Back from my short road trip, it was fun and exhausting.
I was really touched reading of Kas' and LBH's childhood experiences...we all have our stories to tell. It is interesting, the genetic component of drinking too much. Yet, we are all individuals who have decided that we want something be AF.
I found a booklet from Unity that was among my mother's was about cancer, healing and told personal stories. I am really touched to find this and read a story a night. Anyway, one of the stories shared that a survey or qualitative study was done with people at the end of life (who were terminally ill) to explore their take on the meaning of life. The outcome was: to increase wisdom and to learn to love better. Not to get rich, be beautiful, or win. Reading all the posts when I was gone, we are all increasing our wisdom, and part of the AF road is to love better: ourselves and those in our lives.
I don't think we can teach kids self-esteem, but the school can give kids respect, set and enforce limits and rules, get parents involved, teach and share knowledge, and that will promote self-esteem. I agree that it is ridiculous that school now have to feed kids, and provide things parents did. School personnel cannot meet every need, it is a tragedy. The stress level of teachers is through the roof. Kids have to earn self-esteem, as it appears that Kas and LBH accomplished. Life is a long journey as we continue learning...
To all, have a great day...