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af day Tues 20 Nov

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    af day Tues 20 Nov

    A new day dawns on us!

    Its starting back to front for me - I have an old fashioned teamaker/alarm (called a Goblins) in the bedroom - really cute - went to get my 'bed tea' and yeah, forgot to put the teabags in. Any Brit will tell you NOT to put the teabags in afterwards.
    So craving a decent coffee now.

    Congrats Kuya on making it to 1000. And to everyone else who had another sober day/night.

    I am not dissing AA - it really helps thousands of us and I did attend some meetings this year. It was also insightful to physically see and hear other addicts - rather than on-line. I could also see some wonderful support 'in the rooms'. Its just not for me - at the moment.
    One reason I am a bit cautious about what I say on-line re my identity is that I don't trust the internet. Ok I am being paranoid and my paranoia probably applies more to facebook. I have accidently found out more than I care about some people just through Google searches.

    Re. food - Kuya - depends on the kind of Indian food you like. But Auckland is great for food. Look up the 'Metro' guide (cheap eats as well). You can get some great Indian food in the suburbs of Sandringham, Onehunga and Otahuhu. As for the weather - usually Feb - April are the warmest, hottest months. I used to live in Auckland.

    Time to make some coffee. Catch you all later.

    af day Tues 20 Nov

    I like jumping in...early on a post. I always post so late....its 9ish pm Monday here.

    Congrats to Kuya!

    AA is a great program and works for many. It did for me for several months at a time. I still stop into my groups and I am always welcome. I no longer use AA....but, if I am in a bad moment....I stop in. And I am always welcome.

    Sober and happy.


      af day Tues 20 Nov

      Hi to all,

      SUN ....good to hear you more relaxed again, hope everything settles for a while.

      TREE........thanks for the start, I am so used to posting into yesterday I find it hard to post while the sun is still shining.
      I am totally in agreement about the Facebook thing. There are a couple of people here that I would love to know in 'real' life but I would want a lot of sober time before opening MY world to anyone. It is not shame about my addiction, it is the fact that my addiction does not define me.

      LAV , question re NRT, how long did you use them? I am just starting and don't want to go too fast or too slow. I have rejected their use for so long as I have quit once without but don't seem to be able to find that wave again and now I am AF am smoking more and feel like crap. You said on another thread you quit at 7-8 weeks AF and at that point I started to desperately WANT to quit but am scared more than quitting alcohol.

      Any advice would be valuable, thanks

      Anyway.....back to work, then daughter to piano lesson

      Will check back in later

      A p.s. for PPQ...... Really????? I actually felt like crying! Thanks


        af day Tues 20 Nov

        Morning Treetops...thanks for kicking us off even if it was yesterday for me :H

        Morning're sounding really positive these days...keep it up.

        Morning KY...yes, REALLY, you deserve it.

        Stopped in at the Army thread this morning so it's time to get it in gear and get to work.

        Have a great AF Tuesday all and all to come...PPQ


          af day Tues 20 Nov

          Greetings Abbers,

          My schedule has been changed twice already today (due to my son & DIL's schedules) so I am kid free until noon :yay:

          Greetings treetops, SunFlower, PQ!

          Kuya, I still keep a tube on Nicorette lozenges handy ~ just in case
          I never tried using any NRT in proevious attempts to quit. But after reading that using one greatly increased your chances of being successful I figured why not? i also used a hypno CD for a while which helped as well. Just like in quitting AL - changing your thinking is paramount to your success!

          OK, gotta run. Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af day Tues 20 Nov

            Daily accountability check in - hi all, and thanks for being here. Day 23 today and yesterday was so very much better than the weekend, long may this last!
            Have a good day - at the old grindstone, just checking in really quickly, will be back after work!
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              af day Tues 20 Nov

              kuya;1414263 wrote:

              LAV , question re NRT, how long did you use them? I am just starting and don't want to go too fast or too slow. I have rejected their use for so long as I have quit once without but don't seem to be able to find that wave again and now I am AF am smoking more and feel like crap. You said on another thread you quit at 7-8 weeks AF and at that point I started to desperately WANT to quit but am scared more than quitting alcohol.
              Hello abbers

              Kuya - my 2cents: I did NRT when I quit and found it worked brilliantly. But, as with AL, you really must WANT to quit. I'd done a few half-arsed quits before, but on my 29th buffday decided that was it. All tobacco outta the house, I woke up and stuck on the NRT patch.

              I bought, i think, about 3 months worth from the 21mg down to the 7mg of nicotine patches. Never quite finished it all, but did most of it. I am very thankful for them as they helped so much.

              And now i plain can't stand smoking. My flatmate smokes and fucking hate it. Sorry, don;t mean to sound so harsh, but I simply can;t stand the smell of smoke now, ESPECIALLY where i live. ESPECIALLY when he it gets on my clean clothes. ESPECIALLY when I'm like munching on my bowl of yummy brekkie and he lights up.... ARRRRGHHHHHH!!!!

              Oops, perhaps that ought to have went on the ?@?$%^&? thread.

              Good luck Kuya. We're here to support you - spoke to K9 about how she is doing?


                af day Tues 20 Nov

                zoom zoom

                be well family
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  af day Tues 20 Nov


                  Just a quick check in while at work. KY - I used the 'patch' to quit twice. Worked beautifuly both times. :-) Try 3 weeks on each dose. Should be good.

                  AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                  "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                    af day Tues 20 Nov

                    scottish lass;1414514 wrote: Daily accountability check in - hi all, and thanks for being here. Day 23 today and yesterday was so very much better than the weekend, long may this last!
                    Have a good day - at the old grindstone, just checking in really quickly, will be back after work!
                    So good to hear SL...... If it gets bad again try saying 'I will only be in this place once, because I am NEVER going back' helps


                      af day Tues 20 Nov

                      Just popping in to say hi and do some reading here. London is fantastic and all the walking is a treat. Hope you all are staying strong and AF.
                      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking

