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November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

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    November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

    Good morning to all...

    Back from my short road trip, it was fun and exhausting.

    I was really touched reading of Kas' and LBH's childhood experiences...we all have our stories to tell. It is interesting, the genetic component of drinking too much. Yet, we are all individuals who have decided that we want something be AF.

    I found a booklet from Unity that was among my mother's was about cancer, healing and told personal stories. I am really touched to find this and read a story a night. Anyway, one of the stories shared that a survey or qualitative study was done with people at the end of life (who were terminally ill) to explore their take on the meaning of life. The outcome was: to increase wisdom and to learn to love better. Not to get rich, be beautiful, or win. Reading all the posts when I was gone, we are all increasing our wisdom, and part of the AF road is to love better: ourselves and those in our lives.

    I don't think we can teach kids self-esteem, but the school can give kids respect, set and enforce limits and rules, get parents involved, teach and share knowledge, and that will promote self-esteem. I agree that it is ridiculous that school now have to feed kids, and provide things parents did. School personnel cannot meet every need, it is a tragedy. The stress level of teachers is through the roof. Kids have to earn self-esteem, as it appears that Kas and LBH accomplished. Life is a long journey as we continue learning...

    To all, have a great day...:h
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

    Good morning Star & all friends

    Thanks for getting us started Star - glad you had a good trip too!

    It's true that people cease to think about wealth & material possessions as they near the end of their lives. I never heard a patient say 'I wish I was richer'. Mostly they talked about their families & whatever good memories they had.

    Well, I need to drag myself out to the feed store & the supermarket to haul in supplies. Wasn't in the mood for all that yetserday. I'm feeling the need for soup this week I think

    Have a terrific AF Sunday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

      Welcome home, Star. I’m glad you had a pleasant trip. Thanks for starting us off on a new week. Week 3 ?. That’s a new one! Self esteem is an interesting topic. Some people have high self esteem and they really don’t have any reason to, some people have low self esteem even though they have much to be proud of in the way of accomplishment. Also,I agree with you that schools are being given too much to do. Our society seems to be falling apart at the seams beginning with parents giving over the responsibility of providing for their own children to the state school system.

      Lav, in your career you have probably had many experiences with people coming to the end of their lives. The important things are not material things. “You can’t take it with you.”

      Dill, please dont apologize, I did intend my story to be both funny and horrifying. Kaslo, I think you meant to direct that comment to Rusty. As for me, I was intrigued by your elaboration on your youth experience. It had an enigmatic feel to it such that I did not come away feeling as if you viewed your past as a positive or a negative….just it was what it was and had its part in shaping who you are today.

      Psychopaths tend to have great self-esteem:H .
      I’ve been mulling that one over, LBH. Maybe self-esteem isn’t all that good a trait to try to develop!!!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

        Hi everyone,
        Just thought I?d drop by and catch up with all of you, I?ve read back this month and I?m happy to hear everyone is well and that there are some new faces on the thread, I miss you and do think of you all often.

        We are starting to have some chillier days but I do love the autumn so I?m hopeful for some crisp (rain free) days so that I can get some more walking in before the winter comes along. There is a real nip in the air most mornings and evenings so I?ve succumbed and put the heating on as well as the coal fire which is lovely to sit by on a cold night.

        I?m recuperated after my car accident and feeling much better but am left with a potential problem with my back, I?m seeing an Orthopaedic Surgeon in a couple of weeks to rule out surgery (I hope). Fortunately walking and swimming regularly are helping in my recovery so I am being as active as I can and not giving in but everything in moderation. I think as we get older it takes a bit longer to bounce back.

        The grandchildren are growing like little weeds and keeping me on my toes; they are so much fun and never fail to make me laugh I am so grateful to have them in my life, although the three of them together are a handful for this Gran. Must admit I am usually exhausted after a day with them; guess that?s why we have our children when we are young, the best thing about grandkids is you can hand them back to their parents when you have had enough!

        Love to you all

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

          So nice to see you Dewdrop
          I sure hope your back is OK & yes is does take longer to bounce back at this age, even with a lot of determination. Just never give up!
          Watching three grandkids is totally exhausting, I can attest to that. Tomorrow I watch my two grandsons ALL day long. Please keep in touch & let us know how you are doing

          Dill, when I leave this world I want to travel light.......
          I don't want to take anything into the next world except maybe what I've learned in this one. I don't want to have to repeat any mistakes :H

          Hope everyone has a nice AF night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

            Oops, Dill, righteo. I meant Rusty. So much for the big scary brain.

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

              whoo hoo Dew!! Welcome back!! So glad you are feeling better and almost healed. Will pray that the surgeon says NO BACK SURGERY!!
              Sounds like you are having fun with your GKs and also still doing the walking. How about your business? Were you ever able to get that up and running or did the accident delay things? So glad you are back!!

              Welcome home Star!! Glad your trip went well!

              WEll, I finally finally got the baby quilt tied off tonite so all I have to do is do the lint roller thing and iron and it will be ready to deliver. I've also made some progress on my new knitting project. Tues nite I will be making a pillowcase for the son of a friend of mine (work friend) who turned 2 today. Gosh I wish I could do all this full time!!

