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af day Friday 16 Nov

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    af day Friday 16 Nov

    morning everyone..lets see if we can press the right buttons today for a dodgy comments thank you!How are we all today then? getting ready for the weekend?
    I am off to a wedding to be there for big smile and glad rags on..grr.Still there will be no al involved..Im driving!!

    Tea and coffee on the go ...including green tea

    Mornin Molls ..the keeper of the is ya today?You working today or gonna chuck in a wee sickie?Jokes are rubbish must be you

    Morning KY...howsya feeling today?still tired?get some Irn Bru...thatll give you energy!!!And yes you are right..people get ever so defensive and kind of stupid attitudes when you tell them you dont drink..wish I could give up ..actually only have a drink now and again(like every day with a y in it!), drink doesnt affect me and so on...Do they not realise I actually dont give a toss what they think..I am proud that I did it!

    Morning YAH...owner of treble numbers...still not sleeping?Oh well you could always hoover up at 5 am..guaranteed to impress the neighbours!! Heres a cuppa for you..and thanks for the comments x..

    Nurdl how are you doing today? you ok or do you need some positive ps from ppq?take it nice and steady youre doing great..

    Morning the boss is back now ?....well party time is sound really upbeat about this court thingy...strange doing it on a Sunday..they wouldnt dream of that over here!!Fingers crossed for you that pic is ace ..going to play around with it thank you

    morning Lav ..and how are you? firstly heres the coffeee maam.Isnt it strange how things become custom and practice?Ive got a friend, who retired roughly same time as me...and he was saying..from picking up his granddaughter now and again it has developed into pick her up feed her, sometimes take her ,home pick her up from after school club!Reckons he works harder than he ever did!!Anyway have a great day whatever you do was work?

    morning are you today...Glad this thread is helping you...certainly has recently had a few more afs of longer time on here so give yourselves a big pat on the back!Doesnt really matter what it is ..gummi bears or anything that stops you using al is gotta be good.Sometimes I have an af beer or cider...when I gave up ..thought I would maybe use them if I needed a substitute.Taste ok and I like the taste..but no longer need them as a substitute if that makes sense.....would rather just have a cuppa now...that craving for most parts has gone.You are doing great..soon be at 100!!

    Turn are you?Is that pumpkin not a pie or soup by now?thank you for your words...When I first came here, I promised myself that I got to a reasonable state of being af..I would help others do the same..hopefully in some little way I do..I ll be honest..sometimes its a chore ,but most of the time I really enjoy becomes part of life if that makes sense!!! it definitely keeps you on the path, along with the banter and support of this thread, newbies and general..cant say much about the others..dont go on them too much, but I am sure they are as good. are you doing today?yeeehah nearly jolies time.Well what are you up to today ?Tell you might be onto a winner there with that scavenge hunt....certainly good for corporate events and team bonding for get your heads together.Where my wife works.. they have just paid ?73000 for 4 sessions of team bonding to build a team ,what the qualities of a team are , how to improve current team and all of that..4 sessions of 2 days at a time..none of it outside of a training room...hows that for easy money?
    As for dont play..unless you include crazy golf!!my handicap..getting it under the windmill!!:H:H have a great daybr />
    Morning Cat...yes thats the way to do it!!!!..Ive got flu...not Ive got a cold! thats defo a man thing :HApart from that how is you today?Maybe you should get some positive p s too!!:l youll be fine

    Morning SF..You ok?

    Mornin Det....keep at it my friend day you will think so what was the hassle all about..stick at thing I would say...scrutinise the reasons why you did it and try and put a game plan together for next time..

    Lills love your attitude brill my mate..stick with it 100 will be a piece of cake..dont let poncy glasses or owt detract from that goal...go for it ...yes rootin for you!

    Righto offski now..let you know later how the wedding went..shouldnt really say this..but looking forward to the scran!!!:H

    Have a great day

    Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

    You are such a good friend that if we were on a sinking ship together and there was only one life jacket... I'd miss you heaps and think of you often.

    Materialism: buying things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people that don't matter.

    The easiest job in the world has to be coroner. Surgery on dead people. What's the worst thing that could happen? If everything went wrong, maybe you'd get a pulse.

    Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?

    Alcohol is not the answer, it just makes you forget the question

    Only in America... do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.

    Q: Why doesn't a chicken wear pants?
    A: Because his pecker is on his head!

    Q. What did one saggy tit say to the other saggy tit?
    A. If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts!

    Q. What's the last thing that goes through a fly's mind when it hits a windscreen?
    A. It's arse!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Friday 16 Nov

    Just been nicked by the smiley have used too many smileys...duh!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Friday 16 Nov

      Morning Mick.

      How are you this fine fettle of a day? Pawsh kideroos were ever so pawsh yesterday, One does wonder what they make of me. Unkempt, unironed, unshaven and earrings to boot... Plebiscite indeed.

      Morning everyone else too! Got to get through two wee battles today - off to a conference, that will end with 4pm drinkiepoos. And then home to my flatmate having a buffday soiree. Got my P.O.A's in place ... simply, I'm planning to drive up to my folks in the country tonight.

      There's chooks there. But not a Booze Shed. Or Stella (Chook).

