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Friday March 9th

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    Friday March 9th

    Just to prove that I really am not living in a parallel universe, hello from Friday down under.

    Still no change in mood, no drinking, and am actaully energetic and have been eating breakfast whic is making me lose weight - bring on the long lost metabolism!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today

    On time Cashy
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    Friday March 9th

    Hi Cashy,

    congrats to the weight loss. I'm losing it too (as in losing weight, grin ...). nearly 2 kgs over the last two weeks, aided by dropping pasta, rice, bread, pizza and the likes from my diet, replacing it by veggies, fish, white meats.

    So along with the alcohol goes the unhealthy eating habits. I have not ditched it altogether. Still drink the odd glass of wine, but keep it to one glass only, which I often don't manage to finish. And I guess, that's the way I like it (aha, aha)

    Anyway. hope you guys have a wonderful day!
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Friday March 9th

      Good day to you.
      Last day 'in charge' at work today - my boss gets back from his trip. Yiiipppeeeee!
      There've been no major disasters, just the constant expectation of disaster.
      27 days AF today. That's as long as I've stayed sober for 28 years. Thanks again for the support guys. I love it here!
      I went to What a hoot!


        Friday March 9th

        Glad ya liked it!!!

        Hoped no-one would get offended

        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          Friday March 9th

          morning - running late for work but it's Friday so i don't care!
          day 7 af for me and loving it.will drink next weekend but moderating and then back on wagon until beginning of April and then on wagon until who knows when.
          feel slimmer since i've been sticking to my calorie allowance this week, not weighed self yet though - was overeating when i first went af i think to reward myself.
          I don't need to do that now as i know it will be ok.

          off for lil run tonight depending on cold thing and maybe gym sat and sun.
          I've decided not to go away for weekend as would be a big drive which i don't feel up to.
          night in with nice(healthy)food and tv for me i think tonight.
          keep going everyone and see you tomorow
          one day at a time


            Friday March 9th

            hi all
            do'nt post to often, but just like to say i've reached 60 days off the sauce!!! Lost over a stone off the old beer belly as well, which is a welcome bonus..................



              Friday March 9th


              Excellent work!!!!


                Friday March 9th

                Well done davy, 60 days AF is fantastic, I envy you the weight loss, over a STONE, way to go...Keep it up..
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Friday March 9th

                  Congrats to everyone for your great achievements - way to go!:thumbs: Here the sun is shining, the sky is blue(ish) and it's a busy (sober) weekend of friends, family, dance, running, cycling for me - 12 days AF and really beginning to feel the benefits - life is good from where I'm looking now - what a change of view from just a couple of weeks ago!

                  Have a fabulous weekend everyone
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    Friday March 9th

                    What a positive lot of posts! Thought i'd add to them. Sun is shining here too. Makes such a difference to my mood.. Been 24 days off the poison, feel like my head is functioning nicely. Have a good wknd. B x


                      Friday March 9th

                      Happy AF Friday Everyone!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Friday March 9th

                        Bella, congrats and I agree about the sun!

                        Supposed to be partly sunny today and highs in the 50's, so it's time for bike ride OUTSIDE - seems like its been forever (damn Chicago winters)....

                        Hope everyone has a great Friday!
                        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                          Friday March 9th

                          Hi all, you all sound in a great frame of mind.

                          day 12 for me and doing fine. finally had a hard conversation with husband this morning which amounted to a long overdue ultimatum from me. Either he winds down the drinking and sorts out the abusive behaviour, or he moves out.

                          Good news is he accepted it totally and is now, officially, on the MWO programme, Topa and all! Have filled up a weekly pill box for him with all the stuff so he doesn't even have to think. Keep you fingers crossed for us both.

                          Anyway, I'm good and strong and a much better parent than i was 2 weeks ago.

                          Love to all, K x


                            Friday March 9th

                            Good Friday Morning to all! You all sound so great and wasn't it fun to get a post from RJ in General Discussion today!? Today is 69 days for me - funny thing I almost lost track - I had to double check the calendar. Some new challenges coming for me in the weeks ahead, A business trip alone with open bar in the evenings; a trip to Rome with free alcohol on the flight; Then a conference alone with schmooze time each evening...interesting but just writing this here gives me the assurance that I won't imbibe during these journeys- thank you for listening. I am taking my CD payer with lots of batteries and all the hypno cds.
                            I dreamed two nights ago that I was working in a mechanics shop with the headphones on- listening to the subliminal CD and all the mechanics could hear Jame's voice giving the suggestions outloud. The mechanic started to chant the subliminal suggestions - they were not mean or joking - they seemed to like the suggestions and think they should get the CDs themselves...dreams - very strange eh?



                              Friday March 9th

                              hi all
                              Really pleased for all of you, I can't waite to feel that positive groove, only on day 3 and was withdrawn at work today (never ever have drank in working houres or b4 work) so found it a little unnerving, craving,headache,tummy ache, told myself that mr alcohol is a bad boy that wants to control me and make me send those stupid text messages that make you cringe the next day, No ducking spell check sorry, guys n gils

