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AF Saturday 17 November

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    AF Saturday 17 November

    Good morning people!
    I think I am getting to know more how the MYO groups/threads operate - still learning after all these months.
    I suspect I may be one of the first MYO abstainers in the world who sees in the new day - thats because I live in New Zealand and where we are on the world time zone. I have already posted on some earlier threads - especially for Catbuddy and Kuya. My current rant is to dispel myths about our benign drinking culture - quite the opposite - its awful here. I have yet to go outside and get my morning paper (haha - that gives my age away!) but I guarantee its full of booze related horror stories. As if there are not enough horrible disasters and wars going on at the moment!
    But cheerful-wise - its a new day, will be a busy day for me - so I love when I can get this quiet time to myself. Have a good day - or for those in other regions who are starting the evening - or going to sleep - bon soir!

    AF Saturday 17 November

    Lol. Hi TT. Still working on Friday morning here (it's 10:15 AM here).

    KY should be along shortly as she is also in NZ.

    Happy AF Saturday Tree.

    AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

    "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


      AF Saturday 17 November

      Morning CanToo.
      It must be cold in Alberta.
      Hope the day goes well - do you have any plans for the evening?



        AF Saturday 17 November

        thanks for the kickstart treetops.

        good to see you CanToo, off to they gym today?

        well feeling super crapola, shaky, headache and all that jazz. I had a really interesting revelation on
        Wed evening as I was walking to a restaurant (where I drank). the thought was that I somehow miss the pain of my old blurry/drunk days. I missed the way the night smelled when I was drunk or hung over. I missed the dull pain that somehow demonstrated that I was a tough guy that could carry on in spite of it. when things are easy in my life I tend to self destruct and I'm not sure why. I'm going to guess it's related to unresolved guilt issues.

        I must continue to auger into my mind and uncover the mechanisms at play. much introspective work to do.

        sorry for the philosophical ranting. just talking out loud here trying to figure out my puzzle.

        be well everyone
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Saturday 17 November

          Det, I'm just running to the gym but I've got something for you to read. I opened a book today and read something that made me see that the past is the past. Can't live today if you're living a dad part of your life. I'll post it by tomorrow.

          Tree, yup off to the gym, home then I'll be getting ready for a comedy show tonight. No AL issues the this friend so will be a safe night.

          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


            AF Saturday 17 November

            Determinator;1412438 wrote: thanks for the kickstart treetops.

            good to see you CanToo, off to they gym today?

            well feeling super crapola, shaky, headache and all that jazz. I had a really interesting revelation on
            Wed evening as I was walking to a restaurant (where I drank). the thought was that I somehow miss the pain of my old blurry/drunk days. I missed the way the night smelled when I was drunk or hung over. I missed the dull pain that somehow demonstrated that I was a tough guy that could carry on in spite of it. when things are easy in my life I tend to self destruct and I'm not sure why. I'm going to guess it's related to unresolved guilt issues.

            I must continue to auger into my mind and uncover the mechanisms at play. much introspective work to do.

            sorry for the philosophical ranting. just talking out loud here trying to figure out my puzzle.

            be well everyone
            Det - reading this loud and clear. So much of what you said here rings true with me. I remember thinking recently one thought process when I was drinking and waking up feeling groggy in the morning, "this is fine, i can deal with this, after lunch i'll be fine again. just look forward to 5pm..." (where i would start it all again).

            I also remember thinking that i could do things better when i was a bit hungover - like writing essays... but perhaps it was because i could write essays in bed and not have to get up and deal with anyone else... Or, like running... but my theory there is that i had an excess of sugar when i woke up in the mornings. Anyway, i'd be downing pain killers also.

            But then you say "but when things are easy in life, i seem to self destruct" ... Wow... yep, I get that. For me it's as much life becoming "samey" or as i'm living along some plateau as much as that things are easy.

            CanToo - looking forward to that post.


              AF Saturday 17 November

              Oooops .......been posting on the wrong thread for HOURS .......what a dope. Wait , no this thread is too early ......aaaarrrrrrgghh. Now I don't know if it's New York or New Year!

              Hi to all, can't cope, see y'all later when you have sorted this out!


                AF Saturday 17 November

                I know Kuya. I get confused when I see it's tomorrow before I've gone to bed.
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  AF Saturday 17 November

                  I am glad to report that is 9ish pm Friday here.

                  Due to being so busy....I scroll through this thread quickly. So I missed on your journey DET. Sorry that you are feeling so bad. You mentioned the "smell"....and that is my biggest trigger. I know exactly what you mean on that.

                  This time around I refused to stop living my life.....and that meant going to places that trigger me. I just deal with it at the moment. When I was "working so hard to be sober"....and stayed away from that.....I was certain to relapse after 2-3 months....I was tired of living like a hermit and for me it sucked more than being drunk or any hangover.

                  Now I know that I can get triggered....and not react to the trigger. I am not bullet proof....but, I know when I stopped going certain places....just to make sure I stayed sober....meant I was setting myself up for relapse. That is just me.

                  4-Hour Body Plan works great...DET...I am down 8 pounds and have not worked out at all. I do plan to get that back into m life.

                  Still happy and still sober.


                    AF Saturday 17 November

                    Mornin couldnt get my head round that one...thread already started...well done treetops...
                    how is everybody?tea and coffee on the yourself
                    Got back from the wedding at about half 12 this is now 7...Cold dark and raining outside Wedding was interesting....what is better though ..I didnt even feel at any stage of te night that I wanted alcohol.I had a back up plan just in my car I had 3 cans of af cider..just in case..and they are still there!!
                    Really chuffed with that one........
                    OK just to get te ball rolling..

                    Q: What's 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and drives women wild? A: a $100 bill!

                    99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

                    Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

                    A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender says "Hey, we have a drink named after you." The grasshopper says "You have a drink named Steve?"

                    Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. You know you're going to get it, but it's going to be rough.

                    How can you get four suits for a dollar? Buy a deck of cards.
                    How do we know the Indians were the first people in North America? They had reservations.

                    A car hit a Jewish man. The paramedic says, "Are you comfortable?" The man says, "I make a good living."
                    Q: How can you find the guy who drank a case of Coors Light? A: He's the one dancing like an asshole!

                    Johnny, George, and Bert were driving along in their pickup when they saw a sheep caught in the fence with its hind end up in the air.

                    Bert said, "I wish that was Sharon Stone."

                    George echoed, "I wish it was Demi Moore."

                    Little Johnny sighed, "I wish it was dark . . . "
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      AF Saturday 17 November

                      thanks much everyone. nice quiet AF night here happy to say.

                      thanks for the chuckles Mick! needed those.

                      sleepy... be well late nighters
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Saturday 17 November

                        Hi guys!

                        Treetops, thanks for posting to me! I'm doing fine, getting through the week. So happy it is Friday. I used to dread the GUILT I would feel over the weekends as I would drink too much and not attend to my errands. Now, I know I'll both rest and get some stuff done. I love the respite from work. Things are coming back into balance.

                        Funny story about triggers and drinking places. At dinner the other night, I was anxious to be on a date with a social drinker. Having been clear that I did not drink, I also suspected he didn't really process that. So he orders wine.

                        AL-free beer?
                        No go.
                        Sparkling water with Cranberry?
                        No go.
                        Okay, what juices do you have?
                        Orange juice.
                        Fine, how about some sparkling water and a small orange juice that I can splash in it?
                        Would you like to share the sparkling water?
                        Sure, does that come in large bottles?
                        Bring a bottle to share then.

                        SO, the waitress brings this RIDICULOUSLY HUGE glass of orange juice, must have been 24 ounces, and a small bottle of sparkling water. Sigh. I wasn't going to drink, and I didn't want to make a big deal of that, but you would have thought I was ordering a vegan meal at a steakhouse.

                        Next time, I'll just order the damn sparkling water.

                        Cantoo, I've missed the history here. Are you training for an event?

                        Det, hope you're feeling better after this week.

                        It's 12:06 am PST, so you kiwis are up. Good morning!

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          AF Saturday 17 November

                          Well I kind of think I have caught up to where it's at, although it's now Sunday morning cos I was out AGAIN two nights in a row....a life mebbe? :H

                          Nice day, my future DIL did my hair and then FED me an amazing cool, lovely evening.

                          Treetops...... No one claimed NZ drinking was benign, just changing attitudes. Also alcohol fuels violent crime everywhere and NZ is no different. I am a lot safer here than in London where I lived for 45 years. Kiwis don't know how good they have got it.

                 drives me potty that I can't get a decent soft, non carbonated drink in a restaurant , it can't be that hard to keep mixers handy, can it?

                          SL .....hope you slept well lassie

                          Have a good day each and every one of ye



                            AF Saturday 17 November

                            Morning TT...thanks for kicking us off. How to confuse a bunch of drunks - post todays thread yesterday...:H Made me think!

                            Morning Mick...I am chuffed about YOU! :wd: on surviving the wedding.

                            Moring glad you had a quiet night. Bet you needed it. I liked what CanToo said to you so thought I'd post the actual picture.

                            CanToo...if you replace "url" with [img] amd [/img] your picture will post instead of the link.

                            Morning RC...I too am waiting for CanToo's post today. Hurry up CanToo!! Letting go of the past is hard!

                            Morning CB...glad things are getting back into balance, it really makes a difference.

                            Moring KY...keep up! I was totally lost yesterday and looking for you to tell me where to go :H got a life? I want one too!

                            Just have to say Good Morning SL...:l. Hope you were able to have a good sleep. Sounded like you and KY sorted things out and a good CRY is a great way to get some release. I know exactly how you were feeling. Here, stick this in your pocket..."P"

                            It was a long (12hr) day and was on my feet for all of it. I hurt in places I didn't know I had! Off to do it all again today and then it's done for another year. Only problem is I won't be able to get down to see my Dad today. Of course the weekend everything "lawyer" wise is happening. Maybe it's just as well, keep my mind off of it.

                            Have a Great AF Saturday all and all to come...PPQ


                              AF Saturday 17 November

                              Good morning Abbers,

                              I saw this thread last evening & thought wow......we really do live far away from one another

                              Great to see everyone today.

                              Det, I know that my drinking years were all about punishing myself for everything & everyone that I perceived to be 'wrong' in my life. I fought & battled it all internally until I caused myself so much emotional pain that I had to medicate myself with something, mostly wine (lots of it)
                              I have changed my perception big time thru a lot of reading & meditation. Keeping my thoughts in the present has been a big help too.

                              Don't have any special plans for this weekend so I'll just putz around here for a while
                              Have a great AF Saturday one & all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

