I went to a rally on Saturday, about an hour's drive from home, it was good. It is a town I've never been to, and now I know why... It is one of those towns, where you can't figure out why it EVER became a town? lol!
From a non-spiritual perspective, very similar to the NA meeting I went to last week, I was exposed to people I would NEVER have met in my normal day-to-day life. BUT!!! again I saw that we are all the same, your story is my story, and AL knows no difference between the very posh and the down-and-out... The shares were great, and I came home with buckets full of spiritual gifts!
On the way home, I got a call from the most beautiful lady in the fellowship, sober way longer than I: She was at a bachelorette, and felt anxious around the booze for the 1s time since quitting. She said that she didn't want to phone her sponsor, and that I always look so strong, can we just chat for a bit... Which we did... And all I could think was: THANK GOD I AM SOBER AND I CAN BE HERE FOR HER!!!
Later that night my son's 1 friend, an 18yo young man, came to pick up my boy, walked into my kitchen sobbing (his mom had just taken an overdose of pills), I held him, and then we sat chatting for an hour... And all I could think? You guessed it: THANK GOD I AM SOBER!!!!
I went to the Sunday night meeting at a rehab, where the owner celebrated 16 years of sobriety, what a share that was!!! Talk about down and out, prison, and many things "us nice people" would admit to with difficulty!!!
Mary, once again I want to tell you: because of your "slip", I am active on a thread for the 1st time, you gave me hope, the honesty and love I find here and at my meetings ensures that I keep coming back! And am I the only one who noticed that since "the event", this thread has become much more lively? So I thank you xxx
Wow! I've got a lot to say this early on a Monday morning!!! My sponsor is the GM of AA in South Africa... I didn't know that when I asked him, I simply chose a person who I thought would push me, not fall for my manipulation, or play games. We got stuck at Step 4, as he doesn't have much free time, he is also a business man. HE chatted to another guy from my group, 41 years sober AND an American, if he would take me through 4 and 5....
I have been chewing on it for 2 weeks now, and I could feel that I was getting "restless"... Lovely guy, but it just didn't sit well with me. Yesterday I went to see a woman, tad older than I, but when I saw her at a meeting Saturday morning, I just knew that she is the one. She agreed, and we set out to work. All's well ends well?
Be loved this week my friends!
Sol xxx