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November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

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    November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

    Lav-I realize how very lucky my family has been over the years. I can count on 1 hand the number of times we haven't been together for any of the holidays. I guess I just feel like we could have accommodated my sister in her time of sadness and had our Thanksgiving on Friday but my brother and his wife get so overwhelmed when they have to host that any changes just put them over the edge. Even something as simple as going out to dinner on Saturday was too much to for them to fathom. I just don't get it but have to accept it.
    Hope you get more of a rest tomorrow!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

      hi All

      Great to see Rustop & Jolie :l

      Lav - I loved the photo on FB of the boys, EB is so big now! Does he still call you mi-mom?

      Papmom - I could really do with you over here for a week helping me with some IT, what exactly in Pintrest? I see it all over Fb but still have no clue. Also my computer (which is now very old) keeps telling me my start up disk is full and files need to be deleted. I had a HUGE clear out and still it tells me the same im now emptying my trash which im ashamed to say had 7500 files in it! Do you think this will do the trick?

      Sorry about your Sister not making it for Thanksgiving, I think its great you have managed so many together. My Parents are worried about me being down here alone at Christmas but it really doesnt phase me in the slightest. When I lived in Portugal holidays were always very alternative and I no longer miss the traditional way of doing things.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

        Good morning to all...

        Holidays...well, I have just made my own fun. If the family is able and willing to get together, we do. If not, then we just do the best we can. Too many people have died in my family, and now we all live far away. So, our celebrations are small and relaxing.

        Lav, I hear ya, hosting a holiday is so much work and cleanup. It is fun but exhausting. You are one busy babysitter.

        Pap, wishing you the best on the holiday...sounds fun to meet up with your friend.

        Chill, glad to hear you are doing well. A peaceful holiday season for you, on your own. I bet your parents will miss you.

        The weather here has been unseasonable warm, beautiful and sunny. Wow. We are really lucky. Off to work for a long day. To all, have a great AF day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

          Hello all,
          Star, I am at the exact same place as you as far as holidays go. I also just go with the flow. This year's T-day will be very small, just us and our son and his kids. There have been times when it was just the two of us. Family is spread out and many have passed away. I shall remember them this year and give thanks for the time I had with them.:h

          Lav, 11.5 hours! That's a G-ma marathon. You'd have to scrape me up off the floor after that amount of time!:H

          Pmom, I'm sorry your brother has disappointed you in this. I imagine it is in deference to his wife's wishes. Hosting is stressful, so I guess I'd cut them some slack. I know what pintrest is but I have not joined the fun. If I do, it will be solely to see your projects!

          Chill, I haven't emptied my trash in years!! I don't even know how for sure. I guess I better take some time and do a little maintenance too. My computer is running really slow.

          I have Wednesday off so will be baking a pie and making cranberry relish and otherwise preparing for the T-day meal. I bought oysters to make oyster stuffing. Does anyone here make that? I did it last year and we liked it. I might make some "regular" though for the picky eaters....

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

            Good morning all!

            Papmom - I sympathize with you over the plans for Thanksgiving. My side of the family for probably the past 10 or 15 years has always gotten together - all of us there. This year, however, our family dynamics are changing. My daughter and her boyfriend wanted to host dinner his family, for hubby and I, and my son and DIL. Of course we said we would go to their house - she's my daughter after all and hosting her first holiday dinner. I felt totally guilty though about my Mom (who is by herself) and the rest of the family. My sister is going to have a small dinner and my Mom will go there. My brother and SIL will host dinner for her parents so everyone is taken care of but I still feel guilty! I know it kind of upsets my mom that we aren't all together. She is 76 years old and made me feel a tad guilty about our plans. I'm guessing you just cannot please everyone and even though it will be different this year, I'm planning on enjoying the family time - no matter what the scenario!

            Seems like we always look so forward to the holidays and while they are usually wonderful, there is always a sense of let down too. Guess we just build them up in our heads as this perfect time - I think we all know here that life just doesn't work that way and things aren't always perfect.

            Star - your small and relaxing holiday sounds wonderful - I hope you have fun.

            Chill - good for you but I think parents always worry - no matter what

            Lav - sounds like you usually host the dinner - it is a lot of work isn't it???

            Dill and Rustop59 - hope you are planning a nice, relaxing holiday.

            Have a great AF day everyone!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

              Good Morning Sober Ones!

