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af day Wed 21 Nov

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    af day Wed 21 Nov

    Hi there everyone - quick check in as I am running late (actually slept better than usual last night) - well done Scottish Lass - remember Robert Bruce and the spider (don't give up- keep on trying) - do you know that story?
    must now make myself presentable for the day's doings.

    af day Wed 21 Nov

    Im new to this tread, committing myself to AF and staying on contact on MWO, been around for a long time but don't use it as support tool to stay AF.

    My plan
    Pick up subscription camprol, hate the stuff but will try again
    Go back to Yoga (yoda - LOL) in a few days when my body recovers,
    Buy and read a few of the recommended books on recovery
    Order supplements online to support the process
    Get in a daily walk or some form of excercise at witching hour
    Talk more to my husband about how I am feeling
    Get back to work and attend to all the issues i've ignored for the past week and feel guilty about
    Do housework and put things back in order
    Not beat myself up for the last few weeks of being on a bender
    Listen to Rikka Zimmerman, Healing with the masters series and all the things that make me feel good
    Eat properly
    Book the appointment for hypno
    and maybe go see that counsellor my husband is hasselling me to see - this is a big one for me

    Let you know how I am going with all of the above


      af day Wed 21 Nov

      maddiemadison;1414675 wrote: Im new to this tread, committing myself to AF and staying on contact on MWO, been around for a long time but don't use it as support tool to stay AF.

      My plan
      Pick up subscription camprol, hate the stuff but will try again
      Go back to yoda in a few days when my body recovers,
      Buy and read a few of the recommended books on recovery
      Order supplements online to support the process
      Get in a daily walk or some form of excercise at witching hour
      Talk more to my husband about how I am feeling
      Get back to work and attend to all the issues i've ignored for the past week and feel guilty about
      Do housework and put things back in order
      Not beat myself up for the last few weeks of being on a bender
      Listen to Rikka Zimmerman, Healing with the masters series and all the things that make me feel good
      Eat properly
      Book the appointment for hypno
      and maybe go see that counsellor my husband is hasselling me to see - this is a big one for me

      Let you know how I am going with all of the above
      Hi Maddie and welcome,

      Congrats on your plan, take it slow though, I was and still get VERY fatigued.

      Well done on engaging Yoda, I didn't know he was real and now available to hire! Can you give me his number? :H:H:H

      I have serious humour issues, you'll get used to them!


        af day Wed 21 Nov

        I need to get back to Yoda I mean yoga.

        I agree with giving yourself small goals vs. a long list of them. Those all come in time. I may not be perfect everyday....but, every day sober is an accomplishment.

        Kuya....on getting to know people that many have worked out well. Only one was sour grapes and caused me a lot of angst. Others are my life-line. What people post....and who they really are sometimes is completely different. My situation got ugly....between someone I have never met in person. I doubt I would open myself up like that again.

        Things are good....I am looking forward to a nice quiet holiday.


          af day Wed 21 Nov

          I only ask this because of what I have read on the boards about withdrawal. What did you drink?

          I drank lite beer.....and pretty much the worst was over in 24 hours. I see so many going through what seems to me like a long withdrawal period.

          I thought alcohol was alcohol. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Should a lite beer drinker be treated differently medically than a whiskey drinker?

          I am just I have a friend who is coming off of wine....and her withdrawal seems so much harder than any of mine.

          Any thoughts?


            af day Wed 21 Nov

            TheSunFlower;1414735 wrote: I only ask this because of what I have read on the boards about withdrawal. What did you drink?

            I drank lite beer.....and pretty much the worst was over in 24 hours. I see so many going through what seems to me like a long withdrawal period.

            I thought alcohol was alcohol. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Should a lite beer drinker be treated differently medically than a whiskey drinker?

            I am just I have a friend who is coming off of wine....and her withdrawal seems so much harder than any of mine.

            Any thoughts?
            Sorry Sun, was the above at me or Maddie?


              af day Wed 21 Nov

              Neither was the post directed at either of you. Just a question.

              Like I said.....I thought AL was AL. And that does not seem to be the case. Some people have reallly cruel withdrawal periods. I was just trying to understand.


                af day Wed 21 Nov

                Your funny

                kuya;1414678 wrote: Hi Maddie and welcome,

                Congrats on your plan, take it slow though, I was and still get VERY fatigued.

                Well done on engaging Yoda, I didn't know he was real and now available to hire! Can you give me his number? :H:H:H

                I have serious humour issues, you'll get used to them!
                Yes I meant Yoga, was in a hurry, but maybe he /she is out there LOL


                  af day Wed 21 Nov


                  I don't have any advice to offer, really not sure of the differences in withdrawel, I always thought it was based on consumption.

