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Sunday 11th March

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    Sunday 11th March

    Mornin' All!!!

    Gosh you all look delicious this Morning! I have MISSED you!!! :h (Although some of you could do with a haircut and changing out of those 3 day old underpants if you don't mind me saying so...)

    I've been away for a few weeks, working on the rindy self in all respects, and am very pleased with the new canteloupe emerging. Trim body, sober mind, and a positive outlook to my life at the moment that has been missing since I can't remember when (I finally found it down the back of the sofa along with $3.00 and a back copy of 'Hello''s always the last place you look...)

    Thank you ALL for the lovely messages in my pm box...I have logged on a couple of times over my absent period, but have not really been in the right headspace to post or reply to anything, so I apologise to those who may have been worried, but the Melon was indulging in good old Me, Me, Me disease which has been extremely productive for a change instead of the usual whingy 'oh my life is a tragedy' snowball she has been caught up in so many times in the past....

    I have also been away for a while at camp with the young man that I look after, and the rest of the guys in his Special Ed unit which was a GREAT break. Every year, we go down to a place called Rotorua, an area of incredible geothermal liveliness a few hours drive from school. The kids and staff have a wonderful time scampering around boiling mud pools and marvelling at buried villages and we stay in a very basic, but welcoming little bunkhouse site on the edge of Lake Rotorua which is absolutely beautiful!
    Every evening, L. and I would wander along the lakeside in the setting sun gazing out at Mt Mokoia before I put him to bed which is a remarkably more effective sedative than anything else I usually try...unfortunately, this is negated by the fact that the boy snores like a dying wildebeest for most of the night and so the zeds (for me) were in negative numbers by the time I returned home again....still, eyes like saddlebags and skin the colour of mushrooms is a small price to pay for a wonderful time spent with some folk of the highest splediferousness, and I was VERY sorry indeed to have to make my way back to the building site that loosely masquerades under the title of 'my home'........

    It's about 94 days AF for me now, I think (how many days in February this year??)...coming up to the big 100...yippee!!! to all this Sunday, off to scan the rest of the boards now...I've got a lot of catching up to do!!! Weehappymelon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ( kiss each, with extra slobber for those that desire.....)

    Sunday 11th March

    good to have you back and feeling so positive too - well done
    one day at a time


      Sunday 11th March

      Hello Melon, I always thought you were a work in progress. 94 days is fantastic and the fact that self indulgence these days is something different for all of us.



        Sunday 11th March

        Hello all

        wow. 94 days. respect! I am on my 13th day AF today. Doing fine but with MURDEROUS pms... my poor family. Mummy has swivelling eyes and foam flecked lips...

        Sitting here sipping ginger beer (n/a) but have just read Paddy's post about how you shouldn't replace alcohol with soft drinks because of the sugar. great. thanks a bunch for that Paddy. another thing to avoid.

        (no, it's ok really, it makes sense)

        anyway, we made it though another weekend. weeks are easier aren't they? up to 75mg topa tomorrow so hope that will help knock the little whispering devil off my shoulder - only whispering, but he's there, the swine.



          Sunday 11th March

          Hello all and welcome back to the self-indulgent wee gourd. You had me worried there for a while.
          Love and hugs Lori
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            Sunday 11th March



              Sunday 11th March

              Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! You were missed you silly melonballer!!! Hope to see more of you!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Sunday 11th March

                Way hay wee Melonhead, you are inspiring.... way to go....... I,m floundering but with the love and support of southernbelle am getting through the darkness... HAIL the Southernbelle .........

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Sunday 11th March

                  Good morning.
                  Day 1 again.
                  Sorry folks.
                  To be honest, I saw it coming and I'm relieved that it's done and out the way for another while, and I didn't upset anyone, except myself.

                  Anyway, I'm going to have a nice day today. My grand-daughter is coming over to stay for the day. Once my foggy head clears up enough to drive, I'll go and pick her up. She just started eating solids last week, so we have a jar of her favourite food ready and waiting.(carrot and sweet potatoe).
                  I hope your all having a happy Sunday.


                    Sunday 11th March

                    Oh Weegoingwalkaboutmelonhead, A huge welcome back... you may have changed, but your humour, thank goodnes is still the same, pants wetting... And talking of pants, right, line up everyone, pants inspection, we'll have no 3 days old underpants here...MELON IS BACK.. HURRAH, HURRAH, HURRAH..

                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      Sunday 11th March

                      Thanks for the slobber, Melon,

                      And I did change my undies (I turned them other way round ;-) - does that count? Hey, your 'back of the sofa Hello magazine story' reminds me of that Gary Larson cartoon where the woman does spring cleaning, while turning the sofa's big cushions up she finds her hairbrush, and the she screams: Ah, and there you are, too, Andrew! (her husband!).

                      Good on you for your ME ME day. Me had a nice lunch brunch today, too. (Not too mention a break from my diet, the chocolate fountain at the Sofitel is delicious, so is the fresh Salmon, the different cheese, the chocolate cakes, floating islands, Spanish ham, mmmmmmmmmmh, so yummie.

                      Hey, Paulie, don't worry too much about your brief relapse there. You did have a long AF record. The longest ever. So this thing yesterday was just a reminder on how things used to be, and how strong you can be, ok.

                      Anyways folks, hang in there. Get ready for another week of great activity. My Sunday is nearly over ....

                      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                        Sunday 11th March

                        Good morning all!!

                        Hi there to all, Bear, Paddy, Lush,Sammys, Lorisunshine, Bear,Irishlady, Tea, Kate, Popeye(don't worry about the slip, it has happened to the best of us!?!)

                        I don't wear underpants! So don't worry about me Weemelonhead!! (I knowTMI!!)

                        Anyway, felt like saying that!:H

                        Have an AWESONE DAY everyone!!! (21 for me!!! YEAH!!) :happy:

                        Hope you all have a serene, peaceful and satifying Sunday!:thumbsup

                        Love you all!!

                        Mary Anne:h


                          Sunday 11th March

                          3 days is nothing...I'm going for a P.B.
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            Sunday 11th March

                            So good to have you back melonhead. You were missed and I honestly do not have undies on so I am sure to pass the inspection.


                              Sunday 11th March

                              I suppose it's time for a shower.....the flies give it away?
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

