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December Determination

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    December Determination

    Evening everyone!!

    Had a fabulous demo day today. The store hosted the MA Vest a Dog organization. They had a table and raffle and were selling t-shirts, calendars, travel mugs, hats and bandanas. Seemed like a number of people came into the store just to see them. They also had a local K9 unit come and do a demo in the parking lot. Was it ever cool!! The officer took the time to explain exactly how the dog works and I learned so much. There was a nice group of young kids and they were thrilled with each of the exercises. Great group all around. I bought a calendar for my hoarder friend who used to breed and raise German Shepards. Gave out a lot of samples (mostly to the K9 dog, Dax :H ) but also talked to a number of people who had never heard of our food. It was a very festive atmosphere I must say. I love this job!! Wish I could do it full time but sadly I make twice as much in my regular job as I do with this one.

    Chill-so glad you are back. Please make sure you take care of yourself. you've been through a tough journey this past week.

    Star-glad to hear your daughter is on the mend and that you are back home. I hope you get snow too if you want it but please don't send it this way .

    Lav-YB has you fax hiim all his mail? he needs a haircut. Where is Greenie when you need her? I'm not quite in the shopping mood either. Better get going tho. Monday.

    Dill-it was definitely a toss up between the dream and the mouse!! :H

    LBH-I think your tree sounds uber cool! Can you post a pic for us? Your dream sounded very scary. I think I'll keep mine.

    IMT-so good to hear from you! Congrats on 5 months! I was just about 7 months when I went through my first AF Holiday Season. I was very very nervous!! But all was fine. I stocked up on juices and seltzers just for me and didn't even miss the wine. I don't think I ever had a better time with my family!! On Christmas Eve, I finally was able to relax and really enjoy the yankee swap. Before being AF I would of course drink way more than I should and I would take great pains to act "normal" during the game. I'm sure I wasn't fooling anyone! How I ever got down that long winding driveway afterwards without crashing into a lamppost or a tree is beyond me! Now I don't have to worry at all! It's a wonderful feeling! Keep up the great work and stay in touch!!

    Hi Rustop!!

    I think I'll go do some crocheting now.
    Nite nite!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      December Determination

      Oh Lav-forgot to mention that I made the fajitas tonite from the link you sent us . Was it ever good!! I used the Perdue skinless breasts that are individually packaged. Just let it defrost overnite. I had frozen pepper strips, Old Bay seasoning and my low fat ranch dressing. Tonite on the way home I stopped at Trader Joe's and bought some brown rice Tortilla's along with a few other gluten free items. The rice tortillas get a bit too cripsy in the toaster oven even with the tinfoil but other than being a little messy it was delish and whipped up under 10 minutes!! Whoo hoo!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        December Determination

        Sounds like you had a great day Papmom, good for you

        Glad you enjoyed the recipes too! Treating ourselves to fresh homemade meals is big in the self care department

        And NO I do not not all of YB's mail to him. He would have to pay better for that service :H
        He was waiting for something important that was actually work related so I still wonder about his choice in addresses, oh well
        btw my DIL went to look at Bryn Mawr college today. She's hoping to get a scholarship to do her MSW there. It is a nice place but pretty pricey!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          December Determination

          dill;1423927 wrote: Catbuddy, it is truly a journey of self-discovery, or perhaps self-rediscovery. I?m glad you have joined us. What hobbies/activities are you filling your new-found time with?
          Hi everyone - still struggling to get to know everyone, and just about going lights out. But here's a quick summary of Cat 2.0.

          Well, Cat 1.0 was a sad creature. Life had collapsed to dealing with work and raising my son. Everything else was on hold. Paying bills, filing taxes, cleaning out the house, cleaning out the yard, making social commitments, keeping social commitments, seeing my doctor for chronic issues..........and on.

          Someone very helpfully shared (I think it was Lolab) that it took her a year to dig out of the backlog. I'm giving myself a year.

          So, in the short term, I'm getting the bills paid. Still have to file 2011 taxes. Started on the garage. Have been cleaning the kitchen most nights (I never did this). Starting exercise classes at my gym. AND most importantly, I've been a mom. Full-time. I'm spending so much more time present with my son. If I do nothing else this year, that is a massive victory.

          Dill, I know this is not what you meant, but it's the honest truth of where I am. I'm not so much doing new hobbies as doing the things functional adults do all the time. For a new hobby, I am thinking about taking up knitting or crocheting - I like to make things with my hands. I'm also going to put in an expanded garden this year - I've got room, but need a watering strategy. First though, got to clean out that yard.....My baby steps are leading me where I want to go.

          Someday, I'd like to have chickens like Lav, as long as someone else cleans the poop.

          "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

          AF since Oct 2, 2012


            December Determination

            Happy Sunday all Determined ones -

            Cat, thanks so much for sharing your story - you are truly inspiring. The steps you are taking sound huge, not like just baby steps. Congrats on your journey and your continued AF-ness.

            Star - glad you are home safe and sound. Ah, yes, mixed emotions...but you seem to be dealing with everything with a clear eye and a clear head. I'm with you on missing snow -- that's why I came back to a winter climate, but outside of the 22" snowfall here October of '11, there's been next to nothing. We just had 3 days of 40 degrees and rain - what a nice snowfall that would have been...

            LBH - a 7' metal cherry tree? I love the sound of it, wherever did you get such a thing? Your posting was positively fragrant with the essence of mountain-y pine, it may have pushed me over into the holiday spirit. And the famous cabinet is moving my things are really happening here on the thread.

            Chill - take care, I'm sure you are absolutely spent after your trip. What an angel you were to go...

            Big greetings to one and all - I love to hear how everyone is moving through their days, and I'll get caught up and back to addressing all soon -
            to the light

