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AF day Sunday 25 Nov

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    AF day Sunday 25 Nov

    Morning from sunny beautiful New Zealand. Glorious sun-kissed day here - not veryhot but lovely and clear. I can hear the birds in the trees too. Intend to go for a walk soon.

    I got over my wee panic yesterday - thanks all who were with me. Hope Kuya's cold is on the mend.
    I read the two threads from Saturday - we were talking about "social drinkers". I don't have a problem on one level with social drinking but what sometimes annoys me is the smugness and lack of empathy a few people have for those who cannot drink - ie some social drinkers just don't get it. eg "well I can just have one or two - so what's the problem"?
    or they remind you (ie me the alkie) of my past excesses - they embarass you while they are sipping their chardonnay. I have a close relative who I love very dearly who did this at every family gathering and found it extremely funny (he would refer back to my DUI that happened nearly 20 years ago - which has always mortified me and which I did not find funny) until another family person told him to leave it alone.
    I also agree with Kuya - that there can be a big private and public difference between what social drinkers actually consume.
    Now to get my Sunday newspaper that will probably be full of eye-catching ads about alcohol - and pictures of so-called celebs at functions clutching their glasses like its a life-line ---- along with sanctimonious articles about the awful problems of alcohol in this country.
    I see this is one of the big divides - alcohol abuse is still seen by the majority here as problem of 'others' - I think we all need to address this - ie alkies, social drinkers and those who have never touched a drop.

    AF day Sunday 25 Nov

    Well hello Tree. You started off today on a serious note. I am sorry you did not always have support from those closest to you and I do hear what you're saying about educating the masses. But today I choose to adress my self and my own thoughts towards AL. Taking on the world is just a little too large for me.

    I do hope you got that walk in today and that 'The Thoughts' have been kept under control for one more day.

    oke: really liked that article KY.
    AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

    "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


      AF day Sunday 25 Nov

      Again with the finger Cantoo! :H

      Treetops..... I hear you on the lack of support or empathy, I remember when I was a child if a guest arrived it was common to ask them jovially 'what's your poison ?' on a subconscious level it has long been recognized for what it is..... A poison.....but it is still sold to us as a socially acceptable activity.

      We are all so susceptible to marketing, whether it be food, alcohol or nazi ideology. The desire to be part of the group is very strong.

      I was discussing diet with my daughter following the information I have been reading. It concerns me that her schoolday starts with a bowl of coco pops ( sugar) at lunch she has wheat and sugar, when she comes home at 4pm I am working so she has some more wheat so the first protein she eats all day is dinner, which is often late cos of my job.

      I am not keen on cooking in the morning but we decided that we would have chilli con carne for breakfast! I can cook a batch at the beginning of the week along with some brown rice and reheat it.

      My point is that it felt wrong to eat 'dinner' food for breakfast.......but why?
      Because we have had breakfast cereal advertised to us for so long we are brainwashed.
      In my childhood we would cook bacon and eggs and mushrooms and tomatoes and even steak as a normal start to the day, or it would be porridge with a little sugar, if you were lucky.

      We have got to address our young people's eating cos we are setting them up for addictions.

      We both LOVE chilli and she will go off with a great start PLUS I get to feel like a competent parent by thinking outside the square.


        AF day Sunday 25 Nov

        Good morning Abbers,

        Still waiting for the sun to arrive here at 8 am & it's chilly!

        Greetings Treetops, Cantoo & Kuya!
        I have always had a big interest in nutrition, learned a lot in my nutrition classes in college.
        Feeding the kids decently was always top priority for me & I truly did bust my ass cooking for them while they were growing up, despite my work schedule. My days off were often devoted to cooking philosophy was 'cook once, eat many times' :H :H
        They have both grown up to be healthy adults & are focused on doing the same for their kids
        Funny that I continued to cook & eat healthy when I was drinking but my exercise/activity level suffered.

        I am heading out to a combo birthday party this afternoon for my son & grandson. Should be fun. If anyone is drinking there that's their business, not mine

        Have a great AF Sunday everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF day Sunday 25 Nov

          Good Morning All! I'm back from a wonderful trip. London is a fantastic city. We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner but I'll be cooking up another turkey here at home soon as we love our left overs. I loved all the walking we did and am going to continue that starting today. I have a pedometer which will encourage me to get my 10K steps every day. It's a terrific program and a very attainable daily goal. Remaining AF was pretty easy. I was a little sad at not having wine with dinner out but managed with a tonic and slice of lemon or lime.

