiet peaceful weekend?you will need to let us see the finished t shirt design.....oh and dont forget the clocks
Hi Cantoo..what are you up to today?Seriously hope you meant burpees....not burpies..wee bit of a difference!!!Did an hour walking running on the treadmill yesterday ..in a sweat suit wow was like a pool of water when I got off it!!
Kuya............at last we have a common bond.....I hate Coronation Street!!!!liked it in the earlier days...but I reckon I have not seen it for about 4 years now.One of the cast lives not far from me, and my daughter used to go to school with her daughter.So yes Im with you on that one.
Congrats to your son.. Any plans for rest of weekend?
Morning Det..glad to hear you are feeling better within yourself.....believe me mate..your life is complete without Coronation Street......google the phrase..bet the answer you get says 2 words .."utter sh..e" :H Anyway have a good weekend.
Morning Rab.....see how thats evolved? how are you today?Part of my formative allegedly years we at Daniel Stewarts...now Stewarts/Melville I think.Your weekend looks pretty full.
Morning SF....you ok? keep smiling

Mornin Satzy..had to say that..else you'll get you mate to do me in!! :H:H
Right folks thats it shows over..wont be here early morn...tis Sunday ,Sonntag, Dimanche so I will be out..................
Take care ..have a good one..big hello to all not named here
The postman knocked on my door when I was in the bath, so I rushed down the stairs and opened the door.
"You should really put some clothes on."
"I know, but this job gets really boring," he replied.
As I've grown older I've learnt that pleasing everyone isn't that easy.>
But pissing them off is a piece of cake.
Any Scottish footballer will tell you what's the hardest thing about being a substitute on match day.
Having to sit down on a bench without cracking open a can of Special Brew.
You can tell a lot about a woman by her hands.
For instance, if one's punching towards you, she's probably a little upset.
A magician was working on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. The audience was different each week so he did same tricks over and over.
The problem was, the captain's parrot saw all the shows and began to understand how the magician did every trick.
He started shouting in the middle of the show: 'Look, it's not the same hat. Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table. Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?' The magician was furious but, as it was the captain's parrot, he could do nothing. Then one day the ship sank and the magician found himself floating on a piece of wood with the parrot.
They glared at each other but said nothing. Finally, after a week, the parrot said: 'OK, I give up. Where's the boat?'
A man goes to the vet about his dog's fleas. The vet says: 'I'm sorry, I'll have to put this dog down.' The man is incredulous and asks why. The vet says: 'Because he's far too heavy.'
A penguin walks into a shop and asks the assistant: 'Do you have any grapes?' 'No,' he replies.
The same thing happens the next day and on the third day the assistant replies: 'No, and if you come in asking for grapes again I
will nail your flippers to the floor!' Next day the penguin walks in and asks: 'Got any nails?' 'No,' replies the assistant. 'Got any grapes?' the penguin asks.