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af day Sat 1 Dec

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    af day Sat 1 Dec

    A new month! Morning all, 8am Saturday in Hobbitsville (NZ). Again I am up a bit later today as I was up last night working. When I started this sobriety almost 2 months ago I panicked that I would never have the energy to do my writing and work - but touch wood, thats not been so. I was tired at first and going to bed early but now its great to be able to have that extra lease of productivity after dinner when I need it. And I can still write without that 'reward' at the end of the day. As one of the folk on this post said recently (or was it me?) there is a lot of romanticism and shite about the tortured creative soul and alcohol/drugs/sex.

    Well done all those who are clocking up the AF days (thanks to CanToo for stalking) - esp Kuya on 90 AF days, Mick on 150 days, Can Too - 4 mths. An inspiration.

    Top of the morning Mollyka - see you are in ireland. I love our global tentacles!

    I have hung up an advent calendar for my teenage daughter - don't groan - I found a cloth one at the Save the Children Fund shop that has little pockets for each day up to Christmas - so you can put wee gifts in as well as chocolates - hidden in there are some earrings, tiny candles etc. I doubt if she is reading this thread (bloody hope not!) so its wee daily surprises for her as I will be out of town a lot in December - but will be back here for Christmas.

    Great to see some humour on this thread - and thanks for warning me! I think Kuya knows that Kiwis like to 'take the piss' (slang term for joke in case this needed translation). reminds me of how that word 'piss' is different in American and Kiwi and Australian use. Americans (and Canadians?) say 'I am so pissed' but here that means 'I am so drunk, or off my face'. We would say 'I am so pissed off' to mean we are angry. Piss is a term here for alcohol and also, quite separately for urine (nice combo there!)

    af day Sat 1 Dec

    Right we are again..its the weekend how are you all?We had a power cut last night..and electric has been on and off all night.There is a new tram system getting put in and methinks someone has cut through cabling if it goes again ..back to candle power.
    Thank you for all your support and recognition of reaching 150 days....I think it was put quite succintly in one of the messages I got...... instead of congrats on hitting a target, it said well done Mick ..150 days into his new af life
    The other thing as well, is we cannot be complacent.....I have a friend who went nearly 2 years af..and is now at the drink again.He/she doesnt know why either..just happened,so we need to be aware that the beast is always lurking.

    Tea, green tea, chamomile tea, mint and coffee available ..sorry no toast shifting weight!!

    Mornin are you?heres another interpretation of the piss word for you...its absolutely pissin it down outside!!supposed to be snow..will settle for rain instead!!

    Morning Molls..tis I here yes..its Saturday morning in the Northern Hemisphere...Glad your shopping trip went ok tell many pressies did you buy (me) :H
    I know you are working today..have a great day in the library......SSSSShhhhhhhh

    TDN.........hiya morning to you....what can I say that you haven't said?the words "maybe it has sunk in this time and drink only make things worse" well done you will be strong this time...I can feel the positive vibes..great job .

    Kuya....afternoon to ya...what you mean my jokes are crap????....are they really THAT good?

    Morning are you this fine? day.What are yuo up to today? What do you mean you cant understand at times? just as well it wasnt Scots....else ya widnae hae a clue whit they wir aw gibberin abbot wid ye?

    Good morning Lav..heres your cuppa..well busy day yesterday...did you get it all done?are you childminding today ..or is it a quiet one?

    Mck? Rap? The real Friday's standing up - standing up. You rock my friend. Cantoo,Cantoo,its Saturday morn ,the worlds waitin for you -waitin for you thats the next part!
    So how are you today? anything planned...a week off? some people would kill for that!!!You get out and enjoy it ..cos it wont be long in going by..cherish that will never come back..have a look at your I wish I had done list..then go do it..thatll be one less

    Turn again..thanks for those fabulously funny featured phrases....see ph does go with f. How are you today?Yep la vida sins alcohol is good :goodjob:

    Morn ok? ..yep will put some more recipes on as we go along..I make my own version of jock broth too..Why did you go in for that meeting? could they not have conference called you?Damned inconsiderate of them I say....thats me posh English voice!!
    Help yersel to the jokes

    Det ..hi sound a lot chirpier today my friend glad to hear it..stick at it

    YAH ...and how is you?ta for the thanks.....yep is a bit scary the uns into the next day..mind you with KY...dont know bout the next day..think she is into the next planet!!!lets see if she reads that :H you doin?seen you zoomin about the boards a wee bit..You ok?what are you up to?

