Greetings, all.
YAH, Congratulaitions! That is huge. Let's all dance.
Okay, better than a pity part. YAH, it is very inspiring to be in dialogue with long-term abstainers. It's great to share the road with you.
Sleeping questions... I have been zonked out every since I gave up AL with a combo of magnesium, calme forte, and my anti-depressant. Long-term, I'd like to get off the drug if I can. Folks have mentioned inositol? Any advice here? I took L-tryp for a while years ago. It worked okay, but I was still drinking, so I don't know if it would be better now. L-tryp helps with serotonin production, so it is a non-prescription approach to depression treatment as well. I know it's not advised to double-up on these approaches, so I won't change my anti-d and add anything without doctor supervision.
I've got the flu, so am going to hide under the covers all day. Good to have company.