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af day Tues 27 Nov

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    af day Tues 27 Nov

    Morning from New Zealand. Another fantastic dawn here.

    I posted this am on the 26 Nov thread - about eating disorders.

    Hi there Catbuddy - sorry you are still tired. I am on 7 weeks AL free this time around (its not my first stint at Stopping) and its the best ever. I really feel different this time and the only tiredness I have is from the aftermath of ridiculously short periods of sleep. So I do hope it passes for you. Have you had your iron levels checked?

    Scottish Lass - yes, we have to have those tests - at the moment I am just doing regular bloods to see how my Liver functions are.

    Kuya - this will make you laugh - even now as I sit in bed with my tea - someone is prattling on the radio about the glories of the NZ wine industry! Oh well, at least the vineyards are in gorgeous places. I am thinking of checking out verjuice - for cooking. Its made from unfermented grapes. See:

    Verjuice | Recipes For Food Lovers Including Cooking Tips At

    Did I ever tell you guys that during one of my previous sober stints (it lasted 9 months and I was not pregnant!) I had a sober holiday in the Loire Valley in France! My friends were not sober but were really supportive of my choice and we had a great time.

    af day Tues 27 Nov

    Hi Treetops,

    Ending Monday here, but thought I would pop in and say "hi" on the Tuesday thread. I spent a month in New Zealand many moons ago; it was my favorite vacation bar none. I do remember the amazing wine there. But I also remember the majesty of your outdoors. It was a hiking vacation, and I covered the South Island. Someday, I want to return, and while I can still enjoy it.

    Mick and YAH, we all missed you. And Sunflower! You could hear the echoes around MWO last week. PPQ, hope you stay, but I can also see the great folks on the army thread. I seriously miss RC, who posted with me in the nest until a few weeks ago.

    Cantoo, that hike looked COLD. You are one disciplined woman.

    I'm going to see my GP in December, and ask her to run some tests. I should be bouncing around with energy, and am nowhere close. If there is something other than recovery at work, it would be nice to address it.

    Mick, a *really bad* welcome back joke from my son's joke book:

    Where would you find a down and out octopus?
    On Squid Row.

    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012


      af day Tues 27 Nov

      Cat.....just quickly, I was going to go and get bloods done a couple of weeks ago cos I was convinced that there was something seriously wrong that the alcohol had been masking. Even my son was concerned, I took extra VIt B AND last week multi minerals (cos of that article below) and hey presto this week I feel sooooooo much better. I think it was the minerals and probably zinc.
      Take some and see


        af day Tues 27 Nov

        Thanks, Kuya! I've been consistent with the supplements every day for the last eight weeks, including Vit B complex, Vit C, AND ZINC. The author of "Potatoes not Prozac" swears by them for AL recovery. Also, take L-glut and kudzu. Also the MWO multi-vitamin in the a.m. and the magnesium at night.

        Phew. Am low thyroid, and taking meds for that. Eat great healthy diet and exercise. Pretty much clean living except for coffee in a.m. Damn. So, I will be patient, but figure, what the heck, my deductible is paid up, let's ask for a panel. But thanks, as always, for sharing what is working. My favorite find - the tasty chewable vitamin Cs!

        It could simply be stress, and exhausted adrenals. The caffeine I drink may need to go for awhile.

        Sorry if this was TMI!

        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

        AF since Oct 2, 2012


          af day Tues 27 Nov

          morning are you?well here I am back in the land of rain darkness and cold but still af!!!need to do some serious not eating though..still that will happen.Popped in here last night when I got see this thread was up alreadyGot to catch up on all the old posts and find out the goss.....

          Tea and coffee on the help yourself.Anyone like to give me a brief resume on this last week ?either on forum or pm please do.Just skimming ,but treetops well done..on both thread startin and your 7 weeks :goodjob:
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af day Tues 27 Nov

            PPPQ - I love your phrase: if CanToo Can then I Can Too!

            Heres how it started..

