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af day Mon 26 Nov

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    af day Mon 26 Nov

    Hi there MWO peeps!
    Quick quick post as I have to dash to work (and look gorgeous first - haha thats a joke!).

    Went for my walk yesterday - not hard where I live as there are so many great options. Walking (and in the past, running), hiking - always been something I love doing (and I still drank alcohol when at my most active and fit). I even used to run the odd half-marathon.

    Saw yesterday's posts on nutrition - I have always been pretty aware and practice healthy eating for me and my family - although ironically I used to be bulimic for many decades. That stopped about 15 years ago when I was pregnant.
    Anyone else been on that awful cycle of eating disorders and substance abuse?

    Sorry CanToo another serious-ish post. Don't worry I have a silly side!

    af day Mon 26 Nov

    Absolutely TreeTop!

    I was in that cycle in my twenties. I was anorexic first and then bulimic. Imagine my happy surprise when I realized I could replace much of my food with AL and didn't have to stick a toothbrush down my throat to throw it up...:nutso: insane!
    I actually felt better much of thetime about my physical self when Threw up the next morning because In my weird head I was having my cake, so to speak, and eating it too....

    I think it comes own to incredibly twisted thinking which is motivated by different things in our lives. For me it was about hating my body even though I was a perfect size ten, swam, worked out regularly and had a good love life...didn't seem to matter it the long run. I'd look in the mirror and I was all wrong...

    AL Certainly helped squish a lot of that self loathing. At least until the next day that is.
    I have children now so while my eating is still in my head, it doesn't possess me like it did before...the AL other other hand

    Well, that's why I'm here.

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      af day Mon 26 Nov

      Oh favorite topic!
      Eating disorders and alcoholism.
      I was anorexic from 14 onwards......I always joke that I was the worst anorexic lowest weight was where most people start becoming anorexic. My saving factor was sport so I was well muscled (still am) and had to eat something to do my sport.

      The anorexia started when I heard my father had died.....only made the connection much later. Then kinda became ano/laemic ....wouldn't eat hardly a thing all day then ate evening meal and vomited. I remember a girl who stayed with us who had guessed what I was doing commenting that 'bulaemics commonly become alcoholic' ..... How right she was!

      My theory is that people with eating disorders drink alcohol to suppress the anxiety that is causing the eating disorder. The brain learns that the only way you will give it food is in the form of alcohol ......simple survival really. The pleasure of alcohol via GABA is only part of the addiction, messed up nutrition is most.
      I read that bulaemics are low on zinc and then I read alcoholics are low on zinc.....coincidence? I doubt it.

      It always worries me that even here on MWO the concern with body image persists.....we are struggling with a life destroying disease but still concerned with making sure we die slim! :H

      Reminds me of a joke;

      When does the average woman achieve her ideal weight?

      Two weeks after she dies!

      Sad but funny

      Look what you started Treetops......bloody kiwi :H:H

      I now am working to eat well, it is a struggle after a lifetime of depriving myself of food and then substituting with alcohol. I reckon with good repair the weight will sort itself out.

      Have a good day everyone, 'twas lovely here in NZ eh Tree?


        af day Mon 26 Nov

        Good morning Abbers,

        No anorexia here, just finished a big bowl of oatmeal, banana, coffee, yum.

        Taking care of ourselves now is more important than ever. Just went for my annual mammogram this morning then went straight to Curves for my 30 minute workout. Right now i'm about 9 pounds away from my goal weight. No huge rush, I'll get there

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af day Mon 26 Nov

          Wish we still had Curves. I loved that program. 30 minutes to start the day off and loads of fun chatting up the other members. Our conversations always ended up about food, lol. I actually had some good looking legs when I was doing it 5 times a week. Guess I'll try to get my butt out the door for a walk today.
          Btw - where's our Mick? I'm getting so confused having two AF day threads going, lol. I have to keep reminding myself what day it is, plus I miss his jokes.
          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


            af day Mon 26 Nov

            Morning all - had my mammo last week - check that one off teh to do list (still trying to avoid the colonoscopy thou:H).
            Did not like the alarm going off this morning - Monday morning blues after long weekend, but at least they are not hungover blues!
            Hope all are good - hopefully Mick is having a wonderful holiday - so glad you had a good trip Nurdl!
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              af day Mon 26 Nov

              Hello, Ladies.

