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af day Thurs 8 Nov

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    af day Thurs 8 Nov

    Morning folksies,
    Well here we are again..the eve of poets day prior to the weekend!! cold and miserable...yep and the weather isnt much better either!:H
    Just reading yesterdays thread..boy think someone must of spiked the tea and coffee!!
    So how are we all today?

    Afternoon ok?Cheers for the thread start yesterday oh and "How quickly times have changed, when I was a child I was told certain behaviours made you go blind".....thats why its better to get someone to do it for you ...takes the problem of going blind out of it for you!!!!!!:H

    PPQ...and how are you?........sheer natch poetry there!,Lazy start for you yesterday..think you set your lappy to automatic!!So youve still got a moose loose in the hoose?Nice picture post of the fact its very apeeling

    Morning for you? how did your busy day turn out? dont say busy!whats your plans for today then? No rain yet?Happy to share some of this with you

    Morning ok? you did really well with that af wine:goodjob:My wife got some af rose wine the other day...she seems to like it...but also likes al wine too.Why not turn your thinking around a wee bit?Instead of thinking cant live life avoiding alcohol..what can you now do now that you dont need alcohol?

    SL good morning to you..youve settled in well.. you ok?...yep you are right about your dream list.........almost..spending money :shocked:whats that then?theres certainly some strange jockanese genes there!Got to agree with you about the hols..we never got so may when I was at skool cos we was tu bizzy lerning fings..Reading your reminded me of school..Chicken licken and Hen len!!

    Morning CB...see that didnt take long did it? you ok?If you right click on the pic save as and it will be in your downloads...that was a bit of a dramatic entrance with all the jokes..well done you!aplogies PPQ...see you have said the same

    Hi Rabsy...the storyteller you alright ?

    Morning ok mate?As for your bosses telling you about the increased taxes better to wait and see what keep your chin up mate

    Hi Ronnie..hows you doing down there?Still got the sunshine?you dont if if you goiming or not?..who is going to be a busy bee getting all tidied up!!!

    Morning ok? despite your drive in the white stuff?take it easy out there...oh and enjoy the choccy

    Morn ing Daisy 45 hows things in the emerald for the jokes....cant possibly coment if you get my drift..sure there's not a Paddy n Mick involved in it somewhere? :H

    Hi my mate down under how you doing? keep trying it will happen..Lills theres always a place reserved here for you :l

    Well thats it for the off now........

    How many American tourists does it take to change a light bulb?

    Fifteen. Five to figure out how much the bulb costs in the local currency, four to comment on "how funny-looking" local lightbulbs are, three to hire a local person to change the bulb, two to take pictures, and one to buy postcards in case the pictures don't come out.

    A gas station in Halifax was trying to increase it's sales. So the owner put up a sign saying "Free Sex With Fill-Up." Soon a Canadian pulls in, fills his tank, and then asks for his free sex. The gas attendent tells him pick to a number from 1 to 10 if he guesses correctly, he will get his free sex. The Canadian says, "7" The gas attendent says, "You were close, sir, but the number was 6. Sorry, no sex this time." A week later, the same Canadian, along with his buddy, pulls in for a fill up. Again he asks for his free sex and again the gas attendent gives him the same story and asks him to guess the correct number. The Canadian says, "5" The gas attendent says, "Sorry,it was 4. You were so close, but no free sex this time." As they were driving away, the Canadian says to his buddy, "I think that game is rigged and he doesn't really give away free sex." The buddy replies,"No, it ain't rigged. My wife won twice last week."

    A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he could hop high, the zoo officials put up a ten-foot fence. He was out the next morning, just sauntering around the zoo. A twenty-foot fence was put up. Again he got out.
    When the fence was forty feet high, a camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, “How high do you think they’ll go?”
    The kangaroo said, “About a thousand feet, unless somebody locks the gate at night!”

    I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week, phoned her up for a date but she'd popped her clogs.

    I cleaned the attic with the wife the other day. Now I can't get the cobwebs out of her hair.

    My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well, I was amazed. I never knew they worked.

    A young blonde fears her husband is having an affair. She goes to a gun shop and buys a handgun. The next day she finds him in bed with a redhead. She grabs the gun and holds it to her own head. The husband jumps off the bed and starts begging and pleading with her not to shoot herself. Hysterically, the blonde responds to the husband: "Shut up, you're next."

