I see our Scottish friend Mick has returned. Hey what is it with us people with Scottish ancestry??? (note I did not say genes cos i think there is too much shite about culture and genes). That includes me although my folks have been generations here in Kiwiland. Don't know about you Mick but in my grandparents/parents generations it was either alcohol to excess or not a wee drop of the 'doings (aka whisky) (so alkies and stern teetotallers often in the same house - yikes!). Pretty much the same for many families with Irish backgrounds. Those Celts have a lot to answer for - they even wrote lots of poems and songs about booze. I don't want to romanticise this - just that it is complicated.
Yesterdays thread reminded us about health and health-checks. The people on this thread live all over the world and we all have different forms of health plans (if at all). In NZ I can get free blood tests but first I have to go to the GP - which costs c $45 - affordable for me but not at all for those on welfare or low incomes. If you have to have specialised tests - then you go on a long waiting list or pay privately or use private health insurance. Not great - and we pay our share of taxes here.
reminds me - I am having bloods this morning (tests that is!).
Take care everyone and catch you later!!!!!!!!