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af day Tues 27 Nov

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    af day Tues 27 Nov

    Quick pop in.

    Porq sorry if my post hit you wrong. I was outright pissed off at God for testing me in an AA meeting....really!

    Vitamins....I agree with them all. Now that I live in the land of Sun.....if we get two cloudy days the city is depressed. I try to make sure I stand in the sun for 20 minutes....if its not available I take vitamin D....with the other supplements and fixes me right up.


      af day Tues 27 Nov

      Another day finished with a spin and some grocery shopping. There's a storm coming with temps down to -27 C. :durn: so I don't think I'll be outside....

      CanToo but fah, even I have my limits.
      AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

      "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


        af day Tues 27 Nov

        jeepers, -27 I may not wear my speedos

        trying to keep my chin up despite a crapola of a few days that have been dealt to me.

        be well friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          af day Tues 27 Nov

          Hi everyone,

          On a business trip in Nashville with two days ahead of me; I'm hoping to listen to some music while I'm here.

          SL, I relate to what you are going through. AL consumption is a part of EVERY social engagement planned by my company - even when we went bowling this summer. The next two nights I'll be at business dinners with the principals of a company we are acquiring - important social/bond building events.

          So, I have to go, and I will not drink. Now, here is where I think we intersect. I am not going to share with my boss or colleagues (EVER) my reasons for not drinking. I an an executive in the company, and have been trusted with a key role and as a leader. They would get rid of me in a heartbeat if I show weakness. I know there are companies out there that support folks with addictions, help them through it ...... mine is not one. I know this with no doubts. So, in keeping with the saying "never let them see you sweat" I will protect my quit and protect my reasons. When pressed, it will be because I am getting stronger (and faster, the six million dollar woman!). And then I'll just smile. And come home to you guys.

          If you gut tells you to skip, stay home. If your gut tells you not to trust your boss, don't. If you decide to go, have a plan. We're with you, mate.

          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

          AF since Oct 2, 2012