              Well, my colonoscopy was no big deal and neither was the prep. Lots of needless worry. Everything came out fine. Pun intended.:H I indulged myself in a massage yesterday afternoon. Heavenly!

              Dew-thanks so much for popping in. I am glad you stopped by to let us know how you are healing. We miss you here.

              Rustop-thanks for checking in with us, and I hope your family stuff isn't too overwhelming.

              Jolie-I have the week off too and I am doing some reorganizing too, and it's funny that my horoscope (Aquarius) told me I should be straightening closets, the garage, etc.

              Pap-I am so sorry about your family member who is terminally ill with breast cancer.:l The holidays put unrealistic pressure on people to make Thanksgiving/Christmas particularly joyful times, but so often the holidays bring out the absolute worst in people, or minimally make people's shortcomings much more obvious. I know you'll make the best of Thanksgiving, though...because you are resilient.

              Lav-Super MiMom-good luck today!

              Big hellos to everyone else....LBH, Dill, Star, Chill....have a fabulous AF Tuesday!


                November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                Chill and Dill-I found this software in a tech column of my newspaper:
                TuneUp Utilities 2013 | Speed Up and Optimize Your PC you can get a free 15 day trial and it will totally clean up your pc. I don't know about Mac's Chill-read through their site but I'm pretty sure they have a MAC version. They will drive you crazy every day with a reminder to buy but you can just close out the window. Still, for $50 its a pretty cool untility and one I mght consider in the near future. It did clean up my PC pretty well.

                Chill-go to you can create an acount with your FB account or choose another email. Once you are logged on, search for my name-papmom3. You will be absolutely amazed at what you find on there and will be making your own boards in no time!! This is expecially neat for Vision Boards. Find an imaage on a website anywhere in the world and repin to your board. then people will repin it to theirs and so on! I haven't even begun to explore all that it offers but I'm off to an OK start.

                Have a great morning all-frosty here! Can't believe I have to leave in 30 min. where did the last hour go????
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                  yea Rusty-xpost. So glad you are OK!!! Thanks for letting us know!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                    Greetings kids,

                    My carefully scheduled day was changed twice for me by my son & DIL before 9 am. Their lives are insane anymore & I find myself getting caught up in all their confusion :H
                    Well, at any rate i am now sitting at their house while the little sleeps & EB is entertaining me with his own unique brand of insanity

                    Glad it all went well for you Rusty! Have fun organizing closets. Mine certainly need attention too.

                    Papmom, the girls have been after me to get on pintrest. They waste an enormous amount of time with that stuff IMHO. Don't think I need any more distractions

                    I hope everyone has a great AF Tuesday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                      Quick check in to say Im glad that went well Rusty. Im in my stats course for the next 2.5 days. Very glad I dont drink, because I need all the functionality I can get right now. Love to all., Kas

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                        STATISTICS Kas?
                        I'd rather have a colonoscopy
                        Wishing you luck with that!!!!

                        Tired again tonight, hope to get some decent sleep. This granny has a lot of catching up to do tomorrow. Wishing everyone a nice night!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                          Good morning Guys

                          Rusty - glad all went well with you and it's good to hear you are pampering Rusty for a change.

                          Papmom - I'm scared to get pulled ino pintrest, I know how much time I l already waste on fb!

                          I was given a spa day way back in September for my birthday and finally got round to booking it for today. Its in a beautiful old country house and I'm being pampered all day with facials, massage, pedicures and manicures as well as lunch. Ooooh I should be well chilled tonight......

                          Have a happy humpback day everyone.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                            Good morning kids!

                            Have a great spa day Chill!

                            I have no spa day today - just a busy day ahead. Need to get caught up with some work, some house cleaning then start some food prep for tomorrow's feast.

                            Hope everyone has a great AF Wednesday!
                            Looking forward to my 4th AF holiday!!!!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                              “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”
                              ― Mother Teresa

                              Hope everyone has a great AF Wednesday!
                              Looking forward to my 4th AF holiday!!!!
                              Lav, that's absolutely fantastic!!!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                November Survivors ~ Week 3 and 1/2

                                Thanks Dill
                                AF holidays seem completely normal to me now - I never expected that but it's nice

                                I guess everyone is busy stuffing the turkey :H
                                I just sat down, I'm exhausted but I did get a lot done today, thank goodness.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

