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November Survivors ~ Week 2

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    November Survivors ~ Week 2

    Hi everyone, so glad to be here. LBH I hope you get your meds situation sorted out. It sounds like it would give you high BP dealing with it. Chill I wish I was cooking for one some days. Lav maybe there is hope for you and YB yet. Sorry about your Jeep, Pap, it seems like there is always a reason cars are second hand.

    Its Rememberance Day here. Is it Veterans Day in the US?

    This is my last day of a week off, and I am furiously winterizing the garden. I found a bear had gotten into my garden shed and tried to eat the fish fertilizer. I thought it was frozen solid, so I carried it into the kitchen to get a bag to put it in. Full of bear claw holes, it leaked all over the kitchen floor before I noticed the smell, then saw the goo. And me. And the door mat. Blech! What was I thinking? I guess I thought it was frozen enough....My daughter is home for the long weekend and was not impressed. Fortunately I had guests for dinner BEFORE I stunk up the place. :H

    Love Kas

    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      November Survivors ~ Week 2

      Yes Kas,
      Veteran's Day here today

      LBH, getting meds sorted out is not always an easy thing.
      I successfully strong-armed my NP into cutting the dose of my B/P in half this past week. My B/P is low enough & I'm tired of feeling goofy 90% of the time. So far so good Good luck with yours, maybe you can get it reduced as well.

      I don't think your fish fertilizer can smell much worse than the combo of leftover stink bugs & Matilda's butt gland problem Kas :H :H
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        November Survivors ~ Week 2

        Good Monday morning friends,

        All fogged in again this morning, yuck! But it is supposed to improve so I'll be patient.
        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          November Survivors ~ Week 2

          Good morning to all...

          Had a lovely day yesterday, visited and hiked at a new state park (new to me) and there was a cemetary there from the early 1800s. Lots of veterans, including a grave from 2011. So sad. Beautiful the way Veteran's Day is remembered, sad that there have been and will always be wars.

          Kas, it is hard to go back to work after time off...tell me about it. I am just now coming down from my trip.

          LBH, thanks for the tips on syncing, I will try that out soon. I took a training online for Microsoft Office 2010 last night. It was timed to be 30-35 minutes, an hour and a half later, I was happy with all I learned and want to try it out. So much to keep learning. The medication changes are crazy, why can't we just get what we need, without hassle. Hope you get it figured out quickly. Thanks for the feedback on my post. I am very philosophical in the early morning hours.

          Lav, the weather has changed bigtime. Dropped 30 degrees, raining and soon to be a little SNOW. Oh, no. Now is the time to get tough, find inside projects to do, and just deal with it. Are you having Thanksgiving at your house this year?

          Rusty, I totally agree with you that it is awesome to wake up feeling healthy and able to plan all types of activities. No more lost weekends. I feel sad to hear that Chrysler will not back their products, but have heard other horror stories of new vehicles being lemons and not satisfying customers who paid big bucks for reliable transportation.

          Pap, hope you had a productive weekend. I see that there are still people out East with no electricty, etc. What a nightmare. Glad you are ok in that area.

          Dill, lovely quotes and poem. So nice to have you back, hope you have a good week. Envy you grandchildren close to you.

          OK, a little exercise, meditation and off to work. To all, have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            November Survivors ~ Week 2

            Good Morning Lav and all,
            It's a little foggy here in New Jersey but it's burning off quickly. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. Can't complain about weather like this in November! I've a busy week getting the family ready to take a trip across the pond on Saturday. It will be wonderful not cooking for Thanksgiving and dealing with all the family lah-de-dah.
            My trip will not include sampling English beverages because I don't drink.

            In fact my packing list includes a whole lot of the following:
            I DONT DRINK. I have a disease that has made me intolerant to alcohol. I'm allergic to alcohol. I am soooo AF. Waking up sober is so much better than waking up hung over. No thank you. I'll have a seltzer with lime please. Yes, I'd love another diet coke.!

            I'm off to conquer the long to do list for today. Have a great day peeps!
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              November Survivors ~ Week 2

              Hidy Ho November Survivors!!