              Just to confirm - yes, bulimic from 13-21, when I left it behind and coincidentally became a daily drinker! I didn't make the connnection at the time. It's been astounding to me to learn my story is shared by so many. Reassuring, too. At 13, you're not making bad choices so much as responding to the neurochemistry without understanding it. Now I have the choice how I live each day, and the tools to help myself. If someone had given me L-glutamine and other supps back then, would this have all been averted?

              Suffering through a cold and continued exhaustion. Kuya, you gave me hope that this eventually gets better. I'm eight weeks in, and still as tired as week 1.

              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

              AF since Oct 2, 2012


                af day Mon 26 Nov

                Hi there
                posting a reply to this thread although its Tuesday where I am. I take the eating disorder/drink thing very seriously as I was - as I said bulimic - (and sometimes anorexic before that). Anorexic from c 17-18 years and then bulimic from 19- 41 years. Thats a hell of a long time. Achieved a lot while doing this, plus lots of pain as well. The alcohol abuse kicked in from my late twenties.
                Funny enough Prozac finally helped me taper off the bulimia, plus having a loving relationship - where I could talk openly about my food issues (thats the guy I am still with and he is the father of my daughter). We also talk about my booze issues - but thank goodness thats not all we talk about! He also still manages to crack me up (ie get the tears streaming down my face with laughter). Don't worry - he's not at all perfect!


                  af day Mon 26 Nov

                  Catbuddy;1417231 wrote: Hello, Ladies.

                  Just to confirm - yes, bulimic from 13-21, when I left it behind and coincidentally became a daily drinker! I didn't make the connnection at the time. It's been astounding to me to learn my story is shared by so many. Reassuring, too. At 13, you're not making bad choices so much as responding to the neurochemistry without understanding it. Now I have the choice how I live each day, and the tools to help myself. If someone had given me L-glutamine and other supps back then, would this have all been averted?

                  Suffering through a cold and continued exhaustion. Kuya, you gave me hope that this eventually gets better. I'm eight weeks in, and still as tired as week 1.

                  Yeah Cat, if only we had known then. But if we had a supportive environment we wouldn't have been there in the first place.

                  The fatigue thing .... I know I got depressed about others here hitting the gym a week sober. I just COULDNT ! Feeling so much better now tho, but am going to take it slow cos I don't want to overwhelm myself.


                    af day Mon 26 Nov

                    thanks for the kickstart Treetops.

                    as an avid nutrion researcher I'd normally have a lot to add but I'm just down and blue today. a buddy of mine was killed in a roll-over quad accident on Sat leaving behind a family.
                    and Dx and I are not getting along today for some reason. I just can't say anything right and she's set up the guest bed for herself. sigh. sorry to be a downer.

                    only thing I will add on nutrition is to make sure you get protein and fats in every meal to help stabilize blood sugar and keep it low. when we don't control our blood sugar (especially violent spikes after a hi-carb low protein/low fat meal) that's where the wheels really start to fall off the cart and the subsequent and all too familiar diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis get a foothold.

                    off to go stare at the wall for a bit

                    be well my friends
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      af day Mon 26 Nov

                      DET. :l:l mate


                        af day Mon 26 Nov

                        Det, that's awful on all fronts. You have had a big helpful of tough dynamics of late. All I can do is lend an ear, and read your posts. You're not alone!

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          af day Mon 26 Nov

                          yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaw folks well here I am back to the land of rain cold and darkness..part from that its great how is everyone??????
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            af day Mon 26 Nov

                            :hallo: MICK :hallo:

                            Am I ever glad you're back safe and sound.

                            I too look forward to the pics and :goodjob: on making it through AF.

                            I've kinda moved into the Army Thread for reasons we can chat about later.

                            The Army has been great to me, JC even started my 100 AF Day thread.

                            I am sooooo glad you're back.......PPQ


                              af day Mon 26 Nov

                              ppq...........thanks great to see you too...100 thats great well done youve moved out and gone over to the Irish contingent?
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

