I'm doing well. I'm racking up the meetings for my 90/90. I'm pretty sure I'll finish before the 90 days are up. It takes planning to do it, but it's a unique experience. I'm happy to be doing it.
Also, I've been refraining about sharing at meetings. That's also a unique experience, because as hard as I try not to, I usually "plan" what I'm going to say ahead of time (while others are sharing). However, now I'm not doing that, because I know I'm won't be sharing. I tend to listen better & process the info differently.
This relapse has really been a learning experience. I can see now that my pride has diminished greatly. I'm really learning about humility. I love that my fears, emotions, faults, etc. are on display. My false front has taken a real hit, & that's a good thing.
Take care one & all...I'll be back!