    Right for the offski..have a great weekend everybody.......oh by the way..tis probably an early start por moi tomorrow,so we may need a thread starter...big shout to all that are not here.

    What goes "Oh, oh, oh"?

    Santa Claus in reverse.

    It's a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu."

    Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon!" said Rosita.

    Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I do Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Pedro begged.

    "But I wanna just hold your hand and watch the moon." replied Rosita.

    Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me."

    Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, we'll do Weeweechu."

    Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang.....

    "Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year."

    Santa is fat, he lives in one of the most isolated areas ever with his ugly wife, and he knows when you are sleeping. Hm. Sound's like the kind of guy who is interested in Ho's.

    (Ho, ho, ho!)

    Q. What's six inches long that women love?
    A. Folding money.

    Q. What's got four legs and one arm?
    A. A Rottweiler.

    Q. How does a Welshman find a sheep in tall grass?
    A. Very satisfying.

    Q: How are tornadoes and marriage alike?
    A: They both begin with a lot of sucking and blowing, and in the end you
    lose your house.

    Q: Why do men name their penis?
    A: They like to be on a first name basis with the one making most of
    their decisions.

    Q: How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say
    A: Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Sat 1 Dec

      Speshully for them
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af day Sat 1 Dec

        Well, top of the morning to you, Mick! Amazing that I got on when it is actually still morning in England. So treetops is probably just about into December 2nd. You are sounding very strong in your sobriety, Mick. For many of us, our sobriety becomes more important as the sober days pass and we realize that we are actually doing better than we thought.

        Hello to all who haven't posted/aren't awake yet.

        I'm off to an all day class to learn to spin wool into yarn, and I have to drive about an hour for the class. I certainly wouldn't have had the energy to do this if I had been drinking like I used to. Wish me luck. My previous adventures in this area have not been very successful.

        Thinking of all of you and wishing you a wonderful sober day!


        PS: Mick, who are all those people? Are you in there? I want to know!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          af day Sat 1 Dec

 I definitely am not in there...thats the cast of Coronation Street!!!! that sounds interesting that spinning wool of luck...if needs be come over here we are pretty good at spinning yarns :H:H:H
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af day Sat 1 Dec

            Morning afternoon and evening all!

            Yah ......don't even mention the photo, tis the sad rambling of an old man :H tis Mick and his buddies at the bowling reunion of 2006. He's the one seated at the front cos his ol pegs won't hold him anymore. You see that pub in the background, yep, his old watering hole and the scene of his downfall.
            Or am I just taking the piss ?

            Hi Tree ....... The number of uses for the word PISS Errrrmmmmm shall I list them? Maybe another time....bit tired ATM.

            My son and his GF just got back from Napier, picked up a new car and I've just taken it for a spin. Little VW, quite nippy and well put together, I like it.

            Got a new kitten today awwwwwwwww, ballsy little fella, not the least bothered by my two 35kg dogs and he's only 500g. Wasn't going to have another cat as our last three got squished on the 100kph road outside but this one was brought in to be euthanased and I couldn't do it we have kept him and called him ' wunfer' .......sick sods aren't we! :H

            Anyhoos......a little late night meander


            And nearly forgot Mick, couldn't get off the planet but NZ is as far away from blighty it is possible to go .....Ha!


              af day Sat 1 Dec

              Your late...where ave you been????was expecting yore charm and witticism ages ago !!!!
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af day Sat 1 Dec

                Mick;1419938 wrote: Your late...where ave you been????was expecting yore charm and witticism ages ago !!!!
                Keeping you waiting matey, making you work for it!


                  af day Sat 1 Dec

                  :hallo: Morning All :hallo: Feeling a bit chipper this morning, nice change.

