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AF Monday 19 November

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    AF Monday 19 November

    Greetings, fellow abstainers and hope you had a good weekend - and for those who didn't have such a flash time - look to the future and don't beat yourself up (I was - maybe still am- quite an expert on castigating myself).
    Hi Catbuddy - re the 'coming out' bit about sobriety - I am very cautious - because these have been short lived declarations in the past. No one has cared or noticed the slip-ups- except those closest to me - my partner and daughter. So of course because I live with them and love them I told them of my new resolve and that I can only try and that I don't see my love for them (and theirs for me) as 'before AF' and 'after AF'.

    Re the movie I watched - I tend to like movies on the dark side - and I think I was at the right time and head space to watch it. The nightmares are OK - again thats part of my makeup. Gives the brain a good workout!!!

    Just heard weather forecast - 4 seasons in one day - thats NZ weather for you!

    AF Monday 19 November

    hi Treetops........I have only just realised that you are a woman, I think the name seemed more masculine to me.

    I had the same problem with KUYA, which, for anyone who cares to know, is the magical name my daughter gave to our garden when she was about seven years old. It also stands as an acronym for Kick Up Your Arse ...... Which is what it took to get me sober! :H

    Usual Kiwi weather eh Tree? Rain, shine, wind, shine, warm, wind, cold LOLOLOLOL

    I used to get very depressed with the weather in the UK. When it rains it rains for NZ it changes so fast you don't have time to be depressed.

    I read some of your old posts Tree and agree with your stance on AA here and alcohol services in general. TBH going to AA in such a small community is tantamount to putting an ad in the paper. I reckon this stigma prevents a lot from getting help. And makes MWO more valuable.

    This is my 1000th post, so naturally I made it here. Gonna become a subscriber now, since I am patently addicted to this forum. ( also will get some members to shut up about it! )

    Cantoo......still trying to catch seem to be a busy girl ATM.

    Catbuddy.....tis amazing the paths one shares to the same place. I am referring to the discussion in Newbies. We must continue the support on diet etc

    Right off for me wanders ....



      AF Monday 19 November




        AF Monday 19 November


        Well, you did ask for it, didn't you? :H:H


          AF Monday 19 November



          ...and becoming our latest SENIOR MEMBER!


            AF Monday 19 November

            kuya;1413887 wrote:
            I read some of your old posts Tree and agree with your stance on AA here and alcohol services in general. TBH going to AA in such a small community is tantamount to putting an ad in the paper. I reckon this stigma prevents a lot from getting help. And makes MWO more valuable.
            I've been thinking on this lately. I live in a small community, too. And the stigma, I fear, would affect not only me but also my son (you can't have a sleep over there, the mom has AL issues). So MWO has been my strategy. Thanks for validating my caution.

            "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

            AF since Oct 2, 2012


              AF Monday 19 November

              Greetings Abbers!

              Thanks for the start up today treetops, glad to have you here with us

              Congrats on your senior member status Kuya!
              You still have a way to go to catch up with me :H
              I do like to talk a lot!

              Greetings PQ & Cat!

              I went to one AA meeting as a requirement for a college course a thousand years ago. We were supposed to observe then write a paper. I thought the experience was depressing as hell & swore I would never attend another. Little did I know then that I would eventually develop a drinking problem myself fortunately I did find MWO & it was all the help I needed. I am forever grateful

              OK, back to babysitting, fun, fun!!!!
              Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Monday 19 November

                Good Morning all - sun is out here, after a weekend of rain - it all looks nice and bright and lovely. Sadly my heating that got fixed last week made a loud bang, then some more horrible noises, so ran and switched it off before the house blew up. Thanks to all the support this weekend, I am blissfully hangover free to be able to deal with it....hopefully these fabulous feelings last a good long time today - it is a new day, so hopefully will be a new attitude!!
                I feel the same about AA - I live in a bigger town, but have heard discussions about who was seen at AA and am not able to take on that problem just now as I try to establish a new life for myself and my daughters - so I am thankful for the comradeship found here.
                Kuya - love BOTH explanations for your name. I know when I found MWO, I was so excited to find something like this that I did not think much before chosing a name - there are some really great names here, with wonderful motivations!
                Kettle boiled, off to make my cuppa tea - had a little lie in, but was on call last night so had lots of calls - hoping to sleep tonight, but that is a later thought, have afternoon to get thru - and that is later thought too - will just enjoy this gorgeous morning for now - have a great day all :l:l
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  AF Monday 19 November

                  SL ..... I remember, in that first month, how I would often be feeling fine but would think forward to later on and immediately spoil my perfectly good mood.

                  Living in the now is a problem with addicts but I am working on it. 99% of the time NOW is perfect, then we go ruin it by dwelling on the past or the future.


                    AF Monday 19 November

                    Lavande;1413943 wrote: Greetings Abbers!

                    Thanks for the start up today treetops, glad to have you here with us

                    Congrats on your senior member status Kuya!
                    You still have a way to go to catch up with me :H
                    I do like to talk a lot!

                    Greetings PQ & Cat!

                    I went to one AA meeting as a requirement for a college course a thousand years ago. We were supposed to observe then write a paper. I thought the experience was depressing as hell & swore I would never attend another. Little did I know then that I would eventually develop a drinking problem myself fortunately I did find MWO & it was all the help I needed. I am forever grateful

                    OK, back to babysitting, fun, fun!!!!
                    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.

                    Thanks, Lav. That is really encouraging. MWO could be viewed as a modern form of AL counseling - when you need, as much as you need it, always there and a great place to find kinship.

                    I got a DUI two years ago. I went throug four months of weekly AL education, group therapy and 1:1 therapy. I learned a lot, and am grateful to have that knowledge now. It seems a decent substitute for the AA education route. Lav, as always, you are an inspiration. Just read your post total!!!

                    And of course (I think I typed this last night?) congratulations, Kuya.
                    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                    AF since Oct 2, 2012


                      AF Monday 19 November

                      Catbuddy;1414164 wrote: Thanks, Lav. That is really encouraging. MWO could be viewed as a modern form of AL counseling - when you need, as much as you need it, always there and a great place to find kinship.

                      And of course (I think I typed this last night?) congratulations, Kuya.
                      Dunno bout congrats, maybe sympathy LOL

                      I got the nickname of KY from PPQ and KY the nosey from SHUE ( check in Shue......missing ya)

                      I can't not read a post, particularly from a new perso, without getting involved. So I spend far too much time here, but what the heck drinking eh?


                        AF Monday 19 November

                        Howdy AF Monday Peeps.

                        Kick up your... HI KY! Or should I say Ms. Senior Member. Wow you're my first LOL. Thank you for your humour and compassion for the newbies. You make our world brighter.


                        Busy weekend. I cancelled the Saturday night dinner and I'm kind of glad after seeing the pictures on FB :eeks: and looking back Sunday was a little nuts. Fitness class was cancelled, so I did a 5km run in the morning and a 13km hike in the afternoon. Yes, my new addiction is movement.

                        Squirrel. I just heard a TV commercial for some show that's going to be featuring the music of Led Zeppelin!!!! Good thing it comes on after The Voice. Got to go...........
                        AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                        "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                          AF Monday 19 November

                          Thanks for starting us off Tree.

                          Det, how are you today? Did you get out is weekend?
                          AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                          "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


