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November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

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    November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

    Happy Thanksgiving to my fine feathered AF friends!! Hope you all have a wonderful day with loved ones.

    Lav-please be good to yourself and declare Friday a GK free day!! You deserve a huge break mi mom!!

    Chill-hope you thoroughly enjoyed your spa day and are so chilled you're like liquid gold!! :H

    Kas-hope you can put away the Stats for a day! I'm with Lav on what I'd rather do than that LOL!!

    See you all tomorrow nite or Friday!!

    :l :h
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

      Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!

      I have been extra busy, cleaning and running to the store before work yesterday, so did not get a chance to check in. All is well, the weather here should be beautiful, so I plan on taking a walk while the turkey is in the oven.

      I always get unreasonably excited about Thanksgiving, I was flying high yesterday, on great energy. I love the food, the gratitude, time spent with family, and just being home. I am so grateful for so much, even as I miss my loved ones who are passed on or live far away. It is so great we can talk to each other on the phone.

      Grateful for this site and all of you, we are really a group who checks in on a consistent basis, and I count on this site for support. To all, have a great day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

        Hi everyone

        Just wanted to wish our US peeps a happy Thanksgiving, hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones.

        Everyone else big hello.



          November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

          Good morning friends,

          Looking forward to a busy but nice day!
          Heading up pto 56 degrees today, 60 degrees tomorrow

          Wishing everyone a happy, safe & AF Thanksgiving day!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

            Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

            Dill, I loved that quote. Very appropriate for today. Thank you so much! My mother has several pics of Mother T. in her house.

            Lav-your 4th AF Thanksgiving...:goodjob: I hope YB behaves himself today.

            Star-I am with you in gratitude mode. I, too, am grateful for my family, my clients, and my friends, especially all my friends right here. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day so I will take a long walk as well.

            Rustop-thanks again for checking and I hope you have a peaceful AF Thursday. Any plans for today?

            Kas-I say maybe put the stats away today and have some fun.

            Pap-you deserve a enjoy your day off. You don't have to go back to work tomorrow, do you?

            Chill-can't wait to hear about your spa day.

            I will be celebrating my 2nd AF Thanksgiving. I remember when I couldn't envision Thanksgiving without champagne. Today, my brother and his wife are hosting the T-Day dinner so we will be a party of 11. All I have to do is show up with the store-bought pumpkin pie.

            To everyone else that I didn't mention....LBH, Jolie....have a fabulous AF Thanksgiving!


              November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

              Hey Rusty-nope, no work tomorrow. Yea!! I'm planning on a cleaning marathon!! Saturday is an all day dog show and Sunday is work. My contribution is Green Bean Casserole and some beautiful fresh greean beans cooked on the grill for my SIL who is on a very strict diet for a chronic condition I can't remember the name of.

              Lav-50's here! Congrats on your 4th AF Turkey Day!! It's my 3rd!!

              Star-make sure you get some Me time this weekend after all your running around!!

              Gobble gobble!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                Happy Thanksgiving to my Amigas Americanos! Every day is a day to be thankful, but there IS something about thanksgiving!

                One more day of Regression Stats, I love this stuff, so for me its not painful. Then we are off to the town where I was born, a visit with an old friend then on to Kuau'i for a week. Here are some sand grasses from Wakatobi Indonesia, from 2006... Have a great day everyone. Peace around the world!


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                  Rusty, Lav, Rustop, Star, Pmom, Kas, et al., I am grateful for the realization that wine is not a necessary part of the Thanksgiving celebration, as I used to think it was. Thanksgiving with a clear mind, being fully present, is a true gift we have given ourselves. This is not my first AF Thanksgiving, but with my track record, I can't actually say that I've had 4 in row like you, Lav. I honestly don't recall.
                  As we gather together around our table today I will say silently to myself that I am thankful for this AF day and for my friends on this monthly thread.:h

                  Thank you for the lovely photo, Kas.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                    Black Friday & I will NOT be doing any shopping today!
                    I'm more of a Cyber Monday girl :H :H

                    I hope everyone is contentedly full of turkey. I had a nice dinner & have lots of leftovers
                    I have some work to do this morning then hopr tp get the chocken house cleaned out later ~ oh joy.

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                      Happy Black Friday!

                      Lav-how was your Thanksgiving? Did everyone behave? I am with Black Friday shopping for me today. Online shopping is just fine. I forgot to tell you, Lav, that I have cultivated a friendship with my new neighbor, and she will be receiving one of your pillows as a gift this year.

                      Dill-your last post was so Hallmark card could ever have put into words the thoughts you shared. Thank you! We are so lucky to have you on our thread!

                      I had a splendid Thanksgiving....lots of laughs. I am grateful to be AF today. I am off to the gym, and then....time to put the Christmas decs up. Two Christmas trees, two deck railings and the hallways railing. Ah, I will be busy today.

                      To all, TGIF and AF all around.


                        November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                        Kas-thank you for posting those beautiful pics from Indonesia. Your job and its accompanying travels intrigue me so I never get tired of seeing your world. Those sand grasses look deadly, though. Are they sharp like a cactus?


                          November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                          Hey Rusty... Thanks. I didnt want to find out if they were! Love, kas

                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                            Quiet here today, guess everyone is sleeping off the turkey :H

                            I had to go into town today to drop off some packages at the post office and noticed the parking lot at Walmart had no more cars in it than any other day. I wanted to pick up a little something to go with the gift I have for EB's 4th birthday so I stopped in & realized there's a first for everything.......
                            I found myself standing right next to an Amish woman reaching for the same toy
                            I've seen the Amish in the supermarket, hardware & liquor stores but I've never seen them buying toys :H She had a shopping cart filled with them too!!!:H

                            I hope everyone had a good day!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                              checkingin before turning in!!

                              Rusty-how about some pics of all your decorating efforts??

                              Kas-I thought those grasses looked gorgeous!! how unique!

                              Nice quiet day. A little decluttering, reorganizing and then a pedi compliments of my sis this afternoon! A walmart stop on the way home (surprisingly quiet as well Lav!), leftover Turkey dinner and then the National Dog Show. Yawn.....

                              tomorrow our regional dog show and getting together with pap friends. Lots of vendors and great agility-looking forward to this very much. Not a bad way to spend a birthday!!

                              Night all!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                                :bday3: :bday3: :bday3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPMOM! :bday3: :bday3: :bday3:

                                Papmom - wishing you a wonderful Birthday and if there is any green bean casserole left send it my way.

                                Lav - Another cyber Monday girl right here!

                                It's freezing cold here today but clear and I've just had a lovely early morning walk with Elle across the fields in my wooly hat, gloves and ugg boots. So refreshing and now I'm back with my coffee in bed.

                                I've been a mess the last few days as had very sad news that a close friend in Portugal has ovarian cancer only recently diagnosed, but that it has spread and she only has weeks to live. I'm devastated and heartbroken especially as Im not there to help her. She is 42 and has a 6 yr old daughter and an 11 yr old son, it's just horrendous. Another close friend is going in every day but she is deterioration rapidly and in so much pain. They have no hospice care over there and you are kind of left to get on with it. I feel so useless and angry that I'm not there and have this stupid thought that I upset the balance by leaving, we were such a close little group of girlfriends. She has had a very troubled life and very little happiness and I so want to hug her and let her know that she mattered, that my life has been enriched by knowing her. I just want to turn back the clock and make this not be happening....
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