                  TT...I think the Advent Calendar is adorable. Almost picked up one for my sons the other day. Brought back lots of memories.

                  Mick...thanks for the coffee. If I can unfreeze the car I will be off to see my Dad this morning. Temp up this morning, looks like a chinook on it's way. I feel sorry for chinooks where she's at.

                  ...wishing you luck with your spin class today. Not to be confused with CanToo's spin class, I think that's totally different.

                  ...awww welcome to 'wunfer'. I've never heard of a VW being called nippy. Couldn't you find the heat control :H

                  Time for my 2nd cuppa and surf around a bit. Have a great AF Saturday all and all to come...PPQ


                    af day Sat 1 Dec

                    Morning a bad case of insomnia tonight, haven't crossed post with you for months......I really should go to sleep


                      af day Sat 1 Dec

                      Quick check in before heading to my half day of work at the flower shop. I am now decorating Boxwood trees, and I am slow, but am loving it! My goal is to actually build one from the bottom up, but we are too busy right no for experimenting:Ho

                      Mick, it's sad about your friend went almost two years AF. It is always lurking, as you said. A woman from the AA group I used to go to relapsed after to years this summer.

                      YahYah, that workshop you are heading to sounds great! I hope you'll give us a full report later.

                      Kuya, my biggest interest is animals--particularly dogs. I am thinking of starting an online course in pet nutrition. Not sure ho it is there in NZ, but here, unless a vet has had holistic training, he/she has little knowledge of nutrition. I ish I'd raw had been more popular years ago when I got my dogs. One just passed away-well, e had to have him euthanized--three weeks ago. Had cancer of the tonsil for over a year. Did the chemo/radiaiton thing twice, but started having his (raw)food custom prepared by a nutritionist at the beginning of the summer. Anyay, so happy that you saved the little kitten! So many people jsut through their pets away, son't they?

                      Pourquoi, CanToo, Lav, Det, and everyone I am forgetting--have a great AF day, and I'll be bcak later. Det, so happy that you are doing better:l

                      "One day at a time."


                        af day Sat 1 Dec

                        Greetings Abbers!

                        I was supposed to be watching kids all day but their plan changed & they won't be here until dinnertime - that's OK with me

                        YahYah, are you by any chance to to Lancaster for the wool spinning class? My daughter took one there a fear years ago - really cool! Enjoy!!!

                        TDN, I believe Vets are like MDs - they really know very little about nutrition. At least that's the way it is here in the US Kuya
                        Your idea of an online course sounds very interesting! When does my decorated boxwood arrive? :H :H

                        Greetings to one & all & wishes for a terrific AF Saturday!
                        Are you OK Det?

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          af day Sat 1 Dec

                          thanks for the kickstart Treetops!

                          yes, I'm alive and kicking, thanks all. a bit jittery but not too bad really (whew!). bloating is going down too which is good. I'll be my jolly ol caveman in no time at this rate happy to say.

                          Kuya, any pictures of kitten?

                          wind storm is quite bad today. 130PMH gusts over the ridge just above me. nervously assessing the yard for damage. have duck tape, plywood and cardboard at the ready for repairs. heard a pretty loud explosion about an hour idea what that's all about (i didn't do it this time I swear

                          ok, watching the news

                          be well everyone! thanks for the great jokes too
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            af day Sat 1 Dec

                            Hi everyone!

                            Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

                            Kuya, Pictures please!! Kittens will bring smiles to all.

                            YAH, it is so cool what you are doing. Do you knit? I want to learn. Something to do with my hands.

                            Mick, you left me off the welcome today. Sniff, Sniff. I'll just have to post more jokes. :H

                            Det, so glad you are getting better. Awful week behind you.

                            SL and I live in the same area; the rain has stop; now it is flooded or soggy EVERYWHERE. And weirdly warm.

                            Lav, what is your business? You've metioned a workshop and busy this time of year. I'm picturing elves.

                            :l:l to all.

                            "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                            AF since Oct 2, 2012


                              af day Sat 1 Dec

                              Hi Cat
                              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking

