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December Determination

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    December Determination

    Will the card have $$ in it Rusty? :H :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      December Determination

      Very late check in!!

      So I almost started this post with.....

      Day 1

      Don't go fainting now. It was just a dream but the most vivid real drinking dream I've ever had. The kicker is I was drinking red wine and I HATE red wine!! All you shrinks out there figure that one out!!

      Of course if I hadn't woken up in a cold sweat because of this dream, I never would have heard my sickey kidney failure cat jump the baby gate into the bedroom and then proceed to sound like he was eating something. What????? Turn on the light and surprise! The dude had killed a mouse and for the first time ever brought it into the bedroom! thanks a bunch guy! The dogs knew something was up but didn't bother getting off the bed to investigate thank god. This was at 4:30 am and I'm still up. WTF??

      Rusty I would LOVE to get a Christmas card from you! How do we do this?

      Lav-thank you for the link. I looked at every single recipe and I can do this. It will be one of my project for Christmas vacation and I too will fill up the freezer. Thank you!!

      I hope Chill checks in too. Miss you sistah!!

      Rustop-I hear ya on the dust bunnies. Hard to keep up.

      Shout out to Cat, Dill and Star. So glad you guys are here day after day.

      OK, I have GOT to get to bed. See you all tomorrow!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        December Determination

        Anyone Wanting A Christmas Card, Please PM Me Your Address

        TGI AF Friday!!! Good Morning Friends,

        Lav-:H no, sorry, your card won't have $$ in it but I probably will order a few more holiday pillow$ But of course, I will wait until December 19, like last year! Just kiddin.

        Pap-I would LOVE to send you a Christmas card....and I always write a letter when I am sending cards to friends. Please PM me your address. Ugh, Pap, yeah those drinking dreams...they're terrifying, aren't they? SO glad it was a dream. And I chuckled to think your sick pup was well enough to kill a mouse. He was only bringing it into the bedroom because he was proud of his work.

        Rustop-dust bunnies? Yup, I decided to clean my office yesterday...only because my sister is coming over....and well, let's just say, despite the fact that I have a wonderful cleaning lady, I found dust in unchartered territory, to quote dear LBH.

        LBH-do you and Lord BH celebrate Christmas?

        Kas-how about you? What do you and Mr. Kas do for the holiday?

        Chill-I hope you're ok. Sending you positive vibes.

        Ok, I'm off to the gym. I will check in later this afternoon. Happy AF Friday!


          December Determination

          Good morning to all...

          Rusty, you are so funny, glad you are having such a lovely week, decorating, writing your Christmas cards and feeling better. I am interested in your keeping us posted on how you feel with no wheat. I was shocked at the hidden sugar in bread and angered too. I have been really trying to focus on natural foods and just feel better, period. Now I know why, with all that hidden sugar and probably other chemicals. If you get a chance there is a good book, Eat to Live by a Dr. Furman and it is probably at the library. In it he posits that 90% fruits and veggies is the way to go to feel good, be at a stable weight, and prevent disease. Anyway, it was fun to read your post.

          Dill, sorry you lost your post, but it happens. Hope you are doing well and I am envious you can retire early. Lucky you.

          Lav, hi. What 's new. I will send out a few Christmas cards, but only to family I do not see much and because I want to. So far, I have only one card sent to me. Am I a loser or are Christmas cards becoming outmoded?

          Sending a shoutout to Chill, girl we are thinking about you.

          Pap, the old using dream? They happen and probably to all of us from time to time. I had a weird dream, easily interpreted. I dreamed that my daughter and I were hiking a path and came upon dead animals and other gross stuff. My interpretation is we are on a journey filled with troubles. It kind of scared me, but a dream is just a dream.

          Staying one more day, then on the road tomorrow. To all, have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            December Determination

            Good morning kids,

            Dark & damp outside today, oh well.

            Rusty, I'll be crying all day on Dec 19. It's my last birthday in my 50' year is the big 60!
            Starting to feel odd already :H :H
            I guess I'll go check on my pillow stock just in case you (or anyone) needs them

            Papmom, damn the drinking dreams BUT I still think they are a useful tool in the continued fight against AL. We are winners all the way

            Dust bunnies? How about dog hair tumble weeds? :H
            Yes, I have it all.

            Greetings to Dill, LBH, Rustop, Catbuddy, Star, Chill, Kas & everyone. Have a fantastic AF Friday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              December Determination

              Quick hello to all - I'm under a deadline to get writing done for my client, but will drop in again later.

              Lav, thanks for the links and info - I feel as if the dust bunnies are inside of me, and I need to get them out.

              LBH, exactly exactly; you describe perfectly the 'too-much, too far' situation. It remains my biggest enemy, and I have yet to find a suitable side-step...