                  I remember you from months ago, I'm really happy to see you back here and doing well,

                  Keep in touch


                    af day Wed 21 Nov

                    Hey Sun...that's a good question. I've always thought al was al was al too - and that it was the amount and frequency that influenced the degree of difficulty during detox. I drank mass quantities of microbrew beer and wine and my detox was rough, with shakes and sweats and deep fatigue, but no DTs. Fortunately, the worst was over in a few days. The rest of the healing process for me has progressed slowly and surely thanks to a commitment to AF living backed up with healthy eating, exercise and in YOU peeps!

                    Glad you're joining us Maddie. Your plan sounds great. You've figured out a very powerful strategy for dealing wit your witching hour. Exercise is an awesome replacement for drinking. How long have you been doing yoga? I've been toying with the idea of taking it up.

                    Great to see our chipper Kiwis! Tree and've got us coming and going, now, don't you? I can't decide whether posting here makes me ahead of things or really behind....hmmmmmm....I will ponder that as I fall peacefully asleep.....
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      af day Wed 21 Nov

                      Hi all,

                      Quick post here before bedtime. Not sure, either, about different AL and withdrawl. I feel so back for folks who through DTs etc. I have read of many folks here who used valium for just a few days to get through the worst.

                      I'm looking forward to cooking Thanksgiving dinner, and will start with the preparations tomorrow. Hope the bird defrosts in time; it's as hard as a brick right now!

                      "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                      AF since Oct 2, 2012


                        af day Wed 21 Nov

                        What amazes me Sun is the individual variation. I drank 500ml vodka per day for 23 years and quit with no withdrawals, no sweats no shakes no cravings........ Just disturbed sleep and slightly out of body and anxiety.

                        In terms of alcohol units that is about 15 per day. I think body fat has a lot to do with it and muscle mass. I am well muscled AND fat so that puts me at an advantage, plus I had taken supplements for years


                          af day Wed 21 Nov

                          Good morning Abbers,

                          Sunny & frosty here this morning ~ seasonal

                          Welcome back Maddie!
                          Good to see you have a plan. Just whip up some commitment, stick around here & you'll do great!

                          Back in the early 70's the hospital I worked at detoxed patients & I saw some horrendous withdrawals, DT's, the whole thing. Trying to start IV lines on them was a challenge, to say the least. I don't know what makes one person worse off than another. I imagine it has to do with amount consumed over a certain period of time & the shitty conditions of their livers

                          I am hosting Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow for my son & his family. YB will be here too so at least the kids get to see their grandfather. I get to do all the work - of course!

                          Wishing eveyone a fabulous AF Wednesday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af day Wed 21 Nov

                            Greetings, Fabbies!

                            Good to see you Maddie. Your plan sounds good. Welcome!

                            Congrats on 1000 posts, KY! Good job! You're now a "senior member", LOL! I'm glad I understand the origins of your name now! :H

                            I was reading yesterdays posts about NRT. I am definitely up for quitting, but I just keep putting it off because of "stress". If anyone wants a quit buddy, let me know.

                            Sorry I haven't been around for several days. I went up to Philadelphia to see my rental property, which I want to sell and was appalled to find the that the place looked like a tenement. I got into a bit of a kerfuffle with my rental agent about it, but she pointed out that they had caused much of the damage in question. The house was also messy and dirty. I will have to ask the tenant to leave to put it on the market. So, I have been pretty upset about that and trying to figure out how to handle it best. The best news is that I haven't drank, although I certainly felt like it!

                            Thanks for starting the threads, treetops. It is so weird having all of us at such widely divergent areas and timezones!

                            Hi to Lav, SL, SF, Deter, Turn and Cat, etc.

                            I don't know if I'll be able to post tomorrow. I'll be getting on the road to drive to NY to see family for Thanksgiving.

                            So if I don't get on, let me wish each and every one of you here in the US a very happy Thanksgiving. For the rest of you, just sending hugs!

                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              af day Wed 21 Nov

                              Hi everyone,

                              YahYah, what a disappointment about your property! That would stress me out too.

                              This Thanksgiving, I am eternal grateful for MWO. You have transformed my sense of community and strategies for life. I learn from you all the time, and am finally moving through my own blocks in life. It's going to be a long year one, but I'm 1/7 through!:H

                              Lav, you're a gift to your family. And those grandsons, I'm betting when they are grown they tell folks about how their grandma was there for them growing up. If your son and DIL don't appreciate and thank you, they will.

                              Still in bed, fighting the flu, and have to work today. I am going to knock it out and take a nap! Before MWO, I would have avoided the work, drank a bottle of wine (yes, at 8:00am if I was stressed), and taken a nap. This is better.

                              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                              AF since Oct 2, 2012