              Rusty-thanks for the additional insider insite on Chrysler and their abyssmal rep. We are expecting rain tonite so my car is tarped and hopefully water tight. I'm not planning on going anywhere today-too many inside projects to do! I'll definitely have to join the class action suit. Now that the tarp is an option (whereas a garage is not), I can turn my worry and anxiety to the check engine light that came on once again. It could be as simple as the 02 sensor which it looks like my extended warranty will cover but as complicated and expensive as a new cat converter. $800+ is the estimate. I guess I can drive it for a little while longer but it will need to be addressed sooner than later. I can't ask my dad for any more $$ so it looks like I'll have to take out a new credit card or ask for an increase on my current one. I really hate to do this but it will take me over a year to save up for this repair as well as the ~$600 I need to take care of LM and get my remaining animal (20 yo) an annual with senior wellness panel. It may be his last checkup unless he keeps going as strong as he is but I can see some changes happening.

              LBH-I know all too well the crap and hoops ins. companies make us go through when it comes to meds and their damn formularies. I still have major heartburn that will probably turn dangerous because they refuse to authorize a prescription proton pump inhibitor. Why? because Previcid went OTC last year. Well, prevacid has never worked for me. Heartburn also aggravates my asthma so it's a double edged sword. My new PCP and I will need to have a talk when I go back in December and she better be ready to fight for me.
              I had heard of the Apple TV and also Ru I think its called. I will be able to cut ties with Direct TV at the end of December but there is no hurry to change (except for money) and I can do some good research on an alternative. Most of my shows I will be able to get on Hulu Plus but there are a few that won't be available so I have to weigh everything.

              Nurdl-have a great and safe trip!! It must be nice to get away from the constant reminders of Sandy for a while!! Have fun!!

              Dill-great quotes today!! Love them both.

              Lav-wow! you're going to have a computer built for you? how very cool!!
              warm and hazy here but not as warm as they promised: 53 vs 68. we'll see.

              Chill-I didn't realize you were such a techno geek :H!! good luck with the job hunting -maybe you can volunteer at the day care so they can see how great you are and then offer you a job? Just a thought. I'm so glad you and starty were able to get together so soon again. What a great move you made!!

              Star-wow! your day yesterday sounded awesome! There are so many places around here to explore (I'd love to get into geocaching or letterboxing) but I just have no free time due to the 2 jobs. Very sad and annoying. I look back fondly on my birdwatching days and how carefree I was back then (even my drinking wasn't as bad). Now it seems all I do is work and eat, work and eat. Not good.

              Kas-hope your transition back to work is a smooth one. Ewww on the bear and fertilizer mishap!!

              Well, I have been to my eye appointment, ordered 2 new pairs of glasses, raked the front lawn (leaf pickup sometime this week), got the stakes in the ground in prep for putting up the temporary fencing that keeps the paps coralled in the winter and away from the 3 foot fence that they can go over in high snow. Hopefully won't have to worry for a awhile but at least I'm ready to go. Oh crap, I just realized that I was going to go to the local shelter and give them some food samples around noon and I already tarped my car!!:H Good practice for tomorrow morning I guess.
              When I come back I will get busy on sewing the baby quilt together. Once that is done, all that will be left will be to tie it off and then I can deliver it to my friend. I hope she will like it. For the next hour, I will be organizing my island cabinet. The shelve keeps crashing down and I'm sick of reorganizing only to have it happen again. I found a great homemade organizer on Pintrest but realized I need to learn how to use a circular saw and spend way too much time that I don't have to put it together. So, I went to Walmart and found a stackable system that will be a good substute I think. $31 instead of potentially $10 but instead of 3 or 4 hours (after I learn how to use the saw) it will be done in 30 min. I'll post before and after pics.
              Bette get busy!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                November Survivors ~ Week 2

                It almost took longer to figure out how to get the image on here from the new photobucket than to do the actual set up and organizing!! I didn't even throw out a thing!!


                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  November Survivors ~ Week 2

                  Good evening my friends

                  Papmom - love the new organized cupboard! I'm a pain in the ass neat freak and my whole life is like picture 2

                  The Coach at the Happiness Academy must have liked my editing cause she has sent me another batch to rewrite on happy bodies,
                  this time on metabolisms and calories.
                  I'm impatiently awaiting my home gym equipment and grudging the fuel for the daily 22 mile round trip to the gym. Apparently it was out of stock and will be another 7 days :upset:

                  I came across this little article a lot of which I could really relate to:-
                  Do You Really Want To Be Sober? - Intent Blog
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    November Survivors ~ Week 2

                    Chill, the three main points in that article made me smile. These are exactly the things I've been trying to get YB to understand for many years! He just doesn't get the concept that HE is in charge of his thoughts..... not me or anyone else
                    Congrats on the new work coming in - always nice! Got some myself today

                    Good job or the kitchen oranization Papmom. You should see my shop - you'd have a heart attack but I know where everything is :H

                    Nurdl, nice that you are going away for the holiday. I'll try my best to not become profoundly jealous

                    Star, believe it or not I don't know yet if I'm cooking on Thanksgiving. I know my daughter will not be here, not sure about my son & his crew. This is so typical of my family, I'm used to this stuff.

                    About the computer Papmom - yes, I have to have them built so I can have all the do-dads I need to plug everything in & all that. The guy who builds them is an uber dork friends of YB's (of course) but he does a good job!!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      November Survivors ~ Week 2

                      awesome nite you guys!! A neighbor came knocking on my door around 7:30 to ask if I had water. Hmmmm. let me check. Nope!! Went on the city's website and learned a HUGE water main has broken around noon time and flooded the campus of a local university across town from me. It took them just about 8 hours to decide to shut the water off to the WHOLE city!! Apparently that action has also affected almost all the contiguous towns as well to some extent. the pipe was installed in the 1930s and the DPW Director doesn't know what caused it to burst. Really?
                      Some comments on the department's FB page indicate this happened to a lesser extent earlier this summer-just didn't affect the whole city. My guess is we will see more and more of these incidences in the near future as one by one the antiquated pipes give up the ghost. Oh the joys of living in the city!!
                      Hanging in there pretty well tho. I'm going to my sister's in the morning to shower (her's is the only contiguous town not affected), and I've done pretty well not flushing the toilet (wish we had gotten texts or something so I could have filled up the tub in preparation) and I have plenty of bottled water on hand because of Sandy. dishes will have to wait for another day. They expect to have this fixed by mid morning but no guarantees.

                      Ain't life fun???
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        November Survivors ~ Week 2

                        Papmom, what an ordeal. November has been one trial after another. Hang in there.
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          November Survivors ~ Week 2

                          Morning abbers!! Water is back on but filthy. Will head to my Sis's in about 45 min. At least I can flush the toilet now!!
                          Torrential rains and high winds reminicent of a tropical storm this morning. Not looking forward to seeing how my car fared (decided not to tarp afterall-need to know if it leaks when raining as well, not just when snow is on top of roof). Wish me luck!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            November Survivors ~ Week 2

                            Oh Papmom what an ordeal! Its only when we dont have water that we realize just how many things its vital for. At leasts its back on and will hopefully run clear soon. I hope the car fared ok, crazy weather!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              November Survivors ~ Week 2

                              Papmom, too much water in your jeep, not enough in your house! I'm glad your water is turned back on already. Good luck today. I enjoyed your pictures of your organization project. Makes me want to tackle one of mine!

                              Chill, thanks for the article. I too found it interesting. I'll be printing it out and passing it along to someone I know needs to read it.

                              Hi Lav, Nurdl, Star, and all to come. There was a thick frost under my feet this morning. I crunched my way across the yard to the barn to let Tessa out. Now that it is so cold we will be keeping her in one of our barn rooms at night. We keep it heated to 55 degrees so that the pipes won't freeze. She hates to be inside as a rule, but once she felt how cold the night was she went inside willingly!

                              Have a great af Tuesday.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                November Survivors ~ Week 2

                                Good Tuesday morning friends!

                                Dark, damp but not too cold here this morning. I hear colder weather is on the way, probably from Dill's direction :H

                                Papmom, water issues are always tiresome!
                                Around here I can't get a drop of water when the power goes out (which happens frequently, year round) - hence the generator. I remember going thru the dirty water thing where we used to live Don't wash yourself or your clothes until the water clears. Sorry for the hassle.

                                Greetings Nurdl, Chill, Dill & everyone!
                                Need to go find my's around here somewhere

                                Stay warm everyone & have a great AF Tuesday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

