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November Survivors ~ Week 2

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    November Survivors ~ Week 2

    Happy Thursday morning kids!

    Enjoying some daylight with my coffee this morning
    Yesterday's storm did next to nothing around here but my daughter who lives 45 miles north of here said they had more rain/snow/wind. Hope you didn't get hit too hard Paapmom.

    I am supposed to be kid-free today although my daughter & Lily just may be here tonight...we shall see.

    Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday! where is Dill this week??
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    November Survivors ~ Week 2

    I guess winter is really here. Its cold and icy. Only got about 4 inches but has now turned to icy rain. Bah. I'm going into work late. They haven't even sanded my road yet!!
    I'm very tempted to just call in. I could really use a day to finish my baby quilt!!:H
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      November Survivors ~ Week 2

      Lav - Thanks for starting week 2, time is going way to fast these days but I guess that means spring is just around the corner I can no longer use treadmills because of my arthritic feet and ankles, I only get away with the bike as its not as weight bearing.

      Papmom = Snow already?! Looks like tail end of Sandy hit Portugal yesterday and my old town is in tatters. A whole new road collapsed, roofs off, trees are down everywhere and the roads are like rivers.

      Thanks for your encouragement on the home gym, I've had negative feedback saying I wont use it but I like the way you put it and I will make leaving the loft and heading down the stairs a ritual in my head like my usual trip to the gym. I quite honestly cant afford not to use it now and thats a pretty good incentive.

      Rusty - I can really sympathize on you missing the "sweat-splashing" exercise as Im the same but its more important you get yourself right and getting out there for some power walks is a great energizer. I bet because you are not drinking your body will also recover so much quicker.

      Kaslo - Thanks you so much for your response re your lifestyle, Im always interested in how others live. I now only buy all natural shampoos and cosmetic creams and its definitely becoming more widespread with more choice. I eat almost no manufacturered foods as the preservatives cause inflamation and since consciously following this I have never felt so healthy. For me its not about the longevity of my life, I have no ambitions to live to 100 but I do want however many years I live to be the best possible quality. Especially after years of hangovers, feeling good is just the most wonderful gift imaginable.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        November Survivors ~ Week 2

        4 inches Papmom
        Hope you stayed home!

        Chill, my daughter saw a naturopath last month & was told that her migratory arthritis symptoms are due to a wheat allergy! She has improved greatly & rather quickly by eliminating wheat products which is not an easy task - but not impossible either. I have found lots of breads & pastas made from brown rice flour for her & they are good

        Kaslo, I just read about another earthquake off the coast of BC!
        What the hell is going on up there? :H
        Hope everything is OK.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          November Survivors ~ Week 2

          Hi everyone this fine morning. Rusty how are you? Chill those photographs were lovely and gave me a real feel for life in your part of the world. Your interior shots look very inviting, cosy and the floors are gorgeous, I have to say. The outdoor shots look very pastoral. Looks very nice. Re your arthritis, hope you get a chance to do some water therapy. I too have arthritis, and the more exercise I get, the better it is. Its very hard to do, though.

          BTW Rusty, I wanted to say that recovery from concussion can seem like it is taking forever, and there are sometimes these odd setbacks but people do improve. My first one astonishingly went untreated, even though I was in hospital. I woke up from a coma, with no vision in one eye, and no one did a darn thing, they were all just sort of well slap her in traction and wheel her out into the hall.

          Lav you will find this amusing. After the accident, I was in a coma and not yet in traction. I was sent to med ward for the week or so of the coma. As soon as I woke up my SIL was there, but my mom had taken off for Vancouver, she had been told I might not make it. I was put in traction right away, and the pain from going with a multiple fractured femur just laying there to traction was quite an experience. They didnt give me pain killers much either because they were concerned during the 70s about addiction, and rightly so. So I was then shipped to surg ward where I stayed for the next 4 and a half months or so, and after the first two weeks it got crowded so they stuck me in the smoking area with one of those wheeled canvas curtain jobs for privacy, and that is where I stayed for the rest of the time I was there. 6th floor surgical ward, Royal Inland Hospital end of the hall smoking / visitors area corner. Through rebreakings and resettings and restringings, pin infections, castings and rehab yada yada. I knew every pin hole in the ceiling tiles. And how to hide a plastic snake a friend brought me in the water jug so I could freak the candy striper when she came to fill my jug for me. Ha ha. I did get along with some of the nurses, and when the wards cleared a bit I asked to stay out there. It was more interesting. And actually more private than a four bed ward. I was a character, apparently. But I deserved to be there by some accounts, which as you all know was a mistaken rumour. Lesson learned, cut people some slack and dont listen to stories.