      Right ... orf I go. Pleasantries to you all


        af day Friday 16 Nov

        Mornin Rabsy..youlll do it..nae probs
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Friday 16 Nov

          PPQ...there you go new avatar :l
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af day Friday 16 Nov

            Thanks so much Molly and Mick. Ha, that sounds like a radio show. The Molly and Mick show. You both do so much here and it helps when you both notice that someone may be a little off. I'm not quite sure what is going on with me. Maybe it's that thing that when you know you are taking off on a holiday and suddenly you are more stressed about every little thing. Like this morning we've got conferences with the youngest one's teachers at school and the hot water heater has died. Im about to cry at the thought of crawling out of bed and taking a cold shower. It's just one more thing and the day hasn't even started yet. I have to get moving. Check in later. Good thoughts to you Mick at the wedding. Leave early if you can.
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              af day Friday 16 Nov

              Morning all,

              Just back from a party, it's 1.30 am and I am wide awake. Always hate the fact it still takes me just the same time to wind down to sleep no matter what time I get home.....
              Also had scary reality of my daughter showing an interest in a boy at the! Please not yet, don't want her growing up this fast! :upset:

              Nurdl ...... Don't worry mate, it'll pass......skip the shower, what the hell one day won't matter. Yep ..... Holidays are stressful til you get there.

              Cantoo.... We will continue the stories over the weekend, so much could take some time. Glad you enjoyed the laugh on 'the other' thread.......that guy is TOO TOO FUNNY :H

              Molly .....nice to see you having relaxing times these sound so laid back...tis good to hear.

              Rabsy......good to have you back on the planet, no more breaking into the shed, you hear me!

              Off for a wander and a sleep.......hi to all to follow


                af day Friday 16 Nov

                Morning RC, Molly, Nudl, KY and Mick thanks for the coffee and the kickoff....Yup, that avatar is you!
                Before I forget want to wish you luck at the wedding tomorrow, I know you'll do have a new hat :H

                Have to get the two asses served by the 18 to meet our 30 day court deadline of Dec 18.
                Yup I am feeling a bit upbeat about the whole thing. Maybe it's because something is physically happening, not just Affidavit re-writes.

                Busy day today, setting up tables for the vendors and wouldn't you know it...the city wants to shut the water off this morning to repair a damaged pipe on the next block.:stomper:
                Yeah wait till I have 60 vendors in the building and apparently 200-300 shoppers over the 2 days. Port a potty being installed out the back door, glad it's at least above the zero mark! At least I got to use stomper in my post....always puts a smile on my face.

                Just want to send a special shout out to Det....the "P"s are on their way and you're in my prayers.

                Also sending "P"s to Nurdl and CB
                per Mick's request. I think I sent a few out yesterday, doesn't matter, lots to go around.

                Off to get my 2nd cuppa and email off some of Mick's jokes.

                Have a Great AF Friday all and all to come....PPQ

                PS: KY - did you hear it's gone back to normal size :shocked:


                  af day Friday 16 Nov

                  But did you see the drawing, PPQ.............tooo funny :H


                    af day Friday 16 Nov

                    kuya;1412319 wrote: But did you see the drawing, PPQ.............tooo funny :H
                    Yeah...the thread's been hilarious. What's with Reggie putting a downer on it!

                    Got to say though I checked in here 1st. :H


                      af day Friday 16 Nov

                      porqoui;1412321 wrote: Yeah...the thread's been hilarious. What's with Reggie putting a downer on it!

                      Got to say though I checked in here 1st. :H
                      Can you prove that PPQ......I very much doubt it :H:H

                      Reggie's point is really a waste ......everyone has had a laugh, so even tho IULL is female what, 'twas too funny.


                        af day Friday 16 Nov

                        kuya;1412325 wrote: Can you prove that PPQ......I very much doubt it :H:H


                          af day Friday 16 Nov

                          Good morning Abbers,

                          You guys are really full of it already today :H :H

                          Working later in the evenings means I'm not so ready to get up & get started in the mornings, oh well. But I will get a few things done before I blow off the afternoon for lunch & shopping with my daughter & grandaughter

                          RC, I actually have nothing but chicken feed & cracked corn stored in the former booze shed now. Stella will be severely disappointed if & when she ever firgures out how to get in there :H

                          Greetings to everyone & wishes for a fabulous AF Friday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af day Friday 16 Nov

                            :hallo: Lav...have a fabulous afternoon


                              af day Friday 16 Nov

                              Happy Friday!

                              I logged on at 8:00 AM and there were already 14 posts. Good to see you all. And to those lurking we're glad you're here too.

                              Taking things easy this morning - the body is a little stiff from spin class last night. One should never take a week and a half off.... With that said I know it's a good workout when I feel like 'throwing up' at the end. (I really hope the PT takes it easy on me today.)

                              Another busy weekend with a comedy show tonight (don't know how it could possibly be better than certain threads here). Saturday starts with an 8:00 AM teaching session for the new board treasurer, followed by the MASSAGE. And then there's Sunday. 9:30 AM group training session followed by an afternoon hike with the PHD dude.

                              Must. Keep. Moving.

                              Mick, I'm using one of your 'jokes' in my signature. Drive safe. Yah you're already home aren't you? 2 more sleeps? :beach:

                              KY - my cat is mad at me - I slept in and missed her med time. Ugh

                              PQ - did you see that? 73K pounds that's over 116K CDN for 8 days. Wouldn't be out of the question for 'Oil County'.

                              Molly - hope you enjoyed your day off.

                              And Lav - enjoy your afternoon off

                              Nurdl - I'll help PPQ push a couple of P's your way. I'm sorry you have the added stress to deal with. You know where to come at the end of the day. P.S. I the sound - Welcome to The Molly and Mick Show. Where life keeps getting better!

                              CanToo - off and running
                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