              Star - are you OK? You said you are in a bit of emotional weeds, and then the bad dream. Hope it passes. I dreamt last night that I was being forced to do my work on the wing of a flying airplane! I was terrified, and no matter where I held on it seemed slippery and unstable. Talk about being ungrounded...

              OK more later today - cheers to everyone for an AF Friday -
              PS - I forgot to log out 2 days ago, so if you thought I was on 'lurking', I merely was demonstrating my 'spaciness', oh dear.
              to the light


                December Determination

                Cross post Cyntree, hi, ditto emotional weeds. I dont like the sounds of that.

                Good morning everyone, wow. lots going on. I dont know where to start... Chronological order makes sense but Im too much of a scatterbrain, and with the ipad I am doing this from memory, so forgive me if I screw up, mix people up, forget what I am saying.....that leads to Dills discovery that she can retire. That would be nice! Well done Dill for planning ahead. I would have to sell my home, I am afraid, I havent saved enough. Spent it on trips for the family, cars, etc etc. I dont work for an employer with a retirement plan. boo hoo.

                Lav all of those recipes are more than 3 dollars in Canada. Food is more expensive up here. But they are still good. I looked at the portion size, that is perhaps why. Its only $3 if its a tablespoon and a half I need to have a talk with myself. lol!

                Rusty well done on the Christmas cards and letters. I would like one, just send to Kaslo, c/o the North Pole. Its snowing here, bound to find me, we only have 35 M people up here as of yesterday. Seriously you sound contented and well. Im very glad of that.

                Pap, you kitty has some spunk in him yet if he is after killing things in the middle of the night. Didnt you say he was 18 years old or something?? Methusllan putty cat you have there. You have rare talents in extending pets natural life spans. I know some can live to be 20, but thats really exceptional. Ok so set me straight, what is the expected life span of the usual Felis domesticus? My little half manx is going to the vet for her shots today, so I want to have a topic of conversation prepared because she hates going in her crate and yowls all the way there. And back. And occassionally wets herself the poor thing. I wish I could give her something to make it easier but I am afraid of overdosing my cat.

                As for the drinking dreams, Pap, grain of salt with that one. We all get them. Usually as a sign of underlying worry and stress. Right?

                Rusty as you asked, Mr. Kaslo and I have rented a house on a farm in Victoria, that has horses and bunk beds. (Cross reference above comment on not being able to retire). The bunk beds are for the grand children ages 2.5 and almost 4. Not for the horses, they have a barn I hope. For a week. Their mom has a waitressing job, and she is thrilled to be working again. So I had planned Christmas here, but I am not without flexibility re traditions. I have a huge frozen organic turkey, and I am wondering if I should be taking my kayak. This IS sounding a bit odd, I know. But I lived in Victoria for 25 years before coming here, so I am ready for a green Christmas again. Its snowing here today.

                Now if I can just get my work done so I dont have to work over Christmas again. Love to LBH, I am not sure exactly where you are but I think it must be at least Sonoran or semidesert of some kind. And to Chill.

                Oh, Stargazer, yes Christmas cards are going the way of the dodo, I fear which is too bad because I love them. But I think so many people just send an email Christmas greeting, which doesnt cut it, in my opinion. Although it is tempting. I write mine over Christmas, and increasingly not getting around to it.

                Note to self: Pull Up Socks.

                Love to all ...Kas

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  December Determination

                  Kas - we're going to reduce you to the size of a petite brick shithouse this year by watching our serving sizes :H :H
                  I hope you are staying warm enough up at the Norh Pole!

                  I keep trying to get some work done but I am being interrupted bt text messages from my DIL & emails from YB wanting me to fax his mail to his office (why doesn't he just cahnge his address)?

                  OK, back to whatever I was trying to do......

                  I also took a break to take Matilda in for a much needed pedicure
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    December Determination

                    We certainly are the dreamers, last night my dream had me swept away without warning into a swift deep marine channel, the water just plucked me from my shallows, there was nothing to hold on to. Yikes. I love Victoria, Kas, how fortunate it must have been to have lived there for twenty-five years, to have it be home for any time at all. I love my home as well, it is at the tail of the Rockies, arid but high in altitude; big temperature changes in the dry air; sun almost always; HUGE turquoise sky; dense interesting urban neighborhood dwarfed and surrounded by the vast open land of Indian reservations, nature preserves, and land that is just left alone because it would be too hard to do anything else. Rusty, I would love to see your week long holiday transformation. And yes, I do celebrate Christmas and always have, even in those decades when I lived alone as a soulless atheist, I could see the point of celebrating whenever possible the hope of peace and love coming into the chronically lost world. I always hosted dinner on Christmas Eve, at first for other people who like myself had nowhere else to go and now with Lord Bird Heart onboard, for his large family. I make the night very pretty although this year the traditionalists are in for a shock as my "tree" is a seven foot tall bare metal cherry tree with long twisting branches and six hundred LED lights. It is quite a surprise. I have also, however, lined the porch windows with lights and will bring in pinecones and fresh green pine boughs from the yard, that and lots of candles should help mitigate the swooning. The tree really is beautiful, I am going to move it to the dining room when the holiday is over although that means I shall have to give up a piece of furniture to make room. You will be pleased to learn that it will be the cabinet which was once my famously stocked bar. It is a famously big cabinet. Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      December Determination

                      Good morning guys

                      Thank you all for the good wishes. I think the word that sums up best how I feel is overwhelmed and I'm in need of quiet time to process everything. I'm so so glad I made the trip and I just hope I managed to make my friend feel loved which was my main intention.

