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November Survivors ~ Week 4

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    November Survivors ~ Week 4

    Hello All,
    Star, thanks for starting week 4 and for such thoughtful posts. I always appreciate your reminders of self-care. For some reason, it is too easily forgotten or pushed aside.

    Cyn, I saw the movie Buck a few years ago and was also quite moved by it. I highly recommend it. I'm sorry you have been feeling disconnected. I know how awful it can be when those feelings creep in. I'm glad the thread gave you some comfort.

    Chill, it is so sad what is happening in the Eurozone. I had often wondered how it affected you and your beloved Portugal. Hearing about it from an individual who has lived it was very moving.

    I must never underestimate the depressant power of AL.
    Rusty, a truer word was never spoken! I thank you for your personal reflection on your journey to freedom. Your family is lucky to have such a loving a caring woman in their midst.

    Rustop, Lav and all dear readers, have a wonderful AF Thursday.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      November Survivors ~ Week 4

      Good morning November friends!

      Hard to believe December is almost here & it's also hard to believe that I was NOT one of the Powerball lottery winners last night :H
      Damn, I was really hoping for a win this time

      Chill, so glad to hear you have things sorted out. Have a safe trip to Portugal & back.

      Greetings Star & Dill!
      Papmom has been on Facebook all week but not here - why?

      Sending happy gretings to everyone & wishes for a wonderful AF Thursday. More work, work, work for me today (since I didn't win the lottery).

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        November Survivors ~ Week 4

        LUNCH BREAK:

        One of the things I like most about working from home is access to the fridge & leftovers for lunch
        If anyone like chicken & barley as much as I do ~ try this:

        Toasted Barley and Chicken Pilaf - Good Housekeeping

        I make this with chicken breast & fat-free, reduced sodium chicken broth to reduce the calories & sodium content. Very good !!!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          November Survivors ~ Week 4

          Hi everyone. Star, loved your description of wanting what you have. its so easy to lust after things, and after a lot of brouhaha, get them, then once obtained, start on the next must have thing. I believe that kind of thinking is actually a human condition that has led to aggression, war, destruction of the globe, etc. Its easy to fall into it too. Chill, I hope you find some comfort in your trip to Portugal. Such a beautiful country with such shy lovely people.

          I havent got a lot to add, im on vacation here in Kaua'i, which for me, with MrKas means a lot of trips to bird localities (he is an avid bird photographer), while I tend to get to shoot from the moving vehicle... ha ha. and its hard not to get wrapped up in worrying about the effect of global climate change here, it is so disturbed from cultural activities and introduction of exotic species, Hawaii is sort of a introduction centre of the universe. A rise in sea level here is going to be devasting to several species of endemic birds. I have to stop myself from getting too worked up about it, as its been my whole professional life dealing with the effect of man on biota, i have to just kind of let it roll over me a bit here. We spent the day with a local rare forest bird guide yesterday. I checked on the internet and the NYT reporter described the identical experience we had with this guy, its what he does on a daily basis, will spare you the details but afterwards, resting sore muscles, and wiping off mud (lol!) I had to have a talk with myself about not blaming him for being such an EEYORE about it all. He was grim, and rude to me (women biologists are not very popular with male naturalists at the best of times). He did not appreciate questions about who is studying disturbance / invasive species/ extinctions here. I got totally that he gets irritated with the intellectual curiousity of dispassionate science types (i.e. me). On the take, most of us, it seems. Including him... but I do intend to do more than ask questions. Or be grumpy about it. Like that helps.

          I wanted to also write something more on the biochemistry of alcohol dependancy and how that whole biochem process fuels self delusion, mentioned in opening statements by Stargazer. But im gonna leave it for now, because i am here w/o my library, thank goodness. I have various guides to Kauai and JK Rowlings first adult book, though. There was a posting by another member on another thread here, written by an MD that touched on the toxicity of AL dependancy, some errors in the article (the accumulation of cadmium is not the main cause of hangover symptoms for example) but most of it was ok, just lazy research with some half truths, it is so easy to write about this topic, I think if I am going to do this here, I will need to put some serious peer review work on it, and not just knock off a bunch of clap trap. Honestly after reading seriously on the topic of chemistry of addiction for so many years you would not believe the half truths and grandstanding, pet theories, etc, all of it just splattered across the internet for vulnerable, wounded desparate people to glom onto. My rant for the day. Ha ha. In bed listening to the ocean. Time to find the snorkel and fins.

          Lav, loved your barley chicken recipe. You would laugh at the number of chickens just on the loose here in Kauai. They cross breed with the native jungle fowl, and there are millions of them here. Its very odd to gaze upon a seascape with pounding surf and palm trees and hear Err R R R rrrrrrr! in the background.

          Now here I have gone and added a lot. The least I can do is cough up a pix of the Salt Ponds Beach Southwest shore.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            November Survivors ~ Week 4

            Hello Everyone,

            I am just popping in to say hello from the Aviation Weather Center in Kansas City, MO. What a fascinating place....they provide weather forecasts to all the airlines and meteorologists in the world. I have learned so much during my visit with my new client. Let's just say that I have a much higher respect for the "TV Weathermen" than I did before. The weather is beautiful and tonight after work, I am going to a sushi restaurant on Country Club Plaza, which is the upscale shopping district. It is all decorated with Christmas lights so I'm so looking forward to doing something fun.

            Cyn-I have never seen the movie, Buck, but now I think I might rent it. I'm glad you are able to spend time with your mom.

            Star-thank you for the mindfulness exercise. I need to be reminded of it constantly.

