Morning Mrs Molls (Deirdre) how are you today after your tiring day with all the bin lids around yesterday? Havent seen your post re Coronation Street yet..You at work today ?Enjoy
Morning Mrs Satzy? hows about ye?what are you up today?keeping Irelands work output up are we?.....You werent so far off the mark with your comment about food yesterday!!Made some food up to take with me yesterday ..and forgot it...Was absolutely Hank!!!
Morning Lav...cuppa for you What is on your itinary for today?Quiet kid free day? hmm
Isnt it amazing..there are people on this site from all over the world....and the most common themes are Coronation Street and now East enders is on the cards!!The only ones missing are Emmerdale and Brookie!!!
Well its big election time over there now..should be interesting!
Morning are you this fine day?Guy Fawkes celebrations were its advantages living here..can see all the fireworks and displays..........for nothing so in Scottish thats a bargain!!
If someone gave me Jack and Jill instructions on how to put video footage on to this site from a Samsung Galaxy phone then I would..but my techie capabilities arent that great!!By the way..whats a potluck supper?
Morning busy week ahead of you..that hike looked pretty good.. so you hold position for another year?think youll need to explain about the world team though!You can beat that depression Cantoo
Morning Det you ok..yes I can see your would imagine CS was Broadwater Farm..the amount of goings on there is!You on the road again this week?....Oh and heres a coffee too!
Yah..good morning to you ..glad your feeling a bit better today..yep the time change takes getting used to..I left in darkness yesterday morning and came back in it
Rabsy morning to you are you today? feeling any better?What you up to today?Back at work teaching them posh kids? Enjoy your day.
Hi Ronnie..welcome back ..wondered where you had decided to go.How are you doing?what you been up to ? give us the goss...If there isnt any then make some up :H:H ok
Morning SF apart from the cold ok? Tell me whats the difference between a good cold and a bad one?

Used to hate those away days too..go away for 2 days...some consultancy being vastly overpaid..would "analyse" the management team using Myers Briggs or Belbin..bloddy good licence to print money..then Day 2 after a nightful of ale all trying to survive and be intelligent with a mouth like the Sahara and a head banging like mad..smelling of mints thinking your doing a great job of kidding everyone you are fresh as a daisy.. trouble is everyone one was the same!!Cant wait to jump in the car and do one!...but I digress..a grand way to spend public funding!!
Bottom line..hope you are ok

Righty ho to to do some work today, and get car booked into the garage..strange noises coming from brakes..metal to metal methinks!!
Take care and have a great day..