    I swear, the other day I bought a packet of peanuts, and on the packet it said "may contain nuts". Well, YES. That's what I bought them for. You'd be annoyed if you opened it and a socket set fell out.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Thurs 8 Nov

    Morning afternoon and evening AFFERS!

    Well 'twas a luverly day here in right side up land, sun was a shining, birds were a singing, 'twas quite lyrical, my dears.

    I know what you mean about stupid warnings, Mick

    1. Plastic bags........ Danger of suffocation
    2. Delivery not crush
    3. Coffee from takeaways......contents may burn
    4. Fireworks........handle with care
    5. hazard
    6. on board
    7. Aerodromes........low flying aircraft

    How come they don't have 'danger of addiction' on all alcohol containers? Or 'may lead to unwanted pregnancy', or 'may make you think you can dance' THOSE are USEFUL warnings!

    Orrrffff for a wander


      af day Thurs 8 Nov

      Yeh...heres another cracker... A certain water which has got to be nameless or VO LVIC might complain!!!

      Volvic? Natural Mineral Water is filtered through six layers of volcanic rock so every drop has a spark of Volcanicity! Comes from natural volcanoes tens of thousands of years old.....

      So why when you buy a bottle of it theres a soddin sell by date on it????
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af day Thurs 8 Nov

        Awh, thanks guys. I appreciate it. I really do.

        KY, IT'S SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING. I have learnt so much, I know so much more now. I know what I need to do. I know I've made huge process in some ways from a year or so ago when I was in blind denial but STILL ???

        I keep thinking about the cigarette smoking thing, because the process was similar for me in many ways, but I'm honestly not sure what finally made that click except that I finally got so fucking sick of the whole misery of trying to quit and failing? unfortunately I don't seem to be able to get there with drinking right now. Thought I had. Did for awhile. Nope. I still think it's inherently much harder than smoking - and that was HARD as a really addicted smoker - because it's so in your face, so socially acceptable and, let's face it, gives at least the illusion of benefits more than smoking.

        Anyway, again, I don't want to bang on about drinking here but it's still nice to feel welcome

        Det, thanks, yeah, me too - in that looking after nutrition and exercise do help I know and I am trying to do that. Truth is though, after drinking it's another thing that too easily goes by the wayside.

        Mick, awh, re 'place always reserved here' - thank you mate, that's lovely. :h


          af day Thurs 8 Nov

          Lilly......I have the same problem with smoking as you do with drinking. I wonder if part of the problem is hanging on to that last addiction? That last illusion of comfort!

          Just a thought


            af day Thurs 8 Nov

            Morning Mick...thanks for the coffee and the kickoff. Starting the rhyming early this week eh? I like the play on words "apeeling" but it's way too early for any kibitzing on my part. Will check in later when the brain cells are awake.

            Morning KY...can I come to your right side up land? Somebody turned mine upside down and shook it. Now there's all this "white stuff" flying around out there. Not as bad as CanToo got it yesterday, but it's on it's way. Glad I only have two blocks to deal with to get to work.

            Morning Lilly...welcome home, we've missed you. Here, stick this in your pocket..."P"...and pull it out as needed.
            I have also been going through some "stinking thinking" and know how hard it is. :l

            Coffee's ready so I might just check out where KY's gone.
            Have a great AF Thursday all and all to come....PPQ


              af day Thurs 8 Nov

              Good morning Abbers,

              Ended up having a bit of rain here last evening but no snow :yay:

              Thanks for the coffee Mick & the morning humor!
              Hope your weather clears soon

              Greetings Kuya, PQ & Lilly!