            Chill-thank you for taking the time to explain why moving back to Portugal isn't a good move for you. Now I understand. I am so glad you will be able to visit your sick friend. I am sure she will be delighted to see you, and she is lucky to have you in her life.:l I am also glad you found a lovely caregiver for Elle whilst you tend to your friend.

            Dill-thank you for the kind words about me...even though I'm blushing as I am not always loving and caring.

            Lav-that recipe sounds delish. I must try it.

            Where is Papmom?

            Rustop-I am impressed that you plan on having your Christmas shopping done by this weekend.

            LBH-are you and LBH doing anything special for Christmas?

            Anyone I missed....huge hugs and hellos. Hope everyone is enjoying an AF Thursday.


              November Survivors ~ Week 4

              Kas, say hi to those feral chickens for me. I've never even given a thing like that a thought :H :H
              Nice pic!!!!
              I did some reading on the Rational Recovery website a few nights ago after reading some of the other threads here. Their AVRT is....interesting as well as their notion to just stop!!!

              Rusty, I hear someone in MO is a lottery winner. Have you seen him/her yet? :H
              Weather tracking can be interesting with all the cool tools they have these days

              I am just about finished this job - 40 pieces with the same design is a bit boring but that's where I make my $$
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                November Survivors ~ Week 4

                This is the third time I have started to post something in the past few days, it has been like a lighting rod for a major outside disturbance in my otherwise calm sea. Let's hope it works this time. Speaking of environments, Rusty, what an interesting new client, your after dinner conversation is going to be even more engaging, talk of the "weather" far more clever, sophisticated. You fox. Kas, speaking of rare birds, I just saw on a local news website that a "mystery" bird has been spotted south of here at the Bosque Del Apache Refuge. It is really bizarre. It is hanging out with the sandhill cranes, a huge bird shaped mostly like a crane, but with the intense color and markings, even red around the cere I think, of a dark brown turkey! It looks like a hybrid. There has to be a Thanksgiving joke in there somewhere. Birdie researchers worldwide in the meantime are descending. Glad you are home and getting your bearings again, Cyn. As you know I have to constantly steel myself against a tendency to withdraw and become overly reflective, estranged. It's always fixable. Glad you are off to Portugal, Chill, sometimes there is nothing else we can do but show up. Lav you help me everyday, you also Dill and Star. I look forward to tomorrow. So glad to see you, Rustop, I love your daughters, emerald hills, and ponies, I know in real life it is probably not so romantic but all three are not happening here. Oh goodie, I made it through! Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  November Survivors ~ Week 4

                  Good morning friends on this very last day of November!!!!!

                  I will try to think of a December name for us ~ drawing a blank at the moment
                  23 degrees, frosty this morning yet I hear it's going to 60 on Sunday, strange!

                  Good to see you LBH. I hope your sea remains calm today

                  I have another busy day lined up for myself but I need more coffee first!
                  Have a great AF Friday everyone,

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    November Survivors ~ Week 4

                    Good Morning, TGI AF Friday!

                    Kas-I'm delighted that you are relaxing on your tropical vacation. Thanks for popping in to say hi. We miss you when you are gone.

                    LBH-I'm fascinated by the mystery bird. a hybrid? Hmmm....and looks like a turkey? Turkeys are homely. They look kind of like vultures. I have seen flocks of turkeys in my town lately. I hope you have a peaceful day.

                    Lav-Babysitting today or working or both?

                    Well, last night I was too tired to drive all way into the city to see the Christmas lights, but I had a great workout so I'm happy. I get to fly home early today!

                    December names....December AF Diligence? Diligent December? December Determination?

                    Chill-please let us know how you and your friend are doing.:l

                    Papmom-where are you?

                    Ok, back to work. Happy AF Friday!


                      November Survivors ~ Week 4

                      Wow LBH, you live near Bosque? That is a huge Mecca for bird photographers. If you see a short heavy set woman trailing behind a tall man in camo gear, stopping to photograph plants then trotting to catch up, one day, thats me. Thanks Rusty,

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        November Survivors ~ Week 4

                        Chill that was a nice comment you made ..quote Its good to hear the reminders from you guys of where we once were,.........If you turn that on its head..its good to see from you guys where we can be.

               the ok?
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          November Survivors ~ Week 4

                          im fine as frogs hair, Mick. Nice to see you posting here....


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            November Survivors ~ Week 4

                            Hey Kas,
                            Mick is kinda slippery ~ he's everywhere these days :H :H

                            But we love him anyway
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              November Survivors ~ Week 4

                              Good Evening!

                              I'm home I'm home I'm home!:yay:

                              Lav-what are you up to?

                              Has anyone heard from Papmom? Is she ok? I will PM her.

                              Mick-HI!!! Why don't you post here more often? We would love to have you here.

                              Kas-"If you see a short heavy set woman trailing behind a tall man in camo gear, stopping to photograph plants then trotting to catch up, one day, that's me." You crack me up. Are you having idyllic experiences on your tropical vacation? Oh, do tell.:H

                              Hope everyone else is having a peaceful AF and unhung Friday.




                                November Survivors ~ Week 4

                                What is Lav up to??
                                Nothing ~ finally :H
                                It's been a busy few weeks for me & it won't stop until theholidays are over, as usual.

                                Papmom has been on Facebook, she posted some nice quilt pictures. Looks like she's been a busy fur mom

                                Rusty, let's see if we run Mick out of here the way we've run all the other men out quite accidentally :H
                                I think Mick has a strong constitution though, maybe he'll stick around & tolerate us!!!!

                                I'll bet Kas is having a great time.....can't wait to see more pics.

                                Glad you're back home Rusty!!!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