          So anyway, I am having the nicest time. I bought myself a serger, and I have a tonne of sewing projects. I wandered out in the front to find my neighbour furiously raking her leaves, she had only an hour to get to her hair appointment, so I helped her and as a result got some of her lovely maple leaves which really compost well. I missed the gallery opening night because I just hate going out at night, an old residual effect of drinking I think, but I had a nice time reading and relaxing. I have happy clients. I have a dead moose project, which is fascinating. Ive paid some money into the HSTax, so I dont have to face the music later. My friend phoned to thank me for helping her daughter learn the latin names of the native trees here. She is coming again today for an hour of silly name association which is always fun for me, and a big surprise for people trying to learn latin names. Life is good.

          Love to all.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            November Survivors ~ Week 2

            Good God Kas ~
            No wonder you're such a tough old bird having gone thru all that - GEEZ :H:H
            I hope Royal Inland Hospital has updated their pain management policies by now, ouch!
            Enjoy your new serger. I haven't had mine out of the box since I made all of the window treatments for this house when we built it in 2003.
            I admit since I whacked my head back in Nov '00, I've had a hard time with certain things.....sewing being one of them. I do miss it, maybe someday.......

            I just heard it's heading up to 60-some degrees Sunday - yay!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              November Survivors ~ Week 2

              Hey all-did make it in to work when it changed to rain around 9am. Unfortunately it took me longer to find parking coming in so late than it did for me to get there!! And to top it all off, the minute I drove onto campus, water started coming through the overhead console!! Drip drip drip....
              It finally stopped after an hour of driving around looking for parking and i did some research on the net. Might be a clogged drain tube from the sunroof. Taking it in tomorrow to get looked at. Then as I turned onto my street tonite, the check engine light came on!! Good god! What is it with my cars????

              What is a serger? Kas-what a story!! I concur with Lav about the tough bird thing!! Good god!!

              chill-you go girl!! Your own private gym!! Just remember that! So sorry to hear about Portugal. Was it really Sandy???? Wow!!

              OK, the Voice is on and I must watch then the season premier of Burn Notice!! Love Thursdays!! Also stopped and bought a new circular knitting needles for a new project and got 4 books out of the library.

              See ya!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                November Survivors ~ Week 2

                The sunroof in my daughter's jeep leaks too Papmom. She told me the other day that they're jumping on a class action lawsuit because Jeep has refused to fix the problem or even acknowledge that there is one

                A serger is a small sewing machine that holds 5 cones of thread. It stitches, overlocks & trims a seam all in one pass. I like it for doing the big jobs like curtains & stuff like slipcovers - never really used it much for clothing.
                My Mom used to use a circular knitting needle - cool!

                Chill, sorry to hear about the storm damage in Portugal. Who the hell ever thought a storm would actually travel that far??

                No daughter & grandaughter visit tonight - change of plans.....
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  November Survivors ~ Week 2

                  I saw something about that class action suit on the web Lav. Might look into it a little more. Did it cost your daughter anything to jump on it?
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    November Survivors ~ Week 2

                    Just a quick hi from me,

                    Chill glad you have moved on there,You certainly don't deserve that, here's hoping the rest of 2012 be good to you.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      November Survivors ~ Week 2

                      Good Morning Guys

                      All good here! I have some editing work to do for the Happiness Academy on the weight loss programme we are putting together. I have promised it my Monday so that will keep me busy over the weekend. Today Im heading to a nearby town to explore and regisiter with a Dentist as I still need to get a temporary crown fixed. There is also a doggy day care centre which I thought I would pop into and see if they are needing any walkers.

                      Tomorrow there is a Mind Body Spirit Fest which I want to attend and on Sunday Im going to meet Starty! We are about 1.5hrs apart and have found a country park half way where we can walk the dogs and have coffee... perfect!

                      Kaslo - Boy that was some trauma you went through and how scary being in a coma, I missed what actually happened to cause the accident. It certainly gives you something to be grateful for.

                      Papmom - I hope you get your car issues sorted. Re fav TV shows, at the moment I just LOVE Homeland! Are you a fan?

                      Lav - This thread is full of tough old birds :H must be the BGP we all wear
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        November Survivors ~ Week 2

                        x post Mario - :l Lovely of you to pop in and thank you so much for the good wishes. Everything we go through takes us to the place we are right now and Im very grateful to be where I am, life is good
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          November Survivors ~ Week 2

                          Good morning to all...

                          The weather out East is crazy!! Then earthquakes? We are going to have weather in the 60s this weekend, but in the midwest, the weather changes all the time. Pap, sounds like you are doing OK, making it through the crazy storms. I have had many cars with sunroofs, and many have leaked. So, I really prefer not to have them anymore. It is a shame cause they are such a good addition to a vehicle.