          I was trying to keep up with posts but MWO is a busy place. Treetops you've been an excellent thread starter. Thanks. CanToo and Kuya, it's great to "see" you again. Chili is one of my favorites. When I make it I can eat it every day. For breakfast it sounds perfect. A good dose of protein and easy to hear up. I find if I eat any carbs for breakfast I binge eat all day. Maybe I'll try that myself. Now that I'm back and the fridge is bare I can do a healthy eating spree up to and through the holidays.
          Have a terrific day all. It's good to be back!
          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


            AF day Sunday 25 Nov

            Good morning Lav. I was The chef while my kids were growing up and consequently they have good eating habits. My 6 foot+ boys can eat a lot! Happy Birthday to your family. Happy AF- ness to you!
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              AF day Sunday 25 Nov

              Good Morning Treetops...glad you got past the panic. I too had family members who liked to bring up the past as they bend their elbow. I finally said enough is enough let it go and they did. If only I'd known that was all it took.

              Good Morning CanToo...I'm with you. I have enough trouble dealing with my own little world.

              oke: KY...Good Morning you competent parent you. Outside the square...I like that.
              ...if Cantoo can I can too :H

              Good Morning Lav...I never gave nutrition a second thought till I stopped drinking now I'm learning lots about my body and how it's supposed to work.

              Good Morning Nurdl...glad you're home safe and sound. Sounds like you had a fab time.

              Off to get my 2nd cuppa, business meeting before AA so will be heading out early today.

              Have a Great AF Sunday all and all to come...PPQ


                AF day Sunday 25 Nov

                Hi everyone,

                Off to my zumba class, but just want to chime in on the kids/healthy eating thread. I already see the sugar obsession in my son, but he is a healthy eater when pushed, and we just need to reduce access to sugar. Lav, it was very encouraging to hear I can lay the groundwork for a healthy adult. So, off to make him EGGS quickly before we both go!

                "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                AF since Oct 2, 2012


                  AF day Sunday 25 Nov

                  porqoui;1416820 wrote:
                  oke: KY...Good Morning you competent parent you. Outside the square...I like that.
                  ...if Cantoo can I can too :H
                  AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                  "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                    AF day Sunday 25 Nov

                    Morning all - and afternoon, evening, night and tomorrow depending where you are :H
                    I am also learning a lot about diet - I think we do fairly well - I do struggle with getting enough friut and vegetables in the girls, but we work on it and they are concious.
                    I "hide" vegetbakes and fruit in lots of things - soup, stews, chilli - even my spaghetti sauce has carrots in as well as mushrooms and onions! And I make big pots to freeze fro work nights. In summer rise and pasta salads get filled with good stuff too.
                    In the mornings I have found microwavable turkey sausages that the girls love with eggs it is quick and easy and I can manage to do in our mad dash to get going - and it is easier without a headache for sure!
                    Well, the last two nights I have actually started sleeping better - I always take a pint of water to bed, a habit from drinking when I would wake dying of thirst, and I have been drinking it in the night again (a sign of a good nights sleep for me is when the water glass is full in the morning) - again I am going to blame it on sugar - I have really cut back and last two mornings my glass is 3/4's full.
                    Today is not Monday, so have to ignore you Treetop for just now on your next thread - DO NOT want Monday to come:upset: so turning a blind eye:H
                    Hope everyone is feeling good and heating died again on Wednesday, so trying to stay warm here, have to go to the stores for a while to warm up :H
                    Chat later....:l:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      AF day Sunday 25 Nov

                      Hi SL. We started with the chilli today, and I am optimistic it will be a winner, just making new habits in all areas.

                      PPQ! S'pose you think you're funny, mind you tis the only poke I'm getting ATM :H:H

                      Bright and sunny and gonna be a hot day, still getting the pool clean.....what a mission but need it to try and get some exercise. Last summer was so awful we hardly used it but hoping fora better one this year although so far not too good.



                        AF day Sunday 25 Nov

                        PPPQ - I love your phrase: if CanToo Can then I Can Too!
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          AF day Sunday 25 Nov

                          nurdl;1416948 wrote: PPPQ - I love your phrase: if CanToo Can then I Can Too!
                          DON'T encourage them Nurdl or they'll keep it up with the poking!


                            AF day Sunday 25 Nov


                            KY - I will wish for nothing but warm blue skies if it means you and your daughter get to swim this summer.
                            AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                            "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."



                              AF day Sunday 25 Nov

                              CanToo;1416961 wrote: :H

                              KY - I will wish for nothing but warm blue skies if it means you and your daughter get to swim this summer.
                              Awwww thanks luv