              Another weekend of work is behind me and a very busy 3 days of regular work is ahead. I'm very much looking forward to T-Day and the trip out to Amherst and then 2 days off. Friday will be a massive cleaning day and Saturday is the annual trip to the big Dog Show at the Big E. I'm hoping to find a winter coat there for LM and to see pap friends I haven't seen in over 6 months. Also will catch some agility-my ex classmates should be there competing so I'll cheer them on. Then a demo day on Sunday and back to work until the Christmas break. Will be taking the 30th off to get the dogs groomed tho-I just can't stand it anymore!

              Its so early but I am sooooo tired so will turn in and get under my two comforters and hopefully read a chapter or 2. It's times like these I don't miss AL at all-I'm sleeping pretty well, still tired during the day but not hungover or achy with wine head and I'm focused. My ADs are keeping me on a pretty even keel as well so I don't react to annoyances like I used to. Ahhh, life is good right now even if I haven't won the lottery yet and still hate my job! :H
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                Good morning guys

                Star thanks for the nudge into week 3 and 1/2

                Dew - lovely to hear from you and that you are healing, I'm sure the fact that you were active before the accident will be helping the recovery process.

                Lav - I love you are "travelling light" into the next life. I am too and the rate I get rid of stuff (both physical & mental) I'm already well prepared.

                All good in Chillworld, the weather has been cold, dry and crisp and I've been enjoying wonderful autumnal walks in the beautiful golden colours.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                  Good morning everyone

                  Sorry I have been MIA. Family stuff just took over. Thanks for thinking about me. :l:lRusty today, hope all goes well with your tests.

                  Rushing off again to a lunch, just wanted to let you all know I am ok and will check in again when things settle down.



                    November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                    Good morning everyone!

                    Dew - so glad you are feeling better - saying a little prayer that you won't have to have surgery but obviously you need to do whatever you have to in order to feel better.

                    Papmom - I know what you mean about getting good sleep - the older I get, the more important it is and waking up without guilt/foggy head/headache is the best way ever to start the day!

                    Lav - like your way of thinking - leaving this world and traveling light

                    Dill you are so right - I have several friends who are teachers and I hear it all the time - such a shame that they have to wear so many different hats because parents can't step up to the plate.

                    Taking this week off - YAY! Going to try and do some major re-organizing/cleaning out at home. Hope everyone has a great start to the week!
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                      Rustop - hope you are doing okay - I know how family stuff can "take over". Thinking about you.

                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                        Dew and Jolie, great to hear from you both!, Dew, I hope you continue to heal. It does take longer for us 'old birds'.
                        Rustop, glad you popped back in. I sure know how it is when virtual life gets so busy. Post when you can though, we missed you.
                        Pmom, your life sounds so full there would be NO room for alcohol! Can you post some pictures of your projects?
                        Chill, glad all is well in Chillworld.
                        Lav, Kas and all to come,
                        May we all have another full, AF day.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                          Good morning friends,

                          My day is quite full already Dill with a toddler, a pre-schooler, 2 Goldens & a sea of goldfish crackers all over the floor :H :H

                          Jolie & Rustop, glad you stopped in to say hello. Busy is a good thing

                          Papmom, keep your mindset where it is right now because you sound happy sans lottery winnings - same with me too :H

                          Greetings to everyone & wishes for a great AF Monday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                            Hey all,
                            Dill-joiin me on pintrest-all my projects are there under the Quilting Projects board. Search for papmom3.

                            Lav-I was doing OK until I found out my sister and her family won't be joining us in W. MA at my brother's for T-Day. Her BIL's wife, the matriach of the family (and she's only in her late 50's) is going downhill fast with breast cancer. She had been cancer free after a masectomy for well over 5 years when it returned in the chest wall on the same side a couple of years ago. Chemo and radiation have stopped working and now she is in a wheelchair. If the newest round of chemo doesn't work, it will be hospice. Their whole family will be getting together at their house for Thanksgiving and my sister feels she and her family should be there. She is very close to this woman and is devastated. I can't believe it myself.
                            Anyway, my dad and I will be going to my bro's and we tried to schedule a get together out there on Saturday where the whole family would go to my nephew's hockey practice in the afternoon and then out to dinner in N.Hampton but my brother and his wife feel it is too much to have hosted T-day dinner and then have company again on Sat. I'm very upset because allthough my sister says it's all good, I know she must be very disappointed to not be able to be together with her family this year. She is so torn but is doing the right thing. I just am having trouble seeing it from my brother's point of view.

                            Anyway, it will all work out.

                            Rustop-glad you checked in!! And Jolie! Missed you!!

                            having lunch tomorrow with my dear friend who retired this summer. Can't wait to see her!!

                            time for dinner-will check in tomorrow.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                              I don't know papmom but I think the business of getting the 'whole family' together for a holiday dinner is not easy - for one reason or another!
                              With my family there was always a problem with someone working shift work. Even this year my son is working at a local firehouse 7-3 but he will be here for dinner. My daughter has to eat with her in-laws this year, etc, etc. i guess we just have to make the best with what we have

                              Typing on my ipad tonight, please excuse the typos.

                              I have to watch the kids again tomorrow morning just until my son gets home from work. I put in 11.5 hrs with them today......exhausting!

                              OK, time to call it a day. Good night all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

