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AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

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    AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

    Good morning all. I stayed up late (for me) watching a DVD - old classic from 1945 - 'The Lost Weekend', - enlightened for its time about the personal horror and denial of addiction - and it also shows attitudes to alkies then (and some still now). Its a great movie - acting, black and white scenes, Hitchcock-esqe music. Anyone out there seen it?
    Unfortunately I was plagued with nightmares about me loosing it - and the whole bloody neighbourhood being in on the act. Thats my recovery fears and my subconscious plus a lesson in watching alcoholic noir movies late at night.

    Kuya - a thousand apologies if I got you wrong about NZ and booze - so glad its working out better for you than London - and you will find lots of support here over time. In fact I think many Kiwis are cool about not drinking - because they have seen the havoc it can cause. Anyway if you live in Auckland there are heaps of really good cheapish 'ethnic' restaurants - where the spicy food is ruined by a pinot noir! (and if I recall vice-versa).

    AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

    Fears play pretty heavily on my subconscious as well. I had a lot of drinking dreams in my first few weeks. I am so glad that's not a regular event any more. I haven't seen the movie, but given your experience, don't think I will.

    Mick, good to Eeyore again. Not your personality for sure, but he looks so cute! Brings out the "aaawwwhhh" in me.

    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012


      AF Sunday 18 November and a movie this crazy time zone shuffle...I am posting on this Sunday thread on my Saturday night! I'll be back on my Sunday...but I've been meaning to post something to you...Cat Buddy. What your son said to you earlier this week about really liking this day was profoundly touching. It just seemed to perfectly capture the peace and contentment that comes with stability of sobriety. I'm so happy for you...and your family.

      Off to bed now...I'll see the rest of you FABulous peeps once the sun comes up here again.
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

        Morning another early start.Well folks thats it..wont be posting here in the mornings until I get back from Jollies....early start in the the airport for half 6. We have already had 2 prelims of case packing!!.....everything is we have now got the equipment to run a small hotel , or do major surgery!! here you go your last tea or coffee avec moi for a week.I will try and nip in when I am on ols but dont know what it will be like.

        Cat...what do you mean ...not like me???:H hope you are ok ...stick at it.

        Turn...nice to see you.

        Had a look at yesterdays posts....Cantoo thats pretty deep ..interesting too

        PPQ......your store has taken off a treat..well done your matter of fact and down to earth

        SL..keep going you will do it..some of that af beer tastes ok..the secret is when yuo get to the point you drink it because you like it, and not as a substitute...then your quids in

        KY..jeez every post I look at youre there!!do you never rest woman??:H:H...being nosey now..when you moved to NZ..was there another couple moved at the same time?

        Lav good morning....cuppa for you? be back a week on Tuesday

        Det stick at it will win..just keep going!!!!

        Right offski..will try and nip in during the day......

        big hug to those I have missed by name Lills Shue etc..miss you all

        Take care,God bless
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

          oy, I'm still up! not sure why but just cant sleep. be well my special friends.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

            Morning, afternoon and evening AFFERS,

            I hope Sunday finds you all fine and dandy. I had a relaxing day, visited an old friend and hung with my daughter. My son came to do his washing, didn't ask to borrow big improvement there! :H

            Never seen that movie Treetops, will keep an eye out for it. Sounds intense though and I am tending to avoid anything over stimulating emotionally ATM, if you know what I mean. I watched those 'rain in your heart' docos...... and was left with mixed feelings......always dangerous when a part of you thinks 'oh I'm not as bad as that'. Anyway, that's me.

            Mick......or rather Mick, the nosey, my ex met bumped into another officer who he knew in the UK who was working at yes. Guessed him yet? Answers on a postcard.

            SL ..... Glad you are good today, don't forget the next time eh?

   installment coming soon......

            Hi to all and catch yer later



              AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

              Hopped on a plane and woke up in London! Time for a cuppa! Morning all and Cheerio!
              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                On holiday and it's my virgin experience in the UK. My eldest is studying at University College this semester so we're spending a week since my youngest has Thanksgiving break. Good times. Although the complimentary wine on the plane was tough. I could do a face plant right now but we're off and running. The Christmas decorations at Harrods are outrageous! Later dear ones!
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                  Have a lovely time Nurdl, I am originally from London........whereabouts are you staying?

                  Hi Molly.....I keep missing you......confused with threads too

         biggest complaint of NZ is food. Can't get a decent curry or kebab anywhere.......*sigh*


                    AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                    Good morning Abbers,

                    It's 8 am here in the southeast corner of Pennsylvania in the USA
                    Sunny, frosty, seasonal. Dogs fed & watered, chickens fed & watered & I'm downing a pot of french roast coffee

                    Heading out soon to gather supplies so I'll wish everyone a great AF Sunday.
                    Nurdl, I hope you have a great week - have fun!!!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                      Its 2 in the afternoon in Bath Uk. I am off work spending the day with wife and kids, sunday dinner smelling good. Its cold but bright and sunny here too but was out for a run before and soon warmed up
                      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                        AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                        Turnagain;1413305 wrote: this crazy time zone shuffle...I am posting on this Sunday thread on my Saturday night! I'll be back on my Sunday...but I've been meaning to post something to you...Cat Buddy. What your son said to you earlier this week about really liking this day was profoundly touching. It just seemed to perfectly capture the peace and contentment that comes with stability of sobriety. I'm so happy for you...and your family.

                        Off to bed now...I'll see the rest of you FABulous peeps once the sun comes up here again.
                        Boy, you said it. It profoundly touched me, too. I share stuff like that because it's those moments that make life what it should be - happy. I am SO, SO glad I've made this change. I gave up AL the morning of his birthday. Makes it easy to remember the date!

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                          Morning, afternoon, next morning, all.

                          Molly, I think the Chinese medicine has something going. I was seeing an accupunturist for lower back pain, and she diagnosed "Yin deficiency" Fascinating if you look it up. Absolutely a product of AL abuse. I haven't seen her since I went AF due to work schedule issues, but am looking forward to my next visit. I know even if I don't tell her about the change she will know. She also told me about the importance of sleep from 1-3:00am. Interesting fact - since I went AF, I sleep through the night.

                          I have told two people at this point that I gave up AL. With both, I attributed my decision to a desire for better health. It is absolutely true. Just not the whole story. Much like "why did you leave that job?" "My boss was a blooming asshole" is not usually shared.

                          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                          AF since Oct 2, 2012


                            AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                            Well, went to post on todays thread and tomorrows is there already - my weekends are shrinking!! Please lets hang onto Sunday a little longer before I have to think about Monday - will get on the next one tomorrow and not any sooner:H
                            End of my third week now, and it was harder than the second one....I recall someone posting about expecting things to get easier and not harder and I think that is what happened - I was feeling comfortable and then got caught....
                            Hope all are having/have had a good Sunday.....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              AF Sunday 18 November and a movie

                              I agree SL. I'm not posting about tomorrow until its tomorrow.
                              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking

