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af day Thurs 22 Nov

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    af day Thurs 22 Nov

    Hi there - it must be Thanksgiving or thereabouts up North (ie USA). We don't do this in NZ - but its frantic time of the year - everything winding down, summer hols, and Christmas.
    Happy holidays my Northern MWO people. Don't get too stressed - Ladies (cos its mostly us who seem to do this - pardon if I have upset anyone) - its a meal, not a movie production and its the people that count.

    I only had time to quickly glance at the threads this morning - seems to be discussion around AL withdrawal.

    I have a stressful meeting today - so fingers crossed. Traditionally for me Thursday evenings were a time to wind down (but so were Fridays, Saturdays etc etc)......

    will try to check more in individual postings in this forum soon because I care about you all!
    Kia kaha (thats Maori for 'stay strong' - or 'have strength).

    af day Thurs 22 Nov

    its still wednesday in uk. Also christmas is not summer hols, quite the opposite. I went to NZ on honeymoon, gorgeous country and totally reversed seasons to what I am used to
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


      af day Thurs 22 Nov

      top of the day treetops and Raven. seriously only 3 of us so far? wowsers, everyone must be off doing last minute shopping for Thanksgiving (in the US anyhoos).

      glad to be home and AF. bout all i got to say about that.

      be well everyone
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        af day Thurs 22 Nov

        Everyone is confused DET cos Treetops is a kiwi and,like me, is a day ahead of most people.
        Tree, I love your take on the dinner not being a movie true. I blew my last quit by getting far too het up over Xmas........didn't eat envious of everyone drinking and the wagon. Have learnt from that I movie productions this year!

        SL.... Hanging in there, well done. When it comes down to it we torture ourselves with all these thoughts re alcohol when it is really simple. Once you truly accept that you CANNOT drink moderately ( which I now do) there is only one choice DRINK or DON'T DRINK.

        Any moment when I think about drinking there is no longer a is continue being SOBER or ALCOHOLIC, no middle ground so the choice becomes easy.

        Yah yah .... Let me know about the quit buddy thing. WF was gonna quit with me but has decided to wait til Jan. I would like to do this up for it?

        SUN ...... More thoughts on different alcohols ..... Beer is more dilute so maybe the extra fluid makes a difference .....flushes toxins and doesnt dehydrate as badly


          af day Thurs 22 Nov

          Bump....for Cantoo.....poor dear gets so confused


            af day Thurs 22 Nov

            Happy Thanksgiving Northern Hermisphere Abbers! Though I believe it's actually tomorrow there, no?

            I'm actually going to a Thanksgiving picnic on the weekend with a bunch of ex pats. I'm making peanut butter and jelly ice cream to take. Not traditional, no, but very American, yet befitting the weather here this time of year.

            I have been out of the loop the last few days once again but I'm here, not drinking. I was naive about the wine articles though - it sucks to have to listen to people wax on about how wonderful wine is when you're in early AF days. Oh well, lesson learnt.

            Hope everyone is well and that the holiday stress/festivities doesn't prove too tempting for anyone. Stay strong.

            Lilly x


              af day Thurs 22 Nov

              Still Wednesday here.....

              Kuya on the withdrawal thing.....I think you are right....everyone is different. Just as all our drinking habits were was what we drank.

              I was really just curious on people's thoughts if there is difference between beer, wine or hard liquor withdrawals.

              I do know that I drink ALOT of water all the time (still do). So maybe being more hydrated....when I was de-hydrating myself....made a difference. Who knows

              YAH....I used to have two rental properties. I don't envy you. Good Luck.

              Quiet Thanksgiving Day here.....and I am THANKFUL for that!


                af day Thurs 22 Nov

                Hi Sunflower
                you asked about withdrawal/quitting and type of liquor - these past years I have been pretty much a wine drinker and my withdrawal has mostly been around issues of habit/cravings and the energy it appeared to gave me. It was a post 4pm thing. I also ate pretty healthily when not drinking - always had breakfast, lunch - although my interest in dinner waned when I was actually drinking. I usually stopped drinking later in the evening and then would get hungry (a great way to gain weight). Still I have managed to do some pretty serious liver damage with this - that hopefully - is being repaired now.

                I was also good at cooking and caring for others and quietly (I thought - actually not so quietly) getting trashed. Especially easy with a relatively small body frame and limited food intake. If my partner would object to my drinking - I could use the 'trade' that I had done all the work while he laid on the sofa and relaxed. Does that sound familiar to anyone out there?


                  af day Thurs 22 Nov

                  treetops;1415266 wrote: Hi Sunflower
                  you asked about withdrawal/quitting and type of liquor - these past years I have been pretty much a wine drinker and my withdrawal has mostly been around issues of habit/cravings and the energy it appeared to gave me. It was a post 4pm thing. I also ate pretty healthily when not drinking - always had breakfast, lunch - although my interest in dinner waned when I was actually drinking. I usually stopped drinking later in the evening and then would get hungry (a great way to gain weight). Still I have managed to do some pretty serious liver damage with this - that hopefully - is being repaired now.

                  I was also good at cooking and caring for others and quietly (I thought - actually not so quietly) getting trashed. Especially easy with a relatively small body frame and limited food intake. If my partner would object to my drinking - I could use the 'trade' that I had done all the work while he laid on the sofa and relaxed. Does that sound familiar to anyone out there?
                  'twas my life to a tee, minus the liver damage and I would start drinking at 7pm ish

                  Oh and Hi Lilly......good to see you as always !


                    af day Thurs 22 Nov

                    :H alright I'll jump into the future.

                    Just a quick :hallo: before my head hits the pillow (had more to say on your yesterday).

                    Have a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday for all our American members. Just think how much better the crowds will be AF!

                    Nite y'all

                    AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                    "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                      af day Thurs 22 Nov

                      Thanks Treetops. It does give some insight. I never had to care for others than outside my family circle.

                      I still find myself making excuses in my brain......I have never missed a child's event, I never drank in the am, I don't drink wine or hard liquor...the worst was over in 24 hours. My post was on my way to a slip or relapse.....duh. I can see it now.

                      Although all of the above is true.....I really don't want to go back to the way I lived before. I just made it to the child's event by the skin of my ass....and hungover to boot......I never drank in the am....but damn was counting them minutes to wine or hard liquor....but, found myself enteraining friends spoke of how much quicker it got them to chase faster....and needed less drinks.

                      I am living in scary ground my brain is entertaining such thoughts. I fear that I will go onto wine......then make the crossover to hard liquor!

                      I am glad that all shops are closed tommorrow.....and just maybe I can get my head screwed back on!



                        af day Thurs 22 Nov

                        Sun, this will cheer you up: Podcast

                        check out the latest podcast with Tim Ferris on Robb Wolf's show. great stuff.

                        well, it's officially time to say a very early

                        Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! oinkety-oink oink! I better get some sleep.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af day Thurs 22 Nov


                          Thoughts are with you, keep strong and remember how good you feel without it


                            af day Thurs 22 Nov

                   you think these thoughts may be due to some emotion you are trying to block out ATM?
                            I know I desired alcohol to shut down painful feelings, grief and anger being the biggest.

                            Just a thought


                              af day Thurs 22 Nov


                              Me too, my darkest times were when I struggled emotionally, thanks for the reminder