                      It's freezing cold here and I'm about to wrap up and go dog walking. Will catch up with you all over the weekend, hope everyone is doing ok.
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        December Determination

                        Hi everyone

                        Chill - so glad you are back. Take care of yourself, it's a lot to take in and accept but everything happens for a reason.

                        Lav, Papmom, Star, LBH, Dill, Rusty, Cyn, Kaslo and anyone else I missed big hello. Hope you all have a wonderful AF weekend.



                          December Determination

                          Hi everyone,
                          I haven't been on this site for awhile, but I am proud and ecstatic to say I am still sober and feeling amazing. I am going on 5 months and my bouts of PAWS are weakening.

                          I hope everyone is doing well and with the holidays coming up I thought I may need some additional support at times. Truly though I don't miss booze one bit, I feel free.

                          Just felt like popping in for a quick Hello to my friends who really helped me at the beginning of this journey.

                          Take care.
                          new beginnings July 16, 2012


                            December Determination

                            Good morning friends,

                            Grateful once again that the fog is outside & not in my head :H

                            IMT, wonderful to see you & congrats on your continued success
                            Don't be a stranger!

                            LBH, your tree sounds awesome! Would you care to share a pic with us?
                            Will you come decorate my house? :H

                            Greetings Rustop & everyone!

                            Chill, I'm sure you had quite a shock seeing your friend. It is quite humbling to witness the ravage of disease on the human body. I'm sure your visit did make a differene for her.

                            I have a great need to push myself into doing some holiday stuff this weekend. The spirit hasn't quite moved me yet.....
                            Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              December Determination

                              Hi! It is afternoon here, I got up early and took off.

                              Cyn, I am fine emotionally, just tired. I don't like my kids to not feel well, but it happens. She'll be OK, and it was hard to leave, although I wanted to leave. See, lots of mixed feelings.

                              Chill, glad you are home, so hard to see someone you love so ill. Take care of yourself.

                              Lav, I don't feel like doing anything for Christmas this weekend, so won't. It's alot of work.

                              Kas, lucky you with snow. Hope we get some.

                              To all, have a great day. I have alot of catching up to do at home.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                December Determination

                                Greetings Friends,

                                Lav, I am with you on the ?pushing myself? to do some holiday things. I?m hoping that once I take that first step it will fuel the next one. We?ll see.

                                LBH, your tree sounds smashing! I do hope you?ll post a picture. I?m also happy to hear you continue realize that you have a soul. I believe this journey we?ve shared has played a part in that but it leads me to a question: can you be an atheist and believe in the soul? Farewell to your large piece of furniture that no longer serves you well.

                                Star, I am glad you are home and that your daughter is on the mend. I think I understand your mixed bag of emotions. Sometimes I have to consciously disengage myself from worrying about my kids and the problems they are facing. It?s hard but it?s probably healthier. Worry doesn?t help a thing, does it. Get yourself caught up at home and get some rest and restorative quiet.:h

                                Chill, I am sure your friend felt the love you hold for her. You and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers.

                                IMT, so wonderful to hear from you and as usual with such a positive message. Join us for the Holidays!

                                Kas, your Christmas plans sound really good. The traditions don?t mean anything if they keep us from being with loved ones. Flexibility is in order these days, that?s certain. Perhaps being open to new things helps keep us younger and on our toes. Now that I?m soon to be a ?pensioner? I worry about becoming too stodgy!!

                                Rusty, I used to send Christmas cards but have let it go over the years. But I am pleased though when I get the picture cards from family so I can get caught up with the kids and see how they?ve grown!

                                Cyn, logged in for two days! Sounds like something I would do~

                                Papmom, eeeoouuuhhhh, yuck! What a way to wake up! Dead mouse. It actually makes the drinking dream sound good! :H
                                The territory is uncharted, and I'm really excited. I've learned in my short time here that a key to sobriety is to grow - new coping mechanisms, new hobbies, new emotional maturity. I truly did not know this.
                                Catbuddy, it is truly a journey of self-discovery, or perhaps self-rediscovery. I?m glad you have joined us. What hobbies/activities are you filling your new-found time with?

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