                          Lav, how ya doing? I thought you sewed in your home business? I have been reading the books you suggested by Pema Chodron and have absorbed some really good thoughts on accepting that everything is impermanent, and searching for safety and security is unrealistic. Yet, we are all searching for that. I felt that her message is that we are all ok just as we are, where we are; it will all change anyway. It gave me feelings of peace, to read her essays. I just love the meditation ideas, thank you so much. Do you have any other websites or authors you can recommend?

                          Kaslo, loved your picture the other day. Appreciated your views on cleaning products. Your story about the long hospital stay sounded like a nightmare. I too remember being subjected to cigarette smoke all the time when it was acceptable to smoke everywhere. I can't believe it now.

                          Chill, your life sounds as if it is getting back in order, I am so proud of you, getting out quickly. Loved your pics of your new home and the area. I think the workout equipment will be put to good use, you are one organized and determined person. It sounds as if all kind of interesting community activities are going on...Mind Spirit Body fest, lovely. Any luck on the job front? I was just reading some articles about online jobs, making money from home. That would be a great part-time job. They talked about Virtual Assistants. I am going to read up on it. I need to brush up on my computer skills, so downloading new version of Office, and I want to apply for a part time teaching job. It is so important to stay current and relevant. Just sharing my thoughts as I always want to experience more.

                          Speaking of that, Hi Rusty. Hope your week is going well and smoothly. How have you kept your computer skills updated? There is always so much more to learn.

                          I thought of Dill too, noting that she has not posted. Hope everything is OK, no posst cause you were just busy. It happens.

                          I have to meet someone for coffee this morning, get a hair tune up, then home for laundry and I want to create a good vegatarian dinner. Any ideas? Have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            November Survivors ~ Week 2

                            Good morning friends!

                            So nice to wake up to real sunshine

                            Papmom, I am fairly certain my daughter & SIL have not spent a cent getting involved with the Jeep class action suit. They are tight with $$ anyway

                            Hi Mario - long time no see!

                            Chill, great that you are so close to starty now - have fun!!!

                            Star, my fav website for vegan cooking is Fatfree Vegan Recipes
                            You can search all of her recipes!

                            I don't do any hands on sewing in my embroidery shop. I have two Toyota commercial machines, 15 fast moving needles on each. I do the design work on a computer then send the design to the machine. I hoop up the item, attach it to the machine & step back :H
                            Expert Industrial Embroidery Machines, commercial embroidery machine, Toyota embroidery machines, Expert embroidery machines, Embroidery Software

                            I like the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. Interesting reading there
                            Yoga, Wellness, Meditation, Retreats & Conferences | Omega

                            OK, need to get my rear in gear. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              November Survivors ~ Week 2

                              Back from the garage. Not great news. They cleaned out the drains, blew them with air, resealed the gaskets, charged me $25 and sent me on my way. I got to my street, took a hard right and water poured out of the overhead console again! Took it right back down, spoke to the tech who worked on it and the news isn't good. It could be a very costly repair as they will have to take the whole inside overhead liner out to actually see all the drains and make sure one isn't cracked or pinched. They actually recommended I take it to a Jeep dealer and bring the technical bulletins with me. Still going to be $$$. Definitely looking into the class action. I will also make sure that snow doesn't start to melt on top of the sunroof with the next storm as we think it is pooling and getting in where it doesn't belong. Doesn't seem to happen with rain so that is confusing. Grrrr.

                              Star-great post this morning.

                              Chill-I think you found your "place". And to be so near Starty!! Awesome! Your idea of applying for a day care job is brilliant. If I could afford minimum wage for a part time job that is exactly what I would be doing on the weekends. Do not discount a job similar to mine. There must be pet food demo reps over in the UK for good dog foods. The only downside is you do need a reliable vehicle as the traveling is big. But, if you can get a good reimbursement rate it is worth it. You have the passion and knowledge to represent a company. The sales part is moot-you're just giving out info. I get paid very well for the hours I do work-still not happy the milage rate went down but it all works out for me. It does seem to be a word of mouth gig although over here some of the companies advertise on their websites and on FB but not all.

                              Lav-thanks for the info on the embroidery business-I had always wondered how that worked commercially!! Just never thought to ask. Duh.
                              I'm still trying to figure out how my friend's one needle machine works!! :H

                              I have been thinking about Dill and Dew lately-wondering how Dew's new career has been going and how Dill and hubby are doing. Shout out to you both!! Jolie-where you be this week? Miss SD and Blonde as well. Hope they are OK.
                              OK, back to work!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

