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af day Tues 13 Nov

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    af day Tues 13 Nov

    LillyE so glad your AF'ing along with us! will have to check out some of the blogs.

    Cat, guys are weird and don't communicate their feelings well at the best of times. Maybe he was just trying to not be 'over eager'. dunno..... but hand in there and don't beat yersef up!

    CanToo you are so busy! my goodness. I have to fight also to not be sucked into my dark little cave this time of year. I'm going to start back up with my kickboxing class next week.

    oh my it's late

    gnight loves
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      af day Tues 13 Nov


      First of all, I LOVE you guys. Seriously. I knew I could come home and be with my MWO friends, and you would make it all better. I got an amazing PM from RC, sat down in my hallway and cried, and now here I am.

      I have a terribly crappy history with dating, and am extremely insecure on this front. I managed to get married twice, both times to wonderful men, so I'm not hopeless, but boy this is not my forte. This man tonight - smart, funny, handsome, and I was just so attracted to him. And nervous. No AL to calm my nerves. He was complimentary and sweet. And meeting for "drinks" became a three hour dinner. But men are so hard to read. Please tell me why that is. It confuses us women. Just a hug good night and "drive safely." No "I had a great time, when can I see you again," nada. WTF?

      Yes, I need a big ginormous penis right now, and if is attached to a good man, all the better. Maybe I could snuggle it like one of those body pillows. The BAC only works if you've got a man to take it. (I've been following the thread, and KY you are hysterical, among others. Best laughs I've had in a long time).


      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

      AF since Oct 2, 2012


        af day Tues 13 Nov

        New Zealand and Booze - and Dating

        Still not sure if I get the postings on these threads right.
        Kuya - are you moving to NZ to curb drinking? Eeeeekkkkk!!!!!!
        NZ - lovely place and please do move here - but the drinking culture is dreadful - plus there is very little support for substance abuse. If you want more on this - I am happy to fill you on on this.
        Instead of the "Land of the Long White Cloud" - it should be known these days as the "Land of Cheap Booze". Seriously - wine is very very cheap - other drinks too.:welcome:

        Belated reply to Catbuddy - congrats on getting through your evening with the guy -AF - and I think I can remember where you are coming from (by that I mean its decades since I had a 'date' with a new guy as I am in a long term relationship). I recall AL giving me that extra 'courage' to make a move - and I admit this could be lots of fun and it worked - but it could also lead to rejection.
        anyway hows it going Catbuddy?

