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Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

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    Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

    BettyG: My husb & I socialize w/some AA friends pretty regularly. It's fun & reinforces my sobriety. So, enjoy the potluck.

    In our area there are very few NA meetings. Consequently, many addicts come to AA & apply the principles/steps to their particular addiction.

    This morning I just couldn't get myself out of bed for the AM meeting. I don't feel great about it, but tomorrow is another day I can go. Sometimes I just have to take care of myself & get a little extra sleep.

    Take care one & all. Tonight we're going to watch the g-sons, & I just got the movie "My Dog Skip" from the library. I've seen it already. Heartwarming especially for us dog lovers.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

      dg, i'm dying to know what the 13th step is?

      and yes, honesty is always the best policy, you guys are right. interesting about that theory dg, makes a hell of a lot of sense. my dad must be an exception, as he is so accepting and ...evolved, i guess. he is 62 and very forward thinking, i am lucky. he did do a bit of acid, so maybe his mind is expanded!!!



        Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

        Hey everyone,

        Just thought I'd drop in and say hello and thank you for your support a couple of weeks ago through being ill. After lots of medication, I seem to be on the mend again, though far from well. It is a great time to practice patience.

        I managed to get out of the house for the first time a couple of days ago. I went for a 5-minute walk and actually bumped into one of my AA friends! It's always nice when that happens and to get a random hug, which I probably needed! I have felt very isolated because of being ill for so long, but hopefully I should be able to get out a bit more now. It would be easier if I wasn't so tired all the time, but hopefully that will lessen as I get better.

        Sounds like everyone's having a good week anyway. Good to connect - and thanks again for being there x
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

          wow, i hope you are feeling better! sorry you had to go through that...being sick for a long time can be so overwhelming and depressing...welcome back!


            Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

            Thanks Betty. Yes it has been a trial. I do hope it's over soon!
            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

            Recovery Videos


              Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

              Hi everyone!

              bettygirl;1412781 wrote: dg, i'm dying to know what the 13th step is?

              Men _____________ women. (choose the words you prefer, from "preying on" to "intensely trying to socialize with...")

              Kimberley;1413066 wrote:
              Hey everyone,

              After lots of medication, I seem to be on the mend again, though far from well. It is a great time to practice patience.
              Kimberly it's awesome to *see* you and so good to hear you are on the mend. Your experience must have been so scary and frustrating. I hope it's behind you now! :H AA is definitely good for random hugs as needed!

              My classmate gave me an NA schedule for the area, and also told me about a once-a-month open speaker meeting. An open speaker meetings is just what I was hoping for. I hope to go in December once school is out! For now, I've got to get my nose into this research paper or I will never get 'er done.


              PS - I started the application process for graduate school this week. I'm not sure whether to or :egad: or :nutso: about that possibility!!!
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

                Meetings last night & this morning really recharged my batteries.

                Last night's meeting was on Nov. is gratitude month. It can't be put into words, but the meeting was inspirational. Many stories of redemption & renewal.

                This morning's meeting was on emotional sobriety. Once we've got the alcohol out of our systems, we then have to deal w/life differently. For me that means:
                -feeling my feelings.
                -expressing my feelings emotionally.
                -meeting life on life's terms.
                -being rigorously honest.

                I drank to numb out all of the above. Now, I'm in the beginning stages of working through all that.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

                  Great summary of emotional sobriety Mary - for me that's what recovery is, along with being happy to live sober
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos


                    Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

                    thanks your insights.

                    dg, i think i've already experienced the 13th step and i'm only on step 4!!!! lol...boys will be boys, i guess...did i just say that!!!???

                    kimberly i just watched one of your videos (my name is beth as well!), inspiring!

                    going to the store to get thanksgiving groceries...not much sugar in the plans! also get to go to one of my favorite meetings tonight, hopefully i won't have a panic attack there today!

                    oh, and i went to the potluck last night, brought my dessert, and wandered around and got a few hugs, but the place was PACKED tot he gills! couldn't even walk, let alone find a place to sit. so i left and went on a date with my husband instead...saw "lincoln" and HIGHLY recommend it!



                      Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

                      Thanks Betty. Do you know I hardly ever meet any other 'Beth's? I forgot it's thanksgiving over there in a few days isn't it? One of my housemates is from the States. Might have to make him a pumpkin pie or something!
                      Recovery Coaching website

                      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                      Recovery Videos


                        Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 12 - Nov. 18

                        i bet he'd love that! my name is actually bethany, but most everyone calls me beth...betty is a nikname from high school.

                        well, i didn't go to that meeting last night, just wasn;t up for it by the time 7 pm rolled around...oh well, went to my am one today.
                        at the meeting this morning a woman said she went to a wedding this weekend and had a drink. she also mentioned that her 17 year old son "decided" to drink and got really drunk. i was aghast! i am not judging her, but i put myself in her place and really can;t imagine allowing my kid to drink at 17. i would remove her from the wedding before i would just let that happen. i know i drank when i was 13 for the first time, and my daughter is almost 15, but has never even considered it. my parents were not involved in my life at all (i had much younger siblings), but my husband and i are fairly involved (not pathologically!) in her affairs, and know her best frined's family well (they don't drink). i just can't fathom allowing a 17 year old to drink. i feel somewhat hipocritical because i drank and smoked pot regularly at her age, but she doesn;t know that, and i don;t want her to think it's ok. i want more for her, and i'm willing to put limits and boundaries down in order for her to have a better chance at not ending up like me. i don;t think she'll never drink or smoke pot, but i'd like to help her stave it off for as long as possible, because it seems the younger kids try things, the greater their chances of developing a problem or addiction...scares the bajeebus out of me, but what will be will be.