              Lilly, I was in that place of being so sick & tired of myself with the serial failures when I finally quit. The difference this time was that I had a big motivator - the birth of my first grandson. His arrival finally made me realize that if I wanted a relationship with him then I had to stop the nonsense. Is there anything/anyone you can use as your motivator? I don't know why quitting for ourselves just isn't enough for some of us. Maybe it's related to chronic low mood (I think it was in my case).
              I hope you can search & find your personal motivator because it seems that you do really want to quit

              OK, I am supposed to be kid-free today.......things change quickly around here so I have to stay on my toes!
              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day Thurs 8 Nov

                Evening Thursday AF'ers.
                Prolly all down under gone to bed

                Mick is loitering 'round the Army Barracks again I see.
                MICHAEL !! - arse out of the fridge please :tsk:


                  af day Thurs 8 Nov

                  Morning all - saw this and whilst it may not be totally appropriate for us, it did make me smile, so had to share - vote me off the planet if needs be
                  A woman is sitting at home on the couch with her husband and says "I love you"
                  He asks "is that you or the wine talking?"
                  She repies "it's me...... talking to the wine!"
                  Hope everyone is having a good day - I managed to rearrange my day to have enough time to read the opening post, good start to the day.
                  Mick, it was a dream about spending money - would never ever happen in reality, my genes are definately not programmed that way!!
                  Love the warnings posts - crazy world indeed.
                  Hi Lilly - I broke after a 60 plus day streak waaaaay back in January and still trying to get back on horse - I think I have found way to stop it bucking me off, but just realised today I am addicted to gummy bears of all things - when I stopped to fill car ($3:93 for diesel:H) and went to but 3 packets instead of looking at the wine selection I realised what had happened - oh well, I can live with this for a little while - won't be too long, they are pure garbage!
                  Hope the weather continues being kind to you Lav, our warm spell is breaking - must get my heating fixed!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    af day Thurs 8 Nov

                    Evening all,

                    Mick you been reading about the Stella Flower in the Big Sober House in the NN? Lav - I'm thinking Stella Chook might have a fight (or a retro musical) on her hands...

                    ...I mean wings.

                    Smoking... WHY did that seem much more easier to give up? When i decided to give up the fags (a-merkins, please don't take that the wrong way) I reasoned that they did feck all for me, whereas at least with AL i was getting a buzz. Well, that was my argument. But the main reason it was easier was that it is VERY ACCEPTED - i think most can see a day in some years to come when naebody will be smokin' ... But it's like everyone and everything drinks.

                    Peeps say around here that AL is the easiest drug to stop - but that it's because it is accepted and promoted absolutely friggin everywhere that makes it so hard abstain. We are positively encourged to imbibe.

                    What i did notice after one year without the fags was that on the two occasions i let them back in (the odd fag on the odd night out) quickly led them back into my life on a daily basis. I kicked them pretty quick thankfully, but the strength of the drug is frickin potent.

                    Anyway, not quite sure where that came from...

                    Bleh bleh bleh...


                      af day Thurs 8 Nov

                      Just a quick check in.

                      Morning drive Sucked! But I didn't hit anything. Somehow I managed a nice 180 on a road that has loads of oil transport trucks and somehow I missed every one of them.

                      Tonight I run back home (on the icy, rutted roads) feed the Hypersenstive Cat and then back half way across the city for a dentist appointment.

                      I've got nothing positive to say so I'm going to go now.

                      Mick - enjoy what?

                      AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                      "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                        af day Thurs 8 Nov

                        Here's one for ye Mick:
                        Englishman, Irish man and Scotsman in a psychology lesson. Teacher asks Englishman what's opposite of joy? He says sorrow. He asks Irishman what's opposite of depression? He says happiness. He asks Jock what's the opposite of woe? He says, giddy up!


                          af day Thurs 8 Nov

                          Morning all
                          I have been trying to get my boys out of thier bed for half an hour now i think i might have to introduce the cold water trick
                          I am taking a days holiday on monday just so that i can sort my house out as we are also renervating (sp) and the mess is a nightmare at the moment im lucky that my parents are not to bothered about tidy houses :H
                          Mick the weather is warming up nicely here it should be around 27 today but we might get a shower tomorrow
                          Right im off to finish my coffe
                          A big hello to everyone :l
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            af day Thurs 8 Nov

                            RC, I know Stella looks like a crazy angry fighting chick but she's really just a confused lover at heart :H
                            Whatever role you place her in ~ she will do her best

                            ronnie, I used to reach under the cover & grab my son by an ankle & yank him right out of bed :H
                            I hated being ignored :H

                            CanToo, be careful driving sister!!!
                            Hi Satz!

                            I just heard the weather is warming up for the weekend & early next week - yay!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              af day Thurs 8 Nov

                              guava kombucha is yummy!

                              that's all I got to say about that....
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

