Tea n coffee on the go
Morning Lav..cuppa for you..Im on number 2 now..grrr.So you had nice sunny weather yesterday?whats on the cards for today?Our weather strangely enough wasnt too bad ..got some more planting done in the garden..winter cabbage
Morn PPQ..stiill on that crest ? good.Any plans for today now the boss aint there?.A for the Chrimbo pics..was just an idea..no probs if you dont want to :l see now you arent alone! Best of luck with the lawyer stuff..wow you sure have got that nailed on a positive note!!
Mornin YAH...
I feel seduced and abandoned after the lovely warm weekend..WOW...what a weather report!!Cant see that too much on the telly though!!How are you today?Any plans?
SL good morning to you ..any better sleep last night?that was an ice poem...tho you wont need it you are going to make it :l
Cat buddy..hows you today?Cant really help too much with the dating game..1 failed marriage. 1 rebound marriage several relationships of various lenghts..promised myself that the next woman I met would have her clothes in a bag cos she wasnt staying...that was 20 years ago ..been married 1 ..lived together 19!!IMO maybe you should think about priorities...cos somewhere along the line al and relationships will meet and unless you are prepared it might not be in the best of circumstances..Dont forget..there may be a knight in armour..but most are shites in armour!!
Mornin/afft Kuya..you ok? wow find it strange that at parties you are the only one af..says a lot about the culture..speshully..drivers drink minimally..its almost condoning it..like we do here by having a limit..whats the drink drive laws like there? My mate is coming back from NZ for Chrimbo..so have a good ole catch up
Mornin Rabsy ..on journey to posh school..hows af journey doing mate? best of to you
Morning SF...Sober and happy..what more could you wish for? enjoy yourself.
Lills my mate down under..and how are you :l Still on track for this massage good for you keep it up..wow lot of dating stuff going on here...you defo dont need a pity party...its the worlds loss..

Cantoo no problem..it was meant.Nope not at the packing stage ..all piled up and ironed tho..in the spare room ..despite the fact that there is a travel iron too...oh and a first aid kit that any operating theatre would be proud of..creams, potions, lotions you name it!
At a wedding tomorrow..which I aint looking forward to...volunteered to drive..its mostly people I used to work with in the service..including different establishments (ky)..cant really get out of it because my wife is great friends with the bride too!!
Right..offski for the second time..take care..have a great day.
We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.
Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
Hallmark Card: "I'm so miserable without you, it's almost like you're still here."
Q: How do you kill a circus clown? A: Go for the juggler!
Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name? A: You didn't hold the pillow down long enough.
Q: Why do men get their great ideas in bed? A: Because their plugged into a genius!
One day, a little boy wrote to Santa Clause, "Please send me a sister." Santa Clause wrote him back, "Ok, send me your mother."
Q: Why doesn?t Mexico have an Olympic team? A: Because everybody who can run, jump and swim are already in the U.S.
Q: Whats long, Hard and Erects stuff? A: A Crane!
Right Russia time...Moscow !!!:H