I got over my wee panic yesterday - thanks all who were with me. Hope Kuya's cold is on the mend.
I read the two threads from Saturday - we were talking about "social drinkers". I don't have a problem on one level with social drinking but what sometimes annoys me is the smugness and lack of empathy a few people have for those who cannot drink - ie some social drinkers just don't get it. eg "well I can just have one or two - so what's the problem"?
or they remind you (ie me the alkie) of my past excesses - they embarass you while they are sipping their chardonnay. I have a close relative who I love very dearly who did this at every family gathering and found it extremely funny (he would refer back to my DUI that happened nearly 20 years ago - which has always mortified me and which I did not find funny) until another family person told him to leave it alone.
I also agree with Kuya - that there can be a big private and public difference between what social drinkers actually consume.
Now to get my Sunday newspaper that will probably be full of eye-catching ads about alcohol - and pictures of so-called celebs at functions clutching their glasses like its a life-line ---- along with sanctimonious articles about the awful problems of alcohol in this country.
I see this is one of the big divides - alcohol abuse is still seen by the majority here as problem of 'others' - I think we all need to address this - ie alkies, social drinkers and those who have never touched a drop.