            If I cant became I can too..then you can too !!!
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af day Tues 27 Nov

              Good Morning CB, KY, Mick and Treetops and thanks for kicking us off this morning.

              CB...good plan on getting the blood work done. RC used to slip in here now and again as well.

     guys are definetly not starting to stink. I think I'm the one going through some stinking thinking at the moment.
              There were a couple of posts that hit me the wrong way and I've just been in this :stomper: mood ever since.

              SL...I felt really lost with the Mickster away. He's only allowed to leave for 2 days tops from now on!
              I've gotten to know a few on the Army thread and it felt like a safe place to land.
              I will always be here to hand out "P"s, might have to keep a couple in my pocket today as I feel I need a little boost.

              WF...thanks for the post. God may have been teaching but he was definetly
              testing me, and I'm happy to say I passed.

              Mick...did you hear what I said to SL? Two days Tops!

              oke: KY...enough said!

              CanToo...loved the pic and congrats on your team winning the Grey Cup. I enjoyed watching it with you.

              Going to check in with the Army and see if the new Baby has arrived yet.

              Have a great AF Tuesday all and all to come...PPQ


                af day Tues 27 Nov

                Good morning Abbers,

                Dark & raining here as well Mick - at least it's not snowing as was predicted

                PQ - here was my TUT.....Note from the Universe today....

                Tests, Lav, are what you passed to get into time and space.
                There are no tests once you arrive.

                The Universe

                Greetings treetops, Cat, Kuya, Mick, YahYah & everyone!
                I'm watching my grandsons all day so I will not be bored

                Have a great AF Tuesday!

                PS: Take a look at one of my fav websites - helps me in the gratitude department
                The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af day Tues 27 Nov

                  Catbuddy...payback time for the joke.......

                  Police raided Kermits lily pad and found 100s of nude pictures of Miss Piggy. They said it was the worst case of frogs porn ever seen. :H:H
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af day Tues 27 Nov

                    Morning all!
                    Quick check in - not raining here...YET - big storms on the way with lots of rain and winds - still no heat and it is a "no burn" day so can't light a fire, we may all have to go to bed early and snuggle! Part for heating will hopefully be in on Friday......hopefully:upset:
                    Mick, good to have you back and I'm with PPQ on the two day max!
                    PPQ - if this weatehr holds, I will need some P's too - as my youngest says it is grismal (grey and dismal together) - foggy and uggy today, makes my mood go way down.
                    I am hanging in, but so many temptations and so many opportunities to drink.
                    It is work party on Friday - with drink tickets and a hotel room for teh night - I managed it last year without drinking, but feel vulnerable this year. I have chosen not to go. I am a director at my work, and the VP called me yesterday to ask about my plans - I told her I was not going and she was not happy - she told me my staff needed me to be there:upset: I am going to try to stay strong, but I need this job - wow!did not mean to unlaod when I started this off...
                    CanToo - loved your picture! I love the cold, just don't like teh damp - that looked perfect!
                    Lav - enjoy the grandkids - it is much harder when the weather doesn't allow for outside play. Your kids are lucky to have you close enough to help - my parents are 6,000 miles away - but my mother always says that she has done her bit and isn't looking after anyone elses children - don't think she knows what she is missing, but she has always been a dour one!
                    Well done on you 7 weeks TT - hang onto it with all your might!
                    See you all later, SL:l:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      af day Tues 27 Nov

                      I remember your AF Christmas party last year. Honestly, if you don't feel secure enough to navigate the party AF this year, then DON'T GO!!!! Screw the bosses, no one should make you feel guilty or threatened for not wanting to go to a damn party!!! Now that's a bit of Lavan-ittude for you

                      The time I spend watching my grandkids IS time taken away from my business but truthfully, I love spending this time with them. I was always at work when my kids were this age & feel I missed a lot.

                      So Mick, where's the pics?
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af day Tues 27 Nov

                        scottish lass;1417751 wrote:
                        I am hanging in, but so many temptations and so many opportunities to drink.
                        It is work party on Friday - with drink tickets and a hotel room for teh night - I managed it last year without drinking, but feel vulnerable this year. I have chosen not to go. I am a director at my work, and the VP called me yesterday to ask about my plans - I told her I was not going and she was not happy - she told me my staff needed me to be there:upset: I am going to try to stay strong, but I need this job - wow!did not mean to unlaod when I started this off..
                        See you all later, SL:l:l
                        Right SL, firstly.....congrats on your 30 .....have posted on YOUR thread, you know how much this means to all of have struggled long and hard :goodjob:

                        NOW for the nag...... Your VP asked you for your PLANS. You don't want to go but feel you should. If you don't then you may feel anxious about that decision.....what do we alkies do when we are anxious? Drink.

                        When you think about going, that makes you anxious because you remember the OTHER parties when you drank.......uuummmmm.......what you need is a PLAN.

                        Now I can't speak for you but I know what I used to do before parties, stress about dress, stress about makeup, stress about socializing, stress about getting there.

                        Now when I am preparing to go to a party the first part of getting ready is
                        this will relax you before you even shower, dress, put on the slap and then go ENJOY!


                          af day Tues 27 Nov

                          Hi Fabbies! I can't wait to get into my jammies and go to bed and read. Still paying for burning the candle at both ends yesterday.

                          Never TMI, Cat. This site is for all of us to share our ups and downs, what works and what doesn't. Go for a panel if you want--like you said, the deductible is paid up!

                          Thanks again for the start up, treetops. Congrats on your AF time!

                          Kuya, a PM is coming your way. We have definitely not launched! LOL

                          Happy to see you again, Mick. I missed the running stream of jokes every morning. Unfortunately, I don't get the one about frog porn.

                          I hope you're feeling better today, PPQ. If not, I'll see if I have a P left over from when you sent some to me and send it on back.

                          Hang in there, SL. Does your boss know why you don't want to go to the party? You have a very good reason, of course, but it is easy for people to take it personally if you don't go. Of course, only you can know whether your boss is a "safe" person to know. Anyway, I agree with KY's suggestion to eat a good meal before you even go. Congrats on your 30 days, as well!

                          Lav, I was wondering if you got any snow. We got a whole lot of nothing here, which is a-okay with me!

                          At any rate, that's about it for me. I remembered to buy a few powerball tickets, but forgot cat food today, so the little darlings got canned people tuna fish. They are hanging around wanting more.

                          I know that some of you are already on tomorrow; all these different time zones make my head spin!

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            af day Tues 27 Nov

                            Thanks guys for welcoming me into this group - I kinda felt that I needed to prove myself to be able to be an abber to belong here, so it was some added incentive - and Kuya - long and hard, you are so right :H
                            kuya;1417972 wrote: Right SL, firstly.....congrats on your 30 .....have posted on YOUR thread, you know how much this means to all of have struggled long and hard :goodjob:
                            As to my Christmas party (opps, holiday do! ), thanks for the ideas etc, I am planning not to go. My boss is not aware and I am noty sure that I can safely let her know - so not planning too - she gave me a lot of flack and encouragment to drink last year and could not really believe it when I didn't - she does know about some of my personal problems and I am using that as my reason, do not have enough emotional reserve to go....hope it works..have a management meeting tomorrow so will find out just how much pressure I will be under!
                            YAH - hope you win powerball :H then the cats can have tuna every day.
                            PS - frogs porn or frog spawn?? play on words - get it now?? took me a couple readings!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af day Tues 27 Nov

                              No one is going to win Powerball this week but ME :H :H

                              Had a snow free day - yay!
                              I had enough dealing with two crazy little boys all day, didn't need the added challenge

                              SL, granny Lav thinks you've made a good decision! Always protect your quit - it's yours! CONGRATS on your 30 AF days!!

                              Time to end this day. Wishing everyone a good night.